𝕭𝖆𝖉 𝕭𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖘My Melody Kawaii

Last Login:
August 21st, 2023

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Sign: Leo
Country: United States

Signup Date:
February 15, 2021


02/17/2021 07:20 PM 


if anyone is seeing this how do i show my blog on my profile 

02/17/2021 07:20 PM 

im dumb

my eye burns bc i touched it while eating food that has hot sauce

02/17/2021 07:12 PM 


i cant chage my coursor on  my blog ;(

02/17/2021 06:52 PM 

Current mood:  eccentric

Did anyone eles notice that they have games now 😜

02/17/2021 06:52 PM 

Current mood:  eccentric

Did anyone eles notice that they have games now 😜

02/17/2021 06:46 PM 


OK so I feel like the longest time I never really knew what I wanted to be it was always like a dancer a singer and actor yada yada yada but lately I've been really getting into true crime and whatever so I wanna be an FBI agent but like a good one because No offense to cops but I don't wanna be a cop

02/17/2021 06:42 PM 


OK so I'm stupid and I just figured out how to change the color of the background thing or whatever because before you couldn't see anything and I thought it was just a glitch. Anyway I know no one sees these but I fixed it Lolz

02/17/2021 06:23 PM 


Ok ok so like I'm number 360 something on the leaderboard and that's embarrassing 💀 so I'm a try posting on my Block some more I don't really know how to get more points or whatever I don't even really understand what I need to do or what it means but all I know is that I am very competitive so I'm gonna try my best or whatever  :p

02/16/2021 12:51 PM 

Current mood:  bored

I'm bored some one talk to me on snap @dayanaramero

02/16/2021 09:25 PM 

Current mood:  adventurous

Ok so imma just write really whatever in these blogs bc idk if anyone will read them anyways, but if u do thanks♥ 
  Ok so I need new friends bc my current ones yeah I love them but I neeed ppl who will encourage me and stuff ya know? Anyway if u like any of thing that I have on my profile add meee I need ppl that will simp over the same characters as me ya know 💕

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