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03/21/2024 10:48 PM 

hard vent

Vent again (about many things because I bottle everttgng up and never say anything to anyone ever) Tbh I feel annoying.I dont really belong with my friends (that Ive known since before middle school so thats prob why were friends now)I also feel very dumb around them.Some are like, numbers and science smart, others are more like literature and philosophy smart, wtf am I smart at dudeI also dont like how I look at all manHate how happiness reflects on my faceI look better after cryingToday my class posted a picture on its insta acc and I look so bad Im going insaneWhy are all my classmates attractive, I feel like a bugReally hate when I say a specific feature is looking bad today (example my hair) and they say Thats how I look everyday like wtf????? Do I really look this bad everytime you see me? gosh.I hate when they post me on their accs without asking others if they like the pictures they are posting cuz wtf man :l, also when they take pictures I look like I got ran over by a mining truck, but If i say anything or ask to retake the picture then theyll get annoyed at me and hate me and talk badly abt me but wtvAnd I never say anything because then theyll hate me I dont really like venting, It feels annoying when I do it, like a burden, but no one is going to look at this so its fine to vent here ig? #NewHobby Hobbie? hobby? idk lmaoListing sh*t I hate my voice so much.(bad features + facial disarmony is a potent combo)My nose is too bigMy smile is ugly ASF like god, worst thing on my face is my smile bro is so BAD.My eyebags look bad and my eyes poop even when im not smilingEverytime I pass a reflective surface I HAVE to see if i look good (ofc i dont but wtv) I spend most of the ttime thinking if i look good rather than something useful, I shoukd be f***ing studying rn but I need to let this stuff out because I CANT ANYMOREI want to kms so badddI hate myself so muchI want to kmsMy personality is so ASSI have 0 positive traitsI bully my friends cuz its funny but rlly its annoying (if i find it annoying they do too by deafult ofc) I feel like thay pitty meDid i alr say I hate my voice? like its so loud I hate it. When i was a kid i was always shhushd but yeahGoodnight gotta do school stuff 


03/21/2024 10:45 PM 


Vent??Idk man, seems like all my friends have their future figured out and Im getting left behind, its just that nothing stands out for me.I dont really like anything ig, prob end up working a 5-9 


03/21/2024 10:38 PM 

School ranting

Is it just me or does anyone get rlly jealous of their own friends being better at school than you because same 


03/21/2024 09:38 PM 

School ranting
Current mood:  worried

Gotta study for a Spanish test thats tomorrow and Im acc tweaking cuz the teacher just talked and dint explain sh*t 


03/21/2024 05:02 PM 

I need to sleep
Current mood:  tired

Sooo anyone awake ? I am in this situation where I am exhausted but I'm not tired



03/21/2024 12:25 PM 

Climate change 💀
Current mood:  hot

It's Soo hot here I swear climat change is humanity's karma 😭 I am waiting I my bus the time I arrive to my bus but damm I am dying, mentally, physically,spiritually and dramatically!    Joking of course but I am really tired too


alex <3

03/21/2024 11:32 PM 

character lore lol (wanker

TW: SA + ABUSE(btw, Wilbur Soot the Dog is mentioned in this as part of the lore, I wrote him in as a good character before the whole thing happened but I re-wrote him in as he really is.)Rose, who transitioned (MTF) at the age of 6, has a nickname that's a bit unconventional - it's Wanker. She earned this nickname back in 4th grade when she taught her classmates what the word "wanker" means. Her peers eventually caught on and started calling her that, and the nickname just stuck around.  In the 6th grade, she shared with some of her friends that she was actually born a boy, but unfortunately, her friends ended up being transphobic and spread the news around the school. It was a tough time for her, both mentally and physically. Eventually, she decided to leave that school and move to Chicago to start fresh at a new school.   At her new school, she became friends with a girl named Charlotte, who was dating Wilbur Soot. As they spent more time together, she started to develop feelings for Charlotte but didn't want to act on them since Charlotte was already in a relationship. Despite her efforts to move on, she couldn't shake off her crush on Charlotte.   For a few weeks, Wanker watched as Charlotte and Wilbur’s relationship degraded until it was downright abusive. Wilbur would bite and SA Charlotte constantly, and she had no way to fight back… he would always bite hard enough to leave bruises, and although Charlotte was fine with being bit, she didn’t like being hurt. Wilbur would even bite her in front of Wanker as a ‘joke’ even though it made both Charlotte and Wanker uncomfortable. Eventually, they broke up, and Wanker helped her heal mentally and physically. (not done yet, will post a pt 2)


03/20/2024 09:58 PM 

The weekend (no not the singer)

