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Last Login:
March 21st, 2024

Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 28
Sign: Sagittarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
October 16, 2016


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02/07/2020 10:24 PM 

Journal # 75
Current mood:  amused

I got a lot of stuff done yesterday. I cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned my room, and organized my bedroom cloth-set. Today, my plans are to clean and organize the living room clothset, put one box of stuff away, finish the dishes, do the cat litter, and wash my cloths. I have to break it up into different days otherwise I won't get anything done. I will think about all the things that I want to do, and then I will end up getting overwhelmed and not do anything at all. My apartment needs to be clean for my friends that are coming over later. I will probably vacuum everything again too. I don't know though. I just want my place to be spotless. 

I plan on taking a nap today. I don't have a sh*t tone of stuff to do today like I did yesterday. I really enjoy my naps. When I get up from my nap I will finish doing stuff around the house that I want to get done for the day. Nick is coming over later tonight so maybe I can talk him into doing some laundry. I don't know though. I hate to make him do that when he has been at work all day. That sh*t gets really tiring. I hate being at work all day and then having to come home from work to do chores around my apartment. No one wants to get home from a very physical and fast paced job to do more of it when you get home. I am defiantly going to do my laundry though when Nick gets here after work. I need him to show me how to use the damn things. You have to pay money to use the washer and drier here. 
These three days that I have been off of work has been great. I have gotten so much sh*t done its not even funny. I really needed some time to get my apartment in order. Nick has a bad habit of leaving his dishes around the apartment so I am constantly picking up after him and cleaning up after him. I never complain about it though because he has done a lot for me. Plus I don't want this relationship to be like my last one where me and Kenny would fight over literally everything. 
I completely cleaned my apartment today! I am so proud of myself. My friend Tayla is coming over and Nick will be staying the night tonight and tomorrow night. I can't wait to show off my apartment now that it is clean. I am going to give Tayla to tour of my house this time, but this time it will look nice as f***. I love this place. I like it so much, that I don't see myself moving from here any time soon. I love this apartment. It is close to everything and I love it! I have two huge clothsets which is important because I have a lot of cloths and shoes and sh*t. 
Amazon is saying that my package will come tonight! I am so excited to get my new wireless mouse! I won't be able to get it though till way later. My parents think that I am at work so I need to make it believable. My mom is so f***ing nosy. She will literally go out of her way to stick her nose in your business weather you like it or not. So, because of this, I don't tell her jack sh*t. Cuz all she does with that information is judge me and anyone else that she meets like all my friends and boyfriends. I understand the sh*tty boyfriend things, but when it comes to my friends, they haven't always had the best advice. I never listened to them when it came to who I was friends with. Right now the only people I hang around are on probation so they don't party or do anything fun. It sucks. I miss having friends I could smoke with. I don't really have any of those anymore. 
So it turns out that Nick is talking to Jen still. So much for having faith in him. I made sure he felt just as sh*tty though by telling him I was talking to Kenny. He even told me it hurt his feelings. Well, now ya know ass hole. You don't get to do that and then not have it done to you. He doesn't get that. Even though I know shes a lesbian and she stood him up, she still seen his junk soooooooo....then I am going to talk to someone who has seen mine...tough sh*t. Now he knows how hurtful it is. I'm not going to be too hard on him though because he hasn't been with a girl in years due to being in and out of prison. He even told me himself he kinda lacks human skills now because of it. So he doesn't know when he's in the wrong. Keeping this in mind I know to be patient with him. It just gets annoying for me because I feel like he doesn't get it unless I do it back to him. Well, even then he still doesn't get it so its frustrating. I don't like coming into work, and then seeing my boyfriend who everybody knew, liked Jen and they are talking. It makes me look like an ass. I don't think he understands. It looks to others like I'm being mugged off. He's making himself look bad and me look bad. Like wtf. I'm popular and everyone knows me as the pretty, short, white girl that everyone loves because I am out going and I enjoy talking to other people. Before I started dating Nick, guys would stop by my work station and chit chat with me all the time. Now they don't. I kinda miss that. It made work a lot more fun because I wasn't just standing there all night staring at my machine and leak testing parts. It gets super f***ing annoying to do sometimes. I think they stopped doing that out of respect for Nick, but at the time I thought it was just because everyone was super friendly and wanted to be my friend. Well I guess I know now which guys had crushes on me at work and which guys didn't. Sometimes Josh and MJ bother me and Nick, but besides that, not many other people talk to me. Christina does sometimes and then Haley usually comes to talk to me too for a bit. Idk, the job seems kinda lonely. I am so bringing this up when Nick comes over. Well, I need to get going! I gotta go pick up my friend!  

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01/30/2020 04:14 PM 

Journal # 71

I'm staying home from work today. I just really didn't feel like going into work today. I would rather get some work done on my apartment. I plan to do a bunch of stuff today. My main problem is the pile of sh*t that needs to be put away and sorted through piled against the wall. All I got to do is go through those bad boys and then the rest is easy. It's just picking up and cleaning the house really. I got mostly everything set up here. I went to my parents house and they had sense then condensed all the boxes and I don't have a sh*t tone left now there. The sooner I get those other boxes gone and out of here, the sooner I can get the rest of my stuff and then go through that stuff too. I plan to give myself a break though. Once I get my apartment cleaned and all that sh*t, I am going to take a break and just grab a few boxes at a time and put away only a few at a time. That way it doesn't add too much clutter to my apartment and it looks less intimidating for me. I keep avoiding doing it because I just don't want to do it. I would rather vacuum the floor and clean stuff. The only problem is, I can't really do that until I get everything off the floor first. Those boxes and sh*t need to go. I am going to focus on doing that first. I really don't want to but I have too. After I take a nap of course....I need to bring my computer stand thingy up too and set that up. It will be perfect! All I need to make it complete is the matching mouse for the mouse pad. I seriously can't wait to put this all together. It's kinda like a TV tray with wheels on the bottom so you can move it around on the floor. It will be perfect. I haven't figured out where I am going to put it yet, but I am putting my old computer and a wireless mouse on the desk in the living room because it is old and honestly, no one would want to steel that. I want to keep it though because this computer doesn't have a disk player in it so I can only play Sims on my old computer cuz you have to have a disk to play it. Well, I am going to go take a nap. I will continue writing the rest of this later after I do some work around the house. 

I am having a really hard time having the motivation to do anything. I just want to sit around and chill and watch Jersey Shore Family Vacation Season 2. I ended up paying for it on Amazon Prime. I plan to buy all the seasons once I get paid. That will be my gift for the week. I am going to buy one and three. The fourth season is coming out soon. As soon as I see that it is out, I am buying that sh*t. There are a bunch of other TV shows that I want to own on Amazon Prime. I am willing to pay money to Owen all of them. I figured every paycheck I would pay for a few different seasons. 3 every two weeks sounds good to me. I still ain't done with season two of Jersey Shore Family Vacation. They have a lot more episodes this time around. I like it. This sh*t is seriously great. I am so happy that they chose to start that show back up again. I have yet to find an episode of it that is boring. I am pretty much Snooki anyways so haha! I also really like the show Ex On The Beach, Breaking Amish, I Am Jazz, Shameless, The Walking Dead, and other shows. I am so buying sh*t to own. I will prob end up watching all these seasons a million times just like i did all the other seasons when I was in hgih school and i thought that it was stupid until i watched it.

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