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10/29/2020 07:01 PM 

Current mood:  happy

Hello, I am new here. I am still learning how to use this. But I am willing to make new friends.Till we meet again,Pretty Kitty


10/29/2020 12:11 PM 

Current mood:  cookywacky

just watched unfriended , totally good ! not that scary but being on this app srsly minda creeps me out after watching it :( no lie . 


10/29/2020 12:11 PM 

Current mood:  cookywacky

just watched unfriended , totally good ! not that scary but being on this app srsly minda creeps me out after watching it :( no lie . 


10/28/2020 10:02 PM 

Current mood:  animated

the only time i feel happy is when im drinking energy drinks and listening to The Garden. 


10/28/2020 08:29 PM 

Horror manga

Magical Girl ApocalypseGod's left hand Devil's right handThe Kurosagi Corpse Delivery ServiceManholePet shop of HorrorsDomu: A child's dreamAjinHideoutHeadsI Am A HeroZashiki OnnaIbitsuShiga HimeThe Laughing VampireMr Arashi's amazing freak showLychee Light ClubFranken FranMieruko-ChanThe Shadow Out Of TimeIchi the killerFuan No TaneKouishou RajioHomunculusKamisama no Iutoori and Kamisama no Iutoori NiGantzUzumakiBlame!Helter Skelter: Fashion unfriendlyThe Drifting ClassroomHappinessTomieGyoRabbit doubtFreak islandPanorama of HellDragon headOffal IslandWonderlandThe Horror Mansion


10/28/2020 06:26 PM 

first post uwu
Current mood:  bored

heyyy whats up its adriana the sc3n3 Qu33n aka rawr_its_adriana here whats up i hope i can meet new friends and have fun on here

#scene #emo #scenequeen #emogirl #rawring20s #scenecore

Dominic Anthony

10/28/2020 05:32 PM 

FriendProject dont go away

FriendProject dont go away there is no father below in an underworld no unholy trinity that would condemn anyone or a Trinity that preaches or condones all died.FP dont go away I seen the holy family of legend of worship on a brick wall at church. 


10/28/2020 02:42 PM 

diary entry 1

i think it might be nice to chronicle my daily life somewhat. is it silly to do publicly? yeah, probably. but like i mentioned yesterday, i feel like i can't say anything on web 2.0. i say something personal on twitter, tumblr, etc, and it gets immediately commodified, boiled down to funny #Relatable #RT soundbites that are entirely divorced from the context of me, my life, my feelings. i've started to hate being a consumable entity for an audience.maybe this can be a safe place, you know?anyway, i have a few Disorders(tm), and one of them involves chronic insomnia. last night i went to bed at 3:30 AM-ish, which is better than the previous night's 5 AM, but still not great. i was hoping to wake up earlier than yesterday, but unfortunately, my girlfriend left their phone in my room last night, their alarm went off this morning, and it woke me up after about 6 hours of sleep. it took me another hour to get back to sleep and i ended up getting out of bed at 1:30 PM.such is the life of a chronically ill person, i guess. it doesn't matter too much; COVID-19 has made it so that i no longer have any responsibilities beyond household chores. it still makes me feel like sh*t, though.i'm gonna try to work on gathering photos for my albums today, i think. i want to post my cat on here; he's my son and i adore him.i'm gonna smoke tonight so hopefully i can reset my sleep schedule with that.that's about it. maybe keeping a daily diary entry here will give me more purpose in life...


10/28/2020 02:46 PM 

doo doo?
Current mood:  thirsty

felt cute, might doo doo myself later


10/28/2005 12:59 PM 

Current mood:  amorous


scenecore, fangirl, mcr, emocore, scemo, emo, scene, Gerard Way, gerard way, hawthorne heights


10/28/2020 05:13 PM 

hmmmmmmm hello there!!

