I created the Pinkdye Pigs warriors Bamerangers Bats Rockin Rats, Cowabunga Cows The Thunder Taurus's are the BUlls the TRench tortoises the Dojo Dogs the Funky Frogs Seismic Salamanders Samurai Bunnies inspiried by ninja tutrles and street harks elastic eels electric emus Godly gnus Astonishing Ants the BallisticBees bees. The Flunky Flys...amaggedon dinosaurs ninjas beings.
These are all my creations also Dogman and Grasshopperman Beeman FLyman Ratman Roachman Emuman Eelman comics. Catman VI without make up and doesnt isn't a theif isn't. Catman Dog womancomic book hero.