Myspace Layout Generator

Myspace Layout Generator by


Last Login:
May 1st, 2024

Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 15
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

Signup Date:
March 28, 2024


03/31/2024 01:29 PM 

ANOTHER STOLEN SURVEYYY!!! >:3 (repost from bulletin board)
Current mood:  confident

Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?
-> closed, bc i like to sleep in pitch black :3

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
-> i take the lil hotel soaps >:3

Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room?
-> naur, but i have done it in the woods 

Where is your next vacation?
-> beach yayyy

Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
-> yah

Who do you think reads these?
-> i dunno
Do you have a calendar in your room?
-> i have a hatsune miku calendar :3

Where are you?
-> desk in front of laptop

What's your plan for the day?
-> be silly 

Are you reading any books right now?
-> nooopeee

Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
-> not sure tbh

Have you ever peed in the woods?
-> yes

Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
-> i love to dance and stuff, so ABSOLUTELY

Do you chew your pens and pencils?
-> sometimes

What is your "Song of the Week"?
-> faster n harder - 6arelyhuman

Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
-> i couldnt care less? lmao

Do you still watch cartoons?
-> f*** yeah

Whats your favorite love movie?
-> hmmm, idk

What do you drink with dinner?
-> water or hawaiian punch

What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?
-> honey mustard!11!11!1!!!

What is your favorite food/cuisine?
-> sushiiii

What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
-> i dont know

Last person you hugged/kissed?
-> my mumm

Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
-> nope

Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
-> if the pay is high enough

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
-> i dont remember honestly

Can you change the oil on a car?
-> nopeeeee

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
-> i cant drive :3

Run out of gas?
-> still cant drive

Favorite kind of sandwich?
-> roast beef and ham with mayo and provolone cheese

Best thing to eat for breakfast?
-> honey bun :3

What is your usual bedtime?
-> im supposed to go to bed at 10:30 on weekdays but i always stay up past midnight no matter what

Are you lazy?
-> yeah, being depressed is hard

When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
-> i was a bumble bee once :D

Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
-> nope

Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?
-> wtf r lincoln logs (WAIT YOU DONT KNOW WHAT LINCOLN LOGS ARE?!?!??!?)

Are you stubborn?
-> yeah

Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
-> idk who that is 

Ever watch soap operas?
-> maybe?

Afraid of heights?
-> yep

Sing in the car?
-> stage fright

Dance in the shower?
-> if i do, ill slip so no

Dance in the car?
-> idk

Ever used a gun?
-> naur

Do you think musicals are cheesy?
-> depends on the musical

Is Christmas stressful?
-> its kinda just sad for me

Ever eat a pierogi?

Major annoyance right now?
-> being ignored by someone for over a day now 

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
-> race car driver :D

Do you believe in ghosts?
-> honestly, idk?

Ever have a deja-vu feeling?
-> yeah, a lot

Do you take a vitamin daily?
-> nah

Wear slippers?
-> i dont like the texture

Wear a bath robe?
-> nah not really

Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?
-> target cool

Nike or Adidas?
-> vans

Cheetos Or Fritos?
-> cheetos

Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
-> peanuts 

Ever hear of, "gorp"?
-> uh, f*** oh no now im curious

Ever taken karate?
-> naur

Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
-> I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED ITTT!!!1!!!11!111 (gay person right here yessir)

Can you curl your tongue?
-> yes

Ever won a spelling bee?
-> ive never been in one

Ever cried because you were so happy?
->  kinda, yeah

Own any record albums?
-> i wish

Own a record player?
-> nope

Regularly burn incense?
-> candles better

Ever been in love?
-> yeah sadly

Hot tea or cold tea:
-> no tea, i do not like tea

Tea or coffee?
-> coffee

Favorite kind of cookie?
-> those amazing little sugar cookies with the frosting you can find at walmart AUGHSFHHGSAHGHGHGGHHHH

Can you swim well?
-> im not that good at swimming, but i love to swin hehe

Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?
-> nah

Are you patient?

