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03/29/2024 08:35 AM 

My paranormal interaction...maybe?

This interaction happened when i was living in Washington State at around 8-10 years old (i can't remember which age). Me and my siblings were hanging out upstairs in our playroom (the room on the right/the first room you will pass by when walking in the hall), next door, beside the playroom, was our bed room (btw it had the attic door in that room), then beside the bedroom was the bathroom. We had a couch facing the door in the playroom, i was sitting on it facing the door while my siblings were playing. I was looking out the door into the hall, and i saw a tall male shadow head the direction of the bathroom or our bedroom. I was hella freaked out, so i told my siblings that we had to go downstairs now, they were like "why", i told them i saw something in the hallway and we all ran downstairs, i made sure all 3 of my siblings were out of the room before i left...we went downstairs and i told my mom, she said that it was probably my imagination to not make me more scared, but i know for a fact it was real. I am not the only one that experienced paranormal activities in that house, my mom and my sister also experienced them. My mom also sees shadows in her room getting closer to her, thats why she used to sleep with the lights on...and my sister heard knocking sounds in the closet that was in the playroom..that house was for sure haunted and ever since we moved the paranormal things stopped.


03/29/2024 07:59 AM 

I feel to guilty and i will never forget this...

I was in the 3th grade, we were doing an art project. My friend messed up on hers and restarted, so she had 2 papers now (keep that in mind). She went away from me to talk to our teacher, i needed to test out a color, i tried to get my friends attention to ask her which of her papers was the one she doesn't need. She didn't answer, and i was impatient, so i drew a blue line on the paper she was working on...thankfully it wasn't a problem because she used my mark as a raindrop (because we were doing a person with an umbrella in the rain drawing). But i feel so bad because i never, ever told her...thankfully all went well. I miss her and my other friends so much.


03/28/2024 09:42 PM 

laif update
Current mood:  chill

all ive been doing ever since my last post is school, aquabats, and my site. (MY SITE) i knoooow i said i got a diary last post but i was too lazy to keep writing in it. haw haw. i've seen the aquabats thrice now, and i reaaallly wanna see them again with no doubt. really bad! really really bad! i'll update whenever i wanna. but i AM very lazy .


03/28/2024 09:29 PM 


Im back!! I decided I needed to clear my soul so I ran away to the beach for a bit! But I'm back now!Always a moose,Kailey


03/28/2024 01:50 PM 


DNI..♡pedos, creeps.♡religious pplz that force their religion onto others.♡racists, sexist, and so on.♡zoo's.♡homophobic, transphobic, etc.♡if ur mean (im overly sensitive....)  ♡  IF YOU ARE AGAINST AGE REGRESSION!!!!!!!♡if u cant stand my constant yapping 😢♡I HAVE RLLY BAD REJECTION SENSITIVITY .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. THAANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)


03/26/2024 10:48 PM 




03/25/2024 05:17 PM 

love letter to the lost

Departure is long last, for death shall overcome all.More eternal than death is love.Though diluted and sunken under in the eyes of god, should you stay on your high pedestal in my thoughts.In my heart, the only thing more dead than death itself.Mind numbing pain in the form of heartache lasts for you ever long.One day, my love, shall we meet again.In another life, or in death itself, we shall meet again.The moment we are reunited, should we ever leave again, death will come by our own hands. I, your savior.I, your love.I, your last breath. I alone will be the holder of your heart.Of your tired, vacant eyes.Your lost soul, found in my eyes and held in my heart.


03/24/2024 05:37 PM 

WWE should CROAK RIP if CODY RHODES DOESNT WIN WWE title universal

Replying tocreation247WWECHRIST JESUS CODY VS LETIA JOE ANOIA annoying roman reigns devil satan luciferian. roman empire was corrupt, so is roman with his little minion paul h e y m a n.


