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11/02/2020 05:57 PM 


lol hey :33

#emo #emoboy


11/02/2020 05:53 PM 

Happy late halloween
Current mood:  bouncy

i hope everyone had a good halloween!! sorry this post is so late </3 I didnt do much because of quarentine just stole some tr*mp signs >:)

Dominic Anthony

11/02/2020 05:28 PM 

Pokemon new games ideas suggestions by Homan Inc Ltd

Pokemon Mercury and VenusYou senta few seconds agoPokemon Earth and Mars Pokemon Jupiter and Saturn Pokemon Uranus and Neptune Pokemon Pluto....


11/02/2020 12:21 PM 


this morning was so f***ing amazing! we spent pretty much the whole night talking except for like 2 hours, which was so much fun:) and then i got to see them on camera!!! omg maggie was so cute. i still feel really happy when i think about it. i hope i get to see maggie more! it was amazing. after that we hung out and texted and then talked during our meetings, and then after we just kept talking. then at like 2ish maggie went and zoomed with kids from their congregation. they were gone until like 8:30 :/ i miss her a lot when we cant talk. we texted some and then we hung out until she passed out. it was a really nice morning and i hope we get to do it again. im helping her take her meds, and im really happy i can help. ik im gonna do a good job. 


08/26/2007 01:17 PM 

H3llo World

Well hello to everyone who reads this xD

shaneya <3

11/01/2020 09:10 PM 

Current mood:  warm

hello :3 hope everyone is doing okay, I haven't been on here in a while :0



11/01/2020 11:03 PM 

Current mood:  calm

hi everyone its nova!! i honestly really love this website for some reason because it makes me so nostalgic. i fr wanna bring back myspace because it was so fun and you could customize so many things. i also hope I make new friends on here and do a bunch of stuff together. so if any of you guys wanna be friends let me know!!! also there is another website called that is also like myspace. its actually quite literally myspace and everything I'm meeting a bunch of new people on there. the only thing I wish there was is a post button where u can post anything and then comment back. because when ppl comment on my blog post I cant comment back. can also someone tell me where I can put a music link?? do I put it with the layout code in my about section?? but anyways please hmu i love talking to everyone!!


11/01/2020 10:27 PM 

love asf
Current mood:  anxious

grhahh  hhh umhmmm yes gabby i love her so mcuhj ... i love her so much im scared she might hate me shes literally 5 hrs ahead so she probably went 2 sleep but i hope she didnt do anything 2 herself....we we're supposed to go together we're going 2 go togtherr asf,,,,, idk i hope she replies as soon az she wakes up bleh



11/01/2020 09:44 PM 

male capricorn

sometimes i miss having someone to talk to late at night,then i realized that talking is never what you were interested in doing.

relationships, realization


11/01/2020 09:43 PM 


how tf does this sh*t work lol



11/01/2020 09:41 PM 

My hairrrr
Current mood:  bored

I bleached my hair again, Im also back at school! There's this guy im crushing on too lolz. 

Hair bleach


11/01/2020 09:38 PM 


Does anyone feel like they don't add anything to society? Like if I left no one would care...


11/01/2020 07:20 PM 

Current mood:  excited

Hello! Welcome to my Blog. A Blag is like a journal but it is on the internet. Ooh my god I just wrote Blag instead of Blog. SO funny! XDThat's an emoticon. It's like when you make a face out of letters. I know a bunch of them. :) 8P %( Stuff like that.Ok thanks for reading my blog. TTYL (that means ta ta for now).

crow ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

11/01/2020 05:47 PM 

nov 1, 2020

my life is ass lately................................... i only have 3 weeks til classes are over so im trying to survive. last week was supposed to be the deadline for a big thing im doing, but it got f***ed and moved to this week.. im just like ugh f***, i rly wish i couldve been done with it


11/01/2020 11:28 PM 

RJZ R.I.P. 10/24/61 - 10/31/2020
Current mood:  crying

     My dad was still so young! He passed away through the night. I don't know anything much more than that at the moment. This week is going to be hard. We had a relationship that was up and down. We fought with each other. But we were repairing our relationship! We were on a good path, so I don't have any regrets. He was involving me in his new shop he reopened and sharing pictures of the cars he was working on. He told me of all the surgeries he was going thru and updating me on how he was doing. I had just talked to my step mom asking about him the day before he passed and he was doing ok. He was in a lot of pain though.      I just got off the phone with my step mom and she wants to get an autopsy done to see if his death was related to the surgery he just had, and whether the surgery resulted in a blot clot that moved to his brain, but she can't afford it. I have made calls to as many people as I could. I tried finding my uncle Mike, and I think I did. Found a phone number and called, in which his voicemail had his voice saying his name. I didn't leave a voicemail though, I just text him saying who I was and to either call me back or my step mom.     My dad was a good man! He had his issues, but who doesn't. He was a damn good father! The one thing I keep telling myself right now is how he is in heaven with Kyra Jade, my daughter that passed away! And with his dad who passed away a few months ago as well. So, Kyra Jade has a nana (my hubbie's mom), grandpa Z (my dad), great grandpa Z (my grandpa), a kick as great aunt (my aunt Nancy), and a cool uncle (Ryan's brother). All lost this year.      I am tired!

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