If you're under 16, fuck off. South Park accounts, fuck off as well. Graphic design (making maps, flags, emblems, the like), RPG-like games (think Undertale or Deltarune, any suggestions are super welcome!), Club Penguin.. So on!
Mostly just "Weird Al" Yankovic! Can't not love the guy! ^^
Back to The Future. The whooole trillogy.
I don't really read much, sorry ^^"
My biggest hero's gotta be "Weird Al" Yankovic. Not only is he an amazing musician, but he's a fantastic person, and his band is incredible. Plus, he's not afraid to get a little weird! (or a lot!)
About me: Note - If you're under 16, fuck off.
Nota - Se tens menos de 16 anos, fora daqui.
Nota - Si eres menor de 16 años, vete.
Hello there! I'm Gum! I'm a 20 year old Portuguese guy who's too much of a nerd.
Add me on Discord, if you'd like! - Gum#5022
Do tell me that you're from SpaceHey, too!
Who I'd like to meet: Anyone who is 16 years of age and above, and has their age specified on their profile.
Do not add me if you don't meet either of those requirements. If you're under 16, fuck off. South Park accounts, fuck off as well.
(original layout created by Crash Test Dummy (https://layouts.spacehey.com/layout?id=2589)
If you're a music account, and/or are just adding me to promote your stuff on my profile, do not add me. I will deny your request.