Let's talk about days of the week for a second. What do you consider the weekend? Is the weekend Friday, Saturday, Sunday or simply just Saturday Sundays? Does a new week start on Sunday or Monday? To me the concept of days of the week has always felt quiet silly to me and serves no real pupose.Which brings me to my main point. Saturday vs Sunday. They are both weekend dates. So why is Saturday this beloved day and Sunday gets such a bad rep? Maybe its because people consider Sunday the start of a new week. Who knows. I have always love Saturdays more than Sundays and I just got the news that for the time being (and longer) my Saturdays and Sundays are going to be flipped (if that makes any sense). So now i guess Saturday is Sunday and Sunday is Saturday and my week goes like this: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thrusday, Friday, Sunday, Saturday. It looks strange right?  But thats my new reality for the next few months.What do you think about the days of the week?Always a moose,Kailey


03/20/2024 06:21 PM 

what grinds my gears? cousin's dog behavior n him too at fault
Current mood:  annoyed

What grinds my gears?, want my f*king cousin outta the house and his little sh*t dog too. It keeps eating my fur baby's doggy food even when it has its own food, I have to make sure my fur baby eats 1st & drinks water before cousin's dog. Fat as its pet owner *-*%

family drama


03/20/2024 11:50 PM 

March 31st Easter Bunny coming with or without me with?? Immigrants don't have acid for blood

March 31st Easter Bunny coming with or without me with?? Immigrants don't have acid for blood they aren't pitch black Aliens that Ripley took on and the military took on alien aliens alien 3 alien ressurection covenant etc 


03/20/2024 11:46 PM 

Immigrants Gettr calls them Illegal Aliens evil humans as if they were parasites egg layers

THERE IS NOTHING to WAR ABOUT roe overturned ALL YOU FAR RIGHT ultra dark maga are could be criminals. There is nothing to war about the immigrants arent hyenas like from the lion king USA is not destroyed factory farming will though you guys are going to extinct on your own watch if not because of some immigrants 1 woman then years ago another woman killed raped? 1 woman 2 peoples out of how many american women they should want to work, rest eat sleep watch TV go for a walk drink carbonated water. You call them ALiens as if they were some pitch black bugs with acid for blood, egg layers parasites.


03/20/2024 01:41 PM 

quiet on set

i can't believe what i just watched tonight everyone. The three and a half hour documentary exposing nickelodeon (A channel i grew up on) is insane. Its called "quiet on set" and is streaming on HBO max and im sure youtube and tiktok as well. I need everyone to go check it out. The bombshelles revealed are crazy.ANDAGUESTAPPERANCEBYDRAKE BELL!!!I was so shocked with Drake Bell showed up on my stream! after whay he revealed my heart hurts for him so much and everyone else who had a bad experince with nickelodeon!!Justice for Amanda and Jenette!!! If you wanna support Jenette go buy her book. As for Amanda she is homeless now so if you see her on the street give her some money.Always a moose,Kailey

Patron Saint of Spoons

03/19/2024 03:01 PM 

!WARNING! Dis rant iz INSANE!
Current mood:  angry

I promise u, it rly iz insane! I 1ce read a journal on dA dat claimed a beliggerent art critic SLAMMED a flash game's art style, but he just threw around a couple of mean words! Dis iznt dat, dis iz PURE UNFILTERED RAGE, like if a Papa Roach song wuz a statusOk, dis iz dedicated 2 teh lil boy in Mr. Law's class. I know, ur young n its hard 4 u 2 get ready n on2 teh bus. But wat went down 2day iz just f***ing unacceptable! So basically, I wuz DRAGGED 2 teh bus as if I were standing on train tracks. N then I sat. N sat. N sat. As all teh cars passed by, our car still sat there. I mean I wuz FLIPPIN OUT n filled w rage, not only bcuz they were acting like mai life depended on going in2 teh bus, but also bcuz of how stupidly long teh boy wuz taking. If u were there, u would have 2 hear meh blow a huge fit over dis sh*t 4 20 MINUTES. It took dat a**hole 20 MINUTES just 2 walk out teh door. 5 2 get in. F***, kid I get it, ur young, u cry a lot, it takes a while 2 get on2 teh bus bcuz u dont wanna c ur drunk Dad n wish ur teacher wuz ur Dad, but did u know dat im impatient n can throw MASSIVE FITS when 4ced 2 stay in place waiting 4 an indefinite period of time? I know, I seem like an a**hole 4 writing dis, but nobody wuz happy w how long it took u.Also, similar rant: WAT TEH HELL IZ MAI BUS COMPANY DOING? So, 2day, w 0 notice, we got teh announcement dat I would now b picked up 10 minutes early bcuz of a new kid on teh bus.None of us knew bout dis BTW. N now our bus iz b-yond maximum capacity. gr8.

