Gender: Male
Age: 37
Country: United States
Signup Date: December 31, 2023
03/09/2024 03:28 AM
So I've went and overdone it again...
Current mood:
So I've been spending some time putting a D&D campaing together, and it's been going a bit slower than I'd like. And part of the reason for that is that I have a habit I deep diving on details that either shouldn't matter that much or were completely unecessary to have done from scratch except for the inconvenience of not quite finding something that fit what was "needed".
In that same vein, I've gone and made a whole thing I went too far into ... and then wound up posting online... So there's that... >.<'az_Fa'lyk
02/29/2024 02:26 PM
Old game character stuck in my head
So someone I knew at one point played a Pixie Assassin.
We laughed at the idea at first, cause a pixie is tiny, they're basically stabbing you with a sewing needly if they're using a sword.
Thing is when you go rogue, you get bonus damage when you can attack someone who can't see it coming or has some similar disadvantage.
...Pixies can attack while invisible, and stay invisible to keep attacking...
Which means All their attacks are getting extra damage...
02/09/2024 11:02 AM
Current mood:
So one day back when I had friends irl, we were all sitting around making D&D characters. My friend and our DM (same person) walked up to me and, fully clothed, drops his balls on my shoulder. I lifted my head and tilted it to the side lond enough to think "Yea, that just happened", then blurted out "You know... man... we never just talk anymore..."
The entire room erupted in laughter and our DM had to step back to avoid crushing himself on my shoulder while he was doubling over laughing.
02/08/2024 06:31 PM
Space Ghost Story Into
Story opens aboard a medium spaceship/space warship. The ship itself is a prototype on it's first voyage into the field. It's now the largest ship in the fleet, yet is still only half the size of their enemy's largest ships. Its out today testing it's stealth capabilities. It is following a set route crossing into and out of enemy territory with a new technology which both hides them from enemy sensors and makes the ship itself visually appear as both there, and not there; as if a ghost ship. With the cloak active they cannot fire weapons, but take reduced damage while the cloak reinforces their shields. They have their systems configured in a way which allows them to disengage weapons and reactivate the cloak within a span of 4 seconds.
The bridge of this ship is more compact than one would expect of a ship this size; and the unique construction of this vessel places the brige further into the interior to be protected by the rest of the ship. Bridge stations are activated mainly with touch panels, with several secondary controls having toggles and blinking lights.
The scene enters on the prototype ship's bridge. The Ship's Captain is at the helm (this is standard in this continuity) and announces to his crew to prepare to cross back into enemy territory as per their scheduled test route. The bridge-crew visably appear to begin casually working their controls (checking readings, not making changes). The captain changes course and their ship lazily begins drifting across the enemy border. When the ship is nearly about to cross into enemy territory, a red light comes to life behind the captain. An officer behind and to the right of the captain calls out "imminent dimensional cross-rip, directly ahead of us!" The Captain halves his ship's already slow crawl and replies "time to test those new compensators"; and the captain flips two toggles.
Three sleek ships flicker into view just ahead of the prototype. An officer directly behind the captain quietly confirms "three ships; definitely Tsori'kadra, roughly five decades ago". The three new arrivals do not seem to take notice of the prototype. From Behind, the officer quietly calls out again "Sir, I'm reading a faint communications signal from the three vessels"; the officer next to them adds "definitely seperate entities then, not some singularly controlled illusion".
The three ancient vessels suddenly all begin to slowly rotate. Back and to the Right "Sir, we have moevement!" The three vessels continue their rotation until they all have the nose of their vessel pointed directly at the prototype warship. "So much for those compensators" calls out the captain, "Engaging engines to twenty-five percent" - The Ship's engines burst to life as it begins to pull away from the three aparritions; but they give chase, their engines never showing any sign of activation.
"All three in pursuit!"; From behind, "Activating Secondary Generators, diverting all available power to cloak, shields and engines." The Captain Responds "Accelerating to fifty-five percent, brace for evasive action."
As the prototype's engines burst again and the ship lurches forward, the Ghost Ships all open fire, not having any issues keeping up with the prototype. The first few shots from all three ships miss, then finally all three hone their systems on the prototype's shields. From behind and to the right, "Direct hit, rear shields holding firm". From Directly Behind, "Good thing we made those upgrades, with any luck they won't be able to damage us."
After several tense moments dodging ghostly weapons fire, three more ghost ships suddenly appear, identical to the first three. From behind, "Three additional fighters!" Behind and to the right, "How?! There was no-" An alarm blares on her panel; "Holy hell; dimensional cross-rip exponentially increasing in strength, Captain!" "Damn!" The Captain seems upset, but not surprised; "We have to abort; we can't risk being overwhelmed by these things." Almost immediately, cascading across their vision one after another, ship after ghostly ship begins shimmering into existence.
"Oh dear god...we need to get the hell out of here..." The science officer is clearly terrified. Just as the Captain reaches for the controls, the largest ship yet begins appearing from the void; at least double the size of their own Prototype vessel. Without warning the captain slams the ship's throttle to max, not willing to wait for this behemoth to fully materialize and open fire. Within moments the ship lurches as something impacts the shields hard. The captain calls out, "Status?!" From behind and to the right, "Rear shields holding at ninety-six percent; Port and Starboard shields taking a beating, sir! Ninety-four percent and dropping!" From Directly behind, "Reading weapons fire from all around us, there must be thirty ships out there."