03/24/2024 02:44 PM 



03/23/2024 10:52 PM 

survey says:

[One] Who is your last text from?saphy[Two] Where was your default picture taken?[Three] What's your middle name?my parents named me and my brothers middle names like two russian royals (its katarina) but i like to shorten it to karina;)[Four] Your current relationship status(married or not)?obvi not[Five] Does your crush like you back?yes ive never been rejected[Six] What is your current mood?really good cause i finally get to chll and sleep in my own bed after like 2 weeks. ugh[Seven] What's your mom's name?Bibi[Eight] What color shirt are you wearing?grey![Ten] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?many things [Eleven] Do you like drinking tea?yes with exactly 3 cubes of sugar in each cup[Twelve] Ever had a near death experience?when i tried to try kms in a phase (im still standing) [Thirteen] Something you do a lot?bake cookies[Fifteen] Who can you tell anything to?MJ, may, tommy, jewel, ivy[Sixteen] Name someone with the same birthday as you?PAUL RUDD[Seventeen] When was the last time you cried?dont remember[Eighteen] How many people have you kissed?the ones i remember orrrrr..? [Nineteen] If you could be one super hero, who would it be?poison ivy[Twenty-one] What do you usually order from starbucks?caramel frappuccino im such an addict i crave this every minute[Twenty-two] What's your biggest secret?my biggest secret is that my friends think that i still have big secrets, i actually told all my close ones everthing about me in detail wuthout remorse or their free will (im serious there is nothing im hiding EVER) [Twenty-three] Favorite color?dark red, soft pink , green, dark purple[Twenty-five] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?ну погоди for life kinda[Twenty-six] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?non[Twenty-seven] Do you speak any other language?russian, german [Twenty-eight] What's your favorite smell?vanillaaaaaa i got everything vanilla [Twenty-nine] Describe your life in one word what would it be?panic[Thirty] Have you ever kissed in the rain?no[Thirty-two] What are you thinking about right now?michael j fox [Thirty-three] What should you be doing?be on another birthday party but im too tired so i ditched[Thirty-four] Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?amy bruhThirty-five]Who was the last person you kissed?my situationship ()[Thirty-six] Do you like working in the yard?nope! [Thirty-seven] If you could have any last name in the world, what would it be?macchio because id have a specific person as hubby [Thirty-eight] Do you act differently around the person you like?always be urself guys [Thirty-nine] What is your natural hair color?dark brown mehhhhh[Forty] Who was the last person to make you cry?my boss ;( 


03/23/2024 10:33 PM 

survey march 24
Current mood:  sleepy

Do you think you are pregnant?maybe? If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?SPRINGYou've had sex within these past 10 days haven't you?..............................................You have to get a piercing, what do you get?bellybuttonYou have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get?for my first tattoo i want a bow on my collarbone middle of my throat, otherwise something like rose or swan What are you wearing?grey sweater, pearl necklace and jeans Do you miss anyone?no im missedWhen is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?yesterday nightPlans for tomorrow?sleep, eat, drink, homocide and netflix i supposeIs anything wrong? a lot ,yes , my phone died ! Do you have a good relationship with your parents?yea Are your friends taller than you?nah im the tall slim sexy bestfriend :P What were you doing this morning at 5:30?sleeping on my friends peppa pig plushieWhat were you doing 2 hours ago?sleeping (so eepy)Do you like the ocean?no fckn scary Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?"would you rather be atsuko maeda or a homeless unkown" ahh questionHow many windows are open on your computer?5Texted?mjWas the first person you talked to today male or female?maleWho was the last person you rode in a car with?tommy What woke you up this morning?my brainly alarmDo you know anyone named Matt?no thank god When was the last time you talked to a sibling?30 min ago Is your hair curly or straight?straight Do you wear glasses?soon...............thanks to failing my vision test for driving lessons Are you currently jealous?no who of? What are you doing today?sleepWhat jewelery are you currently wearing?pearl necklace and earrings :) my fav Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?yes easyilyHave you ever in any way, been betrayed by someone you trust?honestly who hasnt How late did you stay up last night and why?2am because of birthday party Are you picky about who you give your number to?yES!!! What do you prefer: McDonalds or Burger King?mcdonalds....take the happy meat farms somewhere else Would you rather go to Greece or Hawaii?hawaii What color is your underwear right now?black What are you listening to right now?93 til infinity by souls of mischief What are the last 2 digits in your phone number?69 :P What was the last thing you ate?chicken wingsIf you were a crayon what color would you be?the yumy snake green ones How is the weather right now?its stormy which is why i got no wifi which is why i do this survey ...Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?lizzy The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?hair cause i will be looking if youre a lightblonde middlepart guy !!! Favorite type of food?right now im craving sweet but ask me again later ill probably say heartyDo you smoke?casually Ever get so drunk you dont remember?well, i dont remember What color are your eyes?hazel Do you wear contacts?black ones sometimes Single?luckily Ever cried for no reason?noLast Movie you watched?back to the future Are you too shy to ask someone out?nope im always the one What books are you reading?the outsiders and christiane f. Have you ever fired a gun?i used to love nerf guns Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?no i hate planeHow many pillows do you sleep with?5 


