
Last Login:
June 3rd, 2024

Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 16
Sign: Pisces
Country: United States

Signup Date:
February 12, 2024


02/14/2024 05:28 PM 

Current mood:  drained

1. I have Aspergers, ADHD, Intellectual disorder, Severe depression, and generalized anxiety disorder.
2. I love to watch crime and hope my future job is a dectective or attonery.
3. I bombard you with CoD, Transformers, and Minecraft stuff all the time.
4. I have severe anger issues.
5. yes I still have my V card, don't just friend me to flirt and have ERP (I do not want to RP with actually real people.)
6. I love and am delusional.
7. I love singing and writing.
DNI: basic criteria.
1. P3d0philes, Sh0t@c0n, L0l!c0n, abuse shippers, problematic shippings, Pr0shipping, people who say 'seperate fiction from reality' in order to ship adults with children, people who make P04n of children.
2. people who bully others {e.g: your face is weird, your body is so skinny, etc.}
3. Flirts, people who only friend to f0ck.
4. average slur users {i don't give a crap if its Retard since I say that a lot.}
5. people who are 13-14-15 wanting to get with me, (sorry I don't wanna date someone under my age.)
6. self diagnoisers. 
7. people who comment on blogs/bulletins/stream to say stupid crap to the poster. (e.g rude comments.)

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