byi + dni ☆
hai!! before you frq me, please read this :3
byi: i typically don't accept frqs from people 20+ unless i personally know them, and if we're already friends and you become 20+, i won't unfriend you. i also ramble a lot in my status, so if that annoys you, i don't reccommend friending me. please don't frq me just to flirt (like outright flirting, joke flirting is perfectly fine with me). if you add me on discord, please tell me beforehand!! i don't accept frqs on there unless i'm told. my discord is @bitterred.the.jester btw. and lastly, i'm autistic, so i may have odd speech patterns or be bad at picking up text cues.
dni: basic dni criteria, people who call others "cringe" for being themselves, people who support autism speaks, and homestuck fans (you guys smell/j)
this will be subject to change!