
Last Login:
June 9th, 2024

Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 41
Sign: Aries
Country: United States

Signup Date:
January 27, 2021



04/06/2024 11:56 PM 

Google doesn't do new URLs indexting Quintaria update

Quintaria The Mirror Dragons shattered in a war vs
Queen Elfindel's War Vampyric war this vampire king wasn't afraid of mirrors
The Mirror Dragons were shattered they breathed fire and Inferno dragon before the Istopolis dragons flooded his lair and Serpentstine liar and the dragons were killed by Jenotha dragons and Arcticin dragons, the WHite Dragons who breathed ice, and snowed their lairs as well the Sand Dragons couldnt die though Sand Dragons type 2
breathed sand sun dragons madeV4 1/2star. MOon Dragons made a moon birthed a moon Quintaria Green Dragons can breath seeds and plant Talking Trees.

03/20/2024 11:50 PM 

March 31st Easter Bunny coming with or without me with?? Immigrants don't have acid for blood

March 31st Easter Bunny coming with or without me with?? Immigrants don't have acid for blood they aren't pitch black Aliens that Ripley took on and the military took on alien aliens alien 3 alien ressurection covenant etc 

03/20/2024 11:46 PM 

Immigrants Gettr calls them Illegal Aliens evil humans as if they were parasites egg layers

THERE IS NOTHING to WAR ABOUT roe overturned ALL YOU FAR RIGHT ultra dark maga are could be criminals. There is nothing to war about the immigrants arent hyenas like from the lion king USA is not destroyed factory farming will though you guys are going to extinct on your own watch if not because of some immigrants 1 woman then years ago another woman killed raped? 1 woman 2 peoples out of how many american women they should want to work, rest eat sleep watch TV go for a walk drink carbonated water. You call them ALiens as if they were some pitch black bugs with acid for blood, egg layers parasites.

02/29/2024 12:43 PM 

Illuminati Shouldn't be Cruel nor Anti Religious They don't initiate help without a stupid form

Illuminati you should be assisting me
I dont think I'll get angry or upset though you don't need to know or have interest in my parents they're 70. I'm 40 if I lost one of them to death, I still should believe in God We Trust. Illuminati should know facebook dating, okcupid dating badoo dating, plenty of fish eharmony for me and half the guys on there in past and now dont get attention we should be worried about our future not to become like Japan or China which arent having babys nor getting married. illuminati doesn't help you won't a stupid organization stupid applying stupid form Not mad.

01/30/2024 08:03 PM 



03/22/2023 05:15 PM 

CS LEWIS MOVIES 3 are unfinished they did SIlver chair years ago had Owls.

The Last Battle CS Lewis should be a movie Magicians Nephew, Hose and His Boy and that he turned into a Horse not a donkey that was kind of funny and also Dominic Homan's storys Quintaria (C) should be movies.

02/16/2023 01:05 PM 

Status streams

I refreshed the site and I cannot post a stream

02/15/2023 12:31 PM 

HPChromebook 1 maybe until April 2023 till my birthday than HPChromebook 2 what about HP CB3

I may need/want a new HP chromebook laptop/netbook internetbook
for April 2023 2023 should last until June 2025 then if I'm still around
if I'm around still another HP chromebook I got an hp toshiba and yeah
facebook and twitter was not what it seemed in 2012 2013 2014...??...
2015 I got an otiplex for my house I was hearing transmissions in 2016...not since that year not ever again since not heard transmissions not again.

01/30/2023 12:01 PM 

Syncin Stanley Bream wished me a happy 39th birthday hopefully 40th would be happy

I could use some quecertin today, for a couple times this week.

01/29/2023 12:01 PM 

EWTN says the end of the church age then the satanic temples masonic temples must close down

( Kiss ) ( Creatures of The Night ) (Backing Track) ( Original Vocals )    Youtube Fond of Gene Simmons Bass and your vocals on the original recording also new originals characters wasnt a mis step it brought Kiss new life.  twitters and facebooks 
if the catholic/christian churches close down...the satanic temples mason temples
must close down it's for the betterment of humanity.


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