
Last Login:
June 9th, 2024

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Age: 41
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Signup Date:
January 27, 2021


11/21/2022 10:20 PM 

Reasons why disney plus We cancelled why disney needs to delete some plus content titles

Paul Stanley LIP SYNCS AND USING BACKING TRACKS. Since 2002 minus 2003 2004 and all those years even 2022 Disney Plus doesn't have Bedknob and Broomsticks. Disney plus should not have heated servers they gonna crash if they dont delete some and organize thats why I cancelled my sub scription Disney plus didn't have Return to Oz
GET RID OF THE FOLLOWING TITLES parent trap rocketeer sound of music I Love Music but sound of music 1965 aint for me tron hamilton hidden figures disney plus should cancel school house rock its just 1973 meant after 1983 sepetember rock and roll turned to crap queen of katwe gravity falls beatles get back like them but no summer of soul 2021 diversity is good hope but peoples are woke against disney plus andor edward scissorhands shouldn't be on disney plus she hulk and logan was crap rise chp n dale 2022 crap alias of miracles and men west side story

11/18/2022 10:20 PM 

Homan took over from Hogan in 2012 Homan ran in 2016 he claims Trump stole the election

Dominic Homan of Colorado is The best President of
any company's a great leader but they haven't started up
No help no speaking some peoples are just going day by day
but it's not right correct to give up if you can.
The President of The United States was an easy win
2012 The Real Americans I was rolling every month
like usual years 2016 was a bit odd in March/April 2016..
Hogan had to resign he was going nwo in his mind.

11/16/2022 11:36 PM 

Century link shouldn't make phone lines internet sole line, seperate phone line

CenturyLInk copperwires should still be as an option
and now the phone line is an internet line
Wireless phones what if WIFI goes down internet
I like using my home phone line...

11/15/2022 11:07 PM 

Adolf paul stanleyitler of Kiss Witz Simmons was like Gobbells Kiss propaganda

asher not ethopians NOT and ashkenazi wasnt adolf ashkenazi stanley eisen paul stanley These two tribes Time for HOLLOWchauSS witz andsimmons and eisen RUINED KISS WERE REALLY MEAN to all 8 Kiss members TT&ERS were rockerslaves. Vinnie was treated badly ankh warrior Carr, was berated as envious lie Fox never jealous and st john mistreated glad he was dubbed over from that satanic album 1984. Kiss was told to go asylum because they were dubbed devilish too lish bruce was condemned for empty farts. Asher! and Ashkenazi! booooo

11/14/2022 09:59 PM 

George Washington Republican or Democrat George Bushes H and W Republicans

George Washington Republican or Democrat George Bushes H and W Republicans

10/07/2022 11:08 PM 

7 nuclear plants arsenals in the USA 11 was said not there are 7 dismantle

The United States Government needs to close down and ORDER THE DISARMENMENTS of nuclear weapons. Russia cannot reach the usa there is no right for a false flag. these govofco, also handles, handle jaredpolis  my life is mine if you're liberal close down dismantle order dismantling of Warren Air Force Base Colorado and Wyoming.
They are old but even if they could be seen in our air the energy could still be dangerous DISMANTLE.... 7 plants google or wikipedia said there was 11
Naval Base Kitsap (Washington)
Malstrom Air Force Base (Montana)
Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada)
Warren Air Force Base (Colorado and Wyoming)
Minot Air Force Base (North Dakota)
Pantex plant (Texas)
Whiteman Air Force Base (Missouri)

08/27/2022 10:58 PM 

1890 Anti Monopolies Shermans Anti Trust Act of 1890 242-0 51-1 we need it from 2022 years till

1890 Anti Monopolies Shermans Anti Trust Act of 1890 242-0 51-1 we need it from 2022 years till 2030 October 4th 2030.

07/25/2022 11:30 PM 

Christians Catholics tried to stop abortions since its been in existance Abortion existed

Someone on Gettr said 75 million abortions since abortion after roe vs wade from the beginning of abortions to as more abortions grew despite opposition from Christians who'd say don't murder your baby from 1990S to 2000S 2000S 2019 2020 2021 2022 since 2010 to 2020 2000 to 2010 all those abortions even 1990S 1980s 1970s someone said 75 million if so illuminati wouldnt have had russia ukraine war taiwan war which is coming europe fires france spain both world wars vietnam korea war not these stupid kim jon un wasted rocket firings. covid sickness's all the illuminati wishes but it wouldnt be if abortions was really 75 million the goal was to get population down by 50 million so if its true...

07/21/2022 09:21 PM 

By July 2024 Warner Bros and Marvel and DIsney shall have run their course

Will I still be here 2027...will my parents be here will i be advised in 2024 or 2025 to get married will I have a kid before 42 or 44...

07/21/2022 09:19 PM 

MY PERSONAS PROBE COMICS INVESTIGATOR COMICS twitter+blue shutdown shatter!!!!!

WB warner bros d...
says they WILL NOT accept they hence reject anything unsolicited which iwas they didnt ask for a contract or how much
wear a parka or a poncho...
The Duck Reeper Volcanoface Jundy a zombie
Mr Alage the Super Villians Eight the Exubriant Villians League
Green Grasshopper Dogman Dogwoman they have names
not sure if all forever remember maybe Alphaman
Flamingoman Toucan Ratman Raven Crowboy Tiggerrman TiggerrWoman Autum Breeze or Autumn a womans name or a Dog or Cat name love them. Looove these

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