Ever won a contest?
-> i think? idk

Ever had plastic surgery?
-> no 

Which are better black or green olives?
-> olives are disgusting

Can you knit or crochet?
-> i wanna learnnnn

Wash room or bathroom?
-> weird question

Do you want to get married?
-> i hope, but idk

Who was your High School crush?
-> i sorta have one rn?
i do lol

Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
-> kinda

Do you miss anyone right now?
-> yea :(

Who do you want to see right now?
-> devon bostick laying in my bed naked pls pls pls let it be real IT NEEDS TO BE REAL NEEEOOWWW!!!!1!!1!11!!11!1!!!!

03/29/2024 11:16 PM 

kin/simp list??? yeah
Current mood:  chill

(i will update this as i find more kins and ppl to simp for)
Scott Pilgrim (SPTO)
Roxie Richter (SPTO)
Pinkie Pie (MLP)
Rainbow Dash (MLP)
Angel Dust (HH)
Lucifer (HH)
Stolas (HB)
Octavia (HB)
Michiru Kagemori (BNA)
Akko (LWA)

Lucifer (HH)
Vox (HH)
Carmilla Carmine (HH)
Lilith (HH)
Lute (HH)
Verosika Mayday (HB)
Scott Pilgrim (SPTO)
Ramona Flowers (SPTO)
Envy Adams (SPTO)
Roxie Richter (SPTO)
Rodrick Heffley (DOAWK movies) (his actor is devon bostick who is like my number one celeb crush :3)
Andrew (LWA)
Karma Akabane (AC)


03/29/2024 11:11 PM 

stolen surveyyyy!! (reposted from my bulletin)
Current mood:  chill

[--General Information - -]

* Starting Time:: i did this in reverse so, ending time: 4:58pm
* Name:: sadie
* Nicknames:: Cyber, Bunniii
* Colour of Eyes:: dark brown
* Hair Colour:: redish brown
* Shoe Size:: 6 to 6 1/2 in womens
* Brothers/ Sisters:: 1 brother
* If yes, Names: no
* Single or Taken?:: single
* Zodiac sign:: libra
* colour:: purple
* Height:: 4'10"
* Braces?:: not yet
* Current residence:: florida

[--Do You Prefer--]

* Chocolate or vanilla?:: vanillaaaaa
* Hugs or kisses?:: hugsss
* Scary movies or comedies:: comedyyyy

[--Things That Come To Mind--]

* School:: annoying 
* House:: ???
* Best friends:: Kit :)
* Fave Song:: i have way too many

[--In The Past 24 Hours, Have You?--]

* Watched a movie?:: no
* Talked on the phone:: texting
* Cried:: yes
* Gone to the bathroom?:: yes
* Watched TV:: sorta
* looked in the mirror:: yes
* taken a shower:: yes
* Listened to music?:: yes
* Hugged / kissed some1?:: nope

[--Do You Believe In--]

* Heaven?:: no
* Hell?:: no
* Aliens?:: yes
* Love:: yess
* Magic:: no

[--Some Random Stuff--]

* Are you listening to music now?:: on and off yes
* What colour pants r u wearing?(if any :P):: dark grey plaid sweatpants
* What's the best thing since sliced bread?:: women
* Who Is your crush?:: this girl at my school named Ash, shes so pretty @w@