Yet another enromous shape begins to materialise from the darkness. None of them notice, because their sensors simply don't recognize it.
From behind and to the right, "Sensors are overwhelmed, Captain! We're getting interferrance from the swarm!" "Damn", The Captain knew it might come to this, as much as he wanted to avoid it; "On my signal, divert all available power to the engines. We're jumping the f*** out of this system."
"We're reading a massive spike in cross-rip activity!" "Sensors are detecting a massive build-up of energy in what looks like their weapons systems!"
The shields weaken as the cloak is dropped and in the instant before the ship can accelerate to leave, all of the ghost ships concentrate fire on the center of the prototype ship; tearing through the weaker shields, straight through the ship's engines, main engineering and life support.
The crew outside the bridge were likely already dead, and the officers on the bridge were trapped with an unconscious Captain, surrounded by destroyed ship through all exits. With the Ghost Ships bearing down with the intention to board, the officers had only one thing left they could do. They recorded one final message, and initiated a warning beacon.
Here is that message: This is the final account of what remains of the crew of The Dutchman's Daughter. We seriously f***ed up. Stay away from whatever remains of our vessel. We will be dead within minutes, but I need to know I tried to contain this atrocity. We didn't believe in what we were messing with. We used it like a cheap prank. We have no clue what we tapped into, but it knows we did. And it's pissed. If you want to live, don't come looking for us. If you've stumbled onto this recording because you're already onboard: Pray. Pray like prayer was the best sex you've ever had. And God help you.
02/07/2024 10:23 PM
Memories of great games Vol1
So, over the years I've played a bunch of different tabletop dice rolling rpg's.
One of my favorites was easily Vampire: The Masqeurade. The basic premise being that you must live and work as a vampire without revealing the existence of vampires to mortal society.
In this campaign we were a group of vampires who worked for the Vampire Camarilla (basically vamp government) while 'hiding in plain sight' a heavy metal band.
So at one point we're running from the cops in a box truck, and for some reason we were making it look reeaally easy. So I decide all but the vamp vocalist (they drove) should climb out onto the box truck's roof and start playing a live set mid police chase.
Not only did we get away, but soon after I hacked the police servers to steal the helicopter chase footage for a music video.
01/26/2024 06:02 PM
The first part of a story I've been working on
Current mood:
It was like any other stormy mid autumn day this side of the Pass of Bier'Hadeen, through the Mountains of Karkaross. It was just barely cold and the trees were a sea of orange, red and brown; the occasional stiff breeze scattering the drying, dying leaves like a hurricane of shuffling papers. A flash of light and a resounding boom betrayed a large storm cloud rumbling towards town.
The cloaked woman riding down the muddy dirt road, drenched and holding her barely conscious son wrapped in blankets, could not break the edge of the storm no matter how hard she urged her horse onward. The sounds of pounding hooves had long since been drowned out by sheets of rain and surges of lightning. The mother knew the old horse may not survive the journey. Celestina was quite surprised the old, bloated brown mare had made it this far. Starrvog hadn't been out for a proper ride in the better half of a decade and had grown, for lack of a more delicate phrase, fat and lazy. More importantly, the glow emanating from her son's eyes was growing brighter, the blanket no longer able to hide his illuminescence. Onward she rode, a rebellious light in the dark of the storm, racing for the walls of Cyricene. Her vision was hindered by the increasing intensity of rainfall illuminated by her son's white light, and though Celestina could no longer see the walls of the city as she had when Starrvog crested the last hill, she only let Starrvog's pace slacken for fear the old mare might topple over just ahead where the muddy dirt road gave way to slick cobblestone.
01/23/2024 08:01 PM
How to tell if you're old and lame:
Fart Loudly.
If you have any desire to exclaim "Are you talking sh*t, again?!?!", there's your sign.
01/13/2024 06:01 AM
Lesson in Insanity aka math problems lacking math
Current mood:
If a bear sh*ts in the woods next to the decaying remains of a military tank on the hottest thursday in july, does the leprechan have enough time to change their drawers between the ancient tank ammo exploding and people coming to investigate?
Hitting a Hippogriff with an airplane probably does about as much damage as the GTAV train slamming into a Snorlax. *Cues Slayer's Raining Blood*
If a demon and an angel had a baby, the child would probably just be human. A very conflicted human. They would fit right in.
If someone tries to attack a mime, how do the police open the invisible box if the mime chose to just close them in and go about their day? More importantly, how do they untie the knots in the invisible rope without being able to see them?
01/13/2024 05:32 AM
Reflective 'Reasoning'
Current mood:
Watching my soul swirling in the cyclone of sadistic cynicism that is Society, Quietly contemplating the catastrophic conundrum that is Creation. Resoundingly Resolute, Remiss and Rowdy. Infectious insinuation incessantly infiltrating inferior intellect. Callous and careless, Disquieted and disgruntled.
How is one to react when the cogs begin cheering for the machine? When insanity and denial makes the world go round, are we to begin at the middle and end at the start?
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