03/22/2024 06:19 PM 

Crochet Dino!

crochet, dino, dinosaur, crochet dino, amigurumi

alex <3

03/22/2024 08:58 PM 

wanker lore pt 2

One day, Wanker decided to confess her romantic feelings to Charlotte. Charlotte told her that she liked her back, but she wasn't ready for a relationship at the moment. Wanker continued to support her and be her friend. Eventually, Charlotte invited Wanker to her house.   Wanker agreed to come over, so she informed her mother and headed to Charlotte's house after school. They ended up bonding and having a sleepover. As Wanker was leaving, Charlotte kissed her on the cheek. It was just a simple kiss, but both of them turned bright red, and Wanker quickly rushed out the door.will post pt 3


03/21/2024 10:48 PM 

hard vent

Vent again (about many things because I bottle everttgng up and never say anything to anyone ever) Tbh I feel annoying.I dont really belong with my friends (that Ive known since before middle school so thats prob why were friends now)I also feel very dumb around them.Some are like, numbers and science smart, others are more like literature and philosophy smart, wtf am I smart at dudeI also dont like how I look at all manHate how happiness reflects on my faceI look better after cryingToday my class posted a picture on its insta acc and I look so bad Im going insaneWhy are all my classmates attractive, I feel like a bugReally hate when I say a specific feature is looking bad today (example my hair) and they say Thats how I look everyday like wtf????? Do I really look this bad everytime you see me? gosh.I hate when they post me on their accs without asking others if they like the pictures they are posting cuz wtf man :l, also when they take pictures I look like I got ran over by a mining truck, but If i say anything or ask to retake the picture then theyll get annoyed at me and hate me and talk badly abt me but wtvAnd I never say anything because then theyll hate me I dont really like venting, It feels annoying when I do it, like a burden, but no one is going to look at this so its fine to vent here ig? #NewHobby Hobbie? hobby? idk lmaoListing sh*t I hate my voice so much.(bad features + facial disarmony is a potent combo)My nose is too bigMy smile is ugly ASF like god, worst thing on my face is my smile bro is so BAD.My eyebags look bad and my eyes poop even when im not smilingEverytime I pass a reflective surface I HAVE to see if i look good (ofc i dont but wtv) I spend most of the ttime thinking if i look good rather than something useful, I shoukd be f***ing studying rn but I need to let this stuff out because I CANT ANYMOREI want to kms so badddI hate myself so muchI want to kmsMy personality is so ASSI have 0 positive traitsI bully my friends cuz its funny but rlly its annoying (if i find it annoying they do too by deafult ofc) I feel like thay pitty meDid i alr say I hate my voice? like its so loud I hate it. When i was a kid i was always shhushd but yeahGoodnight gotta do school stuff 


03/21/2024 10:45 PM 


Vent??Idk man, seems like all my friends have their future figured out and Im getting left behind, its just that nothing stands out for me.I dont really like anything ig, prob end up working a 5-9 

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