[--More Random Questions--]:
* Mother's name?:: thats a bit personal dont you think?
* Tattoos?: none
* Body piercing?: nope
* How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10?:: im jobless :3
* Birthplace:: gainesville, FL
* Favourite vacation spot?:: beach
* Ever been to Africa?:: no
* Stolen any traffic signs?:: yes
* Ever been in a car accident?:: ehh, not that i think? its a long story
* Croutons or Bacon bits?:: croutons
* 2 Door or 4 Door car?:: 4
* Salad Dressing?: ranch
* Favourite Pie?:: apple pie, or chocolate pie
* Favourite Number?: 69 (im so funny guys)
* Favourite Movie?: no clue
* Favourite Colour?: purpleeee
* Favourite Holiday?: does my birthday count?
* Favourite day of the week?: saturday (based again)
* Favourite brand of body soap? erm idk
* Favourite show?: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (SPTO)
* Toothpaste?: weird f***ing question but ok
* Most recently read book?: cant remember 
* Favorite Smell?: vanilla (person who wrote this originally is based af) but also pumpkin spice like smells ^_^
* What do you do to relax?: listen to music, watch yt, scroll on pinterest
* Favourite Fast Food?: burger king
* When was your last hospital VISIT?: uh, i dont know or remember
* Message to your friends reading this:: haiiii!!! :3
* How do you see yourself in 10 years?: dead
* What do you do when you are bored?: sleep, draw, listen to music, talk to ppl, scroll on pinterest
* What presents do you enjoy receiving?: clothes, money, candies/foods, little trinkets, makeup, accessories, room decor, anything really?
* Furthest place you will send this message?: not sure?

[-- Have You Ever - -]

* Faked being sick to miss school:: multiple times 
* Put a body part on fire for amusement:: uhhh
* Thrown someone in the bonfire:: no (but i have one person i wish i could do that to)
* Been hurt emotionally:: yep
* Cried during a movie:: sorta?
* Ever thought an animated character was hot:: ofc how the f*** not
* Been on stage:: nope
* Been sarcastic?:: yes


* summer/winter:: winter
* cartoon characters:: scott from SPTO, and roxie from SPTO
* drink:: orange fanta
* food:: sushi
* movie:: dunno
* ice cream:: cookies and cream
* subject:: is art a subject?
* animal:: cats, obvs :3
* Color:: purple!!
* Day or night?:: night
* Number:: 69 (hahah get it? you get it? haha im so funny and original ahhaah :3)
* Letter:: i dont know???
* TV or Computer?:: computer forever
* Happy or Sad:: neither, in between rn

[-- In The Last 24 Hours --]

* cried::  yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes
* met someone new:: yes
* cleaned your room:: no
* Drove a car:: no
* Been pissed off:: absof***inglutely 

[--Friends and Life--]

* Do you have a soul mate?:: thought i did but, NAH
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend partner:: nope, not yet atleast  
* Who have u known the longest of your friends:: my friend kit, weve known eachother for 4 years, and she has a fp account too :D @TheKi_ttyy :3
*When do u cry the most:: uhm, uh, uhhhh, not sure what that means exactly?
* The worst feeling in the world?:: finding out somone you loved and trusted lied to you about everything and turned out to be the very thing you feared the most.

[--For everyone to fill inn --]

* Silver or gold:: hmmm, i like both equally tbh
* Sunset or sunrise:: sunset
* Have you ever broken/sprained anything:: ive sprained my ankle like a million times idfk how
* Have any piercings?:: no, but i wish to get some :3
* If yes, what?:: N/A
* Rain, sun or snow?::  rain
* How is the weather?:: day time, nice and clear skies, very hot ugh
*Do u like cookies?:: YESSS
* Do you like pudding?::  yesss

03/28/2024 10:50 AM 

vent blog about my sh*tty ex (TW: mentions of r*pe, SA, z**philla, gr**ming, suic*de.)
Current mood:  miserable