Hello there whats up on this siteeeeeee :)))



10/28/2020 08:25 AM 

Current mood:  happy

today was pretty nice. maggie told me to watch the first episode of baskets, and it was really good! we talked a lot today, which was awesome. i wanted maggie to say racist stuff today but they didnt say it :/ lol(Long story) maggie told me about how they were homophobic in highschool before coming out, and how everyone knew they were gay lol. we talked about why/when maggie wanted to get top surgery. i told maggie that insurance would probably cover it, and maggie didnt know! im happy i maybe did something to help out. of course i 100% support maggies decision, i just want maggie to be happy in their body, and theyll look beautiful. we listened to some really good music and some songs that maggie wants played at our wedding. i put them into a spotify playlist and i hoped it would be a surprise, but maggie knew what i was doing :P maggie knows me so well it makes me feel loved. maggie was teaching me how to dance! im pretty bad, cus im shy so i dont dance much, but theyre a good teacher so i think i was getting some stuff. i really wanna see maggie dance. 


10/28/2020 10:04 AM 

harley quinn
Current mood:  amorous

why is harley quinn so f***ing hot hubba hubba


10/28/2020 09:34 PM 

Just in school yknow
Current mood:  calm

Hey lol I'm still here


10/28/2020 12:17 AM 

life lately
Current mood:  thoughtful

Sooooooo I've been in a weird state of mind. Good, reflective. As I type, I'm wondering if I actually want to put all of this on the internet. Normally, I don't hesitate much to share my state of mind but idk...momentarily self conscious. Okay, maybe I'm self conscious 24/7 but at least 20 seconds ago, I wasn't feeling AS self conscious lolSometimes, I feel concerned that I'm as self conscious as I am at this point in my shouldn't I have outgrown this? I guess by that logic, I should have outgrown more habits aghhhhh...Currently consuming a curry so spicy it's nearly making me cough.Anyhow, I was in this frame of mind that was singularly good for thinking about chronic emotional issues I've had and in vague, general ways, assessing what needs to change. It was good. Cathartic. Actually verbalizing issues that I've downplayed. Not feeling cripplingly emotionally involved in figuring stuff out.I don't want to go into too much cuz that's scary haha Basically, I'm a fraidy cat. Surprising, I know (yes, that's sarcasm).I feel like my fears are way too central to living as myself. There's always something to be concerned about and frequently something to freak out over in my world. It ranges from losing my nerve to just continue being myself creatively, to worrying how others perceive me on the internet (yes, I get hate here and there), to being afraid to be in awkward social situations with a) people I'm supposed to know better than I do for how long I've known them, b) just your average barista, c) literally a person I don't know that I have to briefly share the sidewalk with (I feel like suburban sidewalks are more awkward than city ones where you expect people to be there every hour of the day). There are tons of other little situations that are mountainous in my world. It's normal to try to pretend to be normal. Find a way to not let on that things that are normal situations for others are skills I've successfully avoided learning for too many years and would be really embarrassed to let on that I don't know yet. I'm rambling and having a hard time picturing people being interested in reading this but I kinda wanna write it for myself. I'm just glad that as I write, I haven't announced this blog on my insta and nOone kNoWs AboUt thIs muahahahahahaIt's not okay to be this way. It's not okay to be so afraid all the time. How to stop?So many other similar problems to this. I can't get it out of my head that I'm not pressed for time. I can't settle down to better myself academically just for the joy/accomplishment of it. I can spend hours doing other stupid things but I'm scared to devote time to reading books. I'm scared that it will time away from other things I want to accomplish. Sounds dumb as I'm writing it. I'm scared to waste time watching chick flicks except when I'm absolutely good for nothing laid up with a headache. I lack the focus to study stuff I like (languages, math) or learn new physical skills (mostly exercise related).I hesitate to do things now, like I'm waiting for the right moment and it feels wrong to just start. I worry that if I begin, I'll just not be consistent which would be disappointing. So much to unpack. There's much more baggage. I don't need to put it here, now. I feel reluctant to post any of this. I don't believe I need to be honest about any of this publicly. I feel like people wouldn't want to know what a rain cloud I can be. Of course, I can be a rainbow too. Sometimes, being on insta just feels like being a clown that no one wants to see sad, though. I'm not saying people don't have the right to not want to see me sad haha but it isn't exactly pleasant to think about people being put off by my being sad. Anyway, I have lots of feelings and I'd like to think that maybe I'll get to write about some good ones here too but I am pretty private about my philosophical theories on positive things. I also love knowing that I am obligated to absolutely no one as regards my innermost thoughts. I never used to be this private haha. I used to be extremely open and I suppose I've lived long enough to realize what a liability that is. Writing lyrics is a nice way to present unpresentable thoughts :)

rant, anxiety, self help, confession

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