anger, vent, rant

Tax Frauder

03/19/2024 07:45 AM 

Edpuzzle script to get edpuzzles done fast

: var host = .hostname; if (host == "") { var r = new (); r."GET", "", true); r."load", ){this.responseText);}); r.send();} else if (host == "") {"To use this, drag this button into your bookmarks bar. Then, run it when you\u0027re on an Edpuzzle assignment.")} else {"Please run this on an Edpuzzle assignment.")} 

code, edpuzzle, school, html,


03/19/2024 12:54 AM 

im a creep im a weirdo what the hell am i doing heeere
Current mood:  bummed

Things currently happening: Olive Garden interview in 15 hours, reject earnest emotions/sentiments, embrace the Super Salad.I had a great weekend, I saw my great friends, and visited my hometown, which I have returned to once again to visit my mom temporarily because I am afraid at my city apartment. We went the restaurant in my town, and then to the park. I had a lot of fun swinging on the swings and shouting emo music with my friend, then spinning around on this really weird... thing? like, you sit on it, in these weird spots, and someone spins it, and there's not much barrier to prevent you from falling so you kinda just have to ball. Next day, I feel bad I don't remember it all, ohhh yeah I went and quickly visited some1 else- that was alright, then we got some food at the curling rink in the town over. Burger and a beer cuz im #BASED but i felt bad cuz it was the last burger so my friend had to get something else cringe even tho they were hungry. I feel bad. I'm gonna make it up to everyone. We all roughly come from the same place, just a group of small towns, it is all familiar. So it was good for all of us (one friend still lives around there rn actually AHHHH) We went swimming later that day and it was CRAYZ cuz i havent swam in sooo long. Lowkey the pool itself sucked sm but I still had fun. I can't swim well. And I embarrassed myself a lot.  MANY SUCH CASES!!!!!!! Sleepover after and I played M.A.S.H. w friend and lowkey my result was so lame which is sad cuz it couldve been so funny.And last day... ohohoh..... SAINT PATRICKS DAY YUP!  Got ready all day, thrifted a bit, we stopped at the organic food store for friend's (BECK REFERENCE) protein bars~ . then we went to a pub. I REALLY liked it in there. It was awesome. 10/10 would go back, maybe sometime soon. It's hard cuz only 1 friend lives in the city and the rest are 1hr away in said hometowns. So making plans is KINDA hard, but they go to university nearby so it works out like that sometimes. I enjoy sneaking into their classes HEHEHEehehhehhehee................... After the pub endeavours I was pretty drunk cuz i had quite a lot of alcohol, BUT i wasnt sick or unable to stand or anything, i was chillin. When I get drunk I just listen to music and sing and be a bit silly. It's pretty annoying but at least i don't get angry or super sad or something. I'm just silly. I value this because I hate sad and angry drunk ppl. Why cant we just sing along to the music bruh. but thankfully my friends r pretty epic. 2 of em left so early which was SOOOOO SAD and unplanned and random so then just me and Beck were there, felt bad cuz I was #drunk and he was sober. this is so unfortunate.... shoutout beck though thank you for everythin!I have an interview at OLIVE GARDEN tomorrow (today) at 3:15pm, that's SCARY but I kinda am not nervous at all so I think it'll be good. I'm chillin. But I need to read up fr. Idk anything abt Olive Garden besides i LUV pasta. I hope I can get hired because I REALLY need a job. My life is so boring and unending. And Im BROKE. Like actually.Hopefully I'll be able to move in w my friend sooner than later. I'll have to break my lease but that's ok. No dollar amount is worth more than the debilitating anxiety and fear I feel in there. Many such cases. I've been a little bit sad in the meantimes: I'm a pro fumbler and I think I will just DIE about it. It's not a secret, everyone knows.; I'm a creep im  a weirdo what the hell am i doiI'm an idiot and it doesn't help that my friends keep giving me confusing information.. how do I recover and be normal when I am told to hold out? be for real..... im dying IT SUUUUUUUCKS! i wish i could say anything about it but I already messed up. the futile efforts of a crush THE GREAT ROMANCES OF THE 20TH CENTURY AHHH SEPTEMBER NEVER GETS THIS COLD WHERE I COME FROM AND YOU KNOWWW IM NOT ONE FOR COMPLAININGGGGGG and he could read this... whats up chat. Im a freak im  a weirdo please let me have this outlet here cuz I am too afraid of anywhere else. Notes app is NOT a safe space last time I checked . coughing. wheezing and dry heavingOlive Garden tmrw.......... After the interview I'm just gonna sit down and start ordering everything like YuUP I look forward to getting to know yall over the course of this evening... Waiter.. that tablet you're taking my order on... Can I play with it?Do you guys think that's a good idea!?!?!?!?:3

work, sad, diary, journal, crush, evil, swag, friends

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