just want to get this off my chest.
(this is going to be very long by the way)
about over a year and a half ago (july of 2022) i met this guy on the internet.
i was about 13, i was going through a bit of a rough patch in my life, and i really needed someone i could lean on during those times. so i met him, he was kind, caring, and very understanding of my troubles and the things i was going through at the time. was 15, so i started to develop feelings for him really quick (because god forbid the first person to show me kindness i fall in love with..) and apparently he had started to sorta get feelings for me as well, so we started to "date."
long story short, this didnt last for very long, he ended up disappearing one day, he was gone for around 2 whole months untill he came back. he scared me half to death with that, because he had told me in the past he was suicidal.
so i was releived to finally get back in touch with him after all that time.
little did i know he was just gonna up and leave again. for 6 months.
so, 6 months pass, im basically just then starting to move on and accept the fact he was gone (because i was very attached to him.)  he decided to finally show his face after half a f**king year of being gone.
now for the hard stuff. after a few days of catching up with him, what had been happening all that time he was gone, we decided to OFFICIALLY start dating. (i was now 14, he was 16)
after just like, not even barely a month into our relationship, he started to pressure me into sexual stuff.
like ever so slightly, not very much, but there was very much that sort of, feeling obligated to do it.
i was already really attached and bonded with him. so i felt like it was right. (and it wasnt like we hadnt discussed stuff like that before, so it felt ok at that time.)
but over time it got more and more...graphic? disgusting?
he was starting to talk about doing really like.."hardcore" things to me.
things that involved like, pain or non consent.
i wasnt really into that, and im still not, but i just did it so i could make him happy with me.
but again this still wasnt like, the worst he was saying.
this little "roleplay" thing he wanted to do started turning into him ACTUALLY wanting to r*pe and SA me outside of roleplay.
he was talking about wanting to torture me.
hurt me physically. beating the sh*t out of me.
he even talked about wanting to "f**k me so hard that i bleed and cry."
i really didnt enjoy any of this. i thought it was so weird that he wanted to do these things to me.
he said that he would never hurt me. or even try. and i beleived when he said those things...
i have screenshotted proof of him saying these things as well. but i wont provide those for the sake of others, because its really graphic and frankly revolting.
he would constantly degrade me and call me all these names. 
and if anyone is wondering if i ever spoke up against these things, i did. i tried.
he would go so far some times that i would HAVE TO intervene and make him stop.
but when i did he would just sit there and guilt trip me. make me feel bad for saying i wasnt comfortable with the things he was saying.
during "roleplays" i would genuinely fight back against him, just trying to ever so slightly hint to him that i REALLY wasnt enjoying what was being played out and discussed.
guess its my fault for not really trying hard enough there. but i was just scared that he was gonna get mad or start problems with me, because that had happened multiple times in the past when i directly tried to get him to stop.
and i was at a stage where he had began to isolate me away from all my friends, my family, everyone.
so i had nobody else besides him in my life, so i really couldnt leave because i couldnt stand he thought of being alone again.
and i knew if i left him i would just come crawling back.
he was getting so overbearing with everything, he was constantly dumping his problems onto me, so i could fix them.
i had my own problems and my own issues, and he knew that.
he didnt want me to prioritize myself, he just wanted all my attention everyday all day, and if i did have to go do something, he would get all whiny and try to guilt trip me into staying.
gonna try to shorten this a little more now, less details i guess.
so basically he also made me, start physically hurting myself over the phone.
it was "phone sex" but he made sure i had to make it painful for myself, there were a lot of times where i faked it.
but i couldnt fake it all the time because he would know if i was. im not the best and faking pained screams and whines.
i would be in so much pain after each "session." and i told him i would be in pain, but he clearly didnt care.
he would constantly make me do this, damn near everyday i had to do it ATLEAST once.
sometimes he would make me do it more than once in a day.
i think the highest amount he made me do it before in one day was four times.
i was in so much damn f**cking pain i couldnt walk.
the only time i could get breaks from this was when i was on my period. 
again lomg story short, after a little while, he had a new sort of "interest" he wanted to talk to me about.
he had a thing for F**KING DOGS.
i hope and pray to whatever god thats up there if there even is one, he did not f**king touch that poor dog.
at that point i was just f***ing done.
i was making his life hell in everyway possible for that.
he ended up dumping me around 2 months ago.
good ridance.
i had to deal with that sh*t for 7 months straight.

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