
Last Login:
August 8th, 2022

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Sign: Taurus
Signup Date:
October 05, 2020


12/27/2020 10:29 PM 


we hung out for a bit in the morning and maggie told me about their cool breakfast! it sounds really good. maggie went to michaels today:) but they had an emergency so they didnt get to buy anything :/ oncee they got home, maggie told me so many cool stories today:) they told me about them in highschool, and how people thought they were weird, they told me about this weird girl who was like stalking their friend anjanette. it seems like she had f***ed up family though so i feel bad for her. they told me about their super cool locker:) it had baby heads hanging which is super cool! and it had a bunch of trash in it too. it sounds awesome. they showed me this cool venom hoodie they used to have. it was awesome! maggie says they migtve had a crush on me if we went to hs together :) but that i was probably a weird kid lol. then they had to go, and we didnt talk again til like 12:30. we watched stuff for like 30 mins and then maggie passed out lol

12/26/2020 04:30 PM 


maggie went shopping in the morning:) we got to talk for like an hour while they waited for their brother to come, so that was nice:) i told them about my weird ass night lol. i had a nighmare and then i listened to music and was crying lmao. they said they wished they had nightmares that could scare them. they have more psychological thriller kind of things, but they dont find them scary. while they were driving around we listened to music together:) the beach boys mostly. they drove on the freeway! they went fast too!! it sounds awesome. at like 1:30 we started talking again, and it was stream time:) i showed them a cute picture of pixie and they really liked it:) i bought maggie the elf gun:) its so cute, and maggie really likes it:) they were goin crazy with it too!! they were just running around shredding everybody. maggie says were married now blush and that theyree gonna take me on a cruise to bermuda:) maggie made it to master today!! theyre getting super close to legendary:) i think theyre the best cod mobile player so ik theyll get tehre soon. after they finished playing cod we watched cool show videos together:) they showed me this cool event called skawars. then we watched cute cat videos:) that was so much fun, and we watched cute wolve videos too. it was a really nice evening:) we watched the new batman trailer too! it looks really good. they got tired, so we listened to music and went to bed

12/25/2020 04:21 PM 

gordo mamón

maggie got the new gun! they were listening to me snore while they played lol. they like it, and they play pretty well with it so thats awesome:) maggie didnt get the elf gun though :/ its a really cute gun skin that makes elves run around where you get kills lol its cute. maggie says im crazier than them lol. maybe theyre right idk haha. i posted a cute picture of maggie i had and it made them laugh and hurt their throat lmao. we hung out until my study started, and then maggie had to eat and get ready for their meeting. we hung out after which was fun:) maggie really likes nikki sixx. maggie streamed again later and we listened to kate bush. that was really nice:) we roasted eachother for abit but maggie had to stop cus they were getting in trouble for laughing lol. we watched abunch of tim and eric clips too! theyre really funny. 

12/24/2020 05:19 PM 

tongo dingo ringo

we talked super early in the morning today:) they called me at 7! we listened to the beatles more this morning:) and maggie told me about the conspiracy :o people say that paul died in a car crash and they left clues in some songs and album covers(like the abbey road one), because they couldnt just tell us. they played this one song called revolution 9 which is pretty weird sounding but i really like it:) maggie made a playlist of their favorite songs and we listened to them together:) its a super good playlist. maggies favorite album is the white album. they used to play it while they walked home from school. they asked me a few times to figure out who was singing but i was pretty bad :/ i wanna get better at it. they played their first album for me (please please me) and they showed the difference of their stuff before they did the hippie stuff. it was pretty cool to hear, and i really like that album tbh it might be one of my favorites. i watched maggie play for like 30 mins until their mom got home and she was angry so maggie had to go lol. after a while they came back and we started talking more:) its still amazing to me that maggie told their mom about me. it made me really happy, and idk everything weve been doing lately has me(and maggie too) thinking about everything and it just feels really real. its amazing, and i cant wait for the day that i get to meet maggie in person. itll be one of the best days of my life. after we chatted for a bit i watched them play:) its honestly so much f***ing fun. i love watching maggie play games. after my study we kept chatting:) and we listened to music too. maggie told me that their therapist says that i keep topping myself. im happy i can be such a bright spot in their life, and i want to do nothing but make them happy, and make everything easier for them. later last night i watched them play cod more:)) i passed out at like 11:45 though lol. i felt kinda bad. maggie put me to bed lol, and stayed with me for a bit. that was really nice:) they stayed up til 2 something playing cod lol. they got the new gun though so thatll be fun to watch them use. 

12/23/2020 11:27 PM 

fool on the hill
Current mood:  happy

we finished the rupaul podcast we started yesterday. its pretty fun tbh. maggie went and ate and then when they came back we listened to nightvale together. its a pretty fun podcast, but we both wish it was scarier. after they finished eating it was stream time:)) we listened to the beatles. before they started playing they told me about this crazy dream they had where people got picked to be hunted by the whole city, and one of their friends got picked so they helped hide them. it was wild lol. we talked about the possibility of rich people hunting people for sport. i think its possible tbh. maggies family was stressing them out, so that sucks :/ they let me listen to nightvale for a few episodes and they were doing stuff. they gave me a task to find a scary non paranormal podcast, and i think i did an ok job. theres this super creepy one that is supposed to be uncomfortable to listen to cus of the 911 calls and stuff like that. i think itll be fun to check out. i got to listen to maggies therapy again. its nice. maggie made a good looking sandwich for dinner. oh! guess what! they told their mom about me:)) it makes me super happy, and im happy that their mom said that i sound nice and its cool that maggie found someone like me. i cant wait to start dating dating maggie. or just seeing them for the first time. maggie called me jj the jet plane lol. that show is so f***ing weird lookingbtw. idk why they thought it was a good idea...
maggie says i look like a who:) maggie says im very cartoony, which i like:) they told me some beatles stuff, and we listened to some super good songs. their favorite member is paul btw. hes pretty cool so it makes sense, and tomorrow hopefully maggie will tell me more about a beatles conspiracy:o

12/22/2020 02:02 PM 


maggie had a long day today. they got up at 5:30 to go for a run :o after that they went to the store and they got this super yummy lookin swiss roll. its red velvet. i want one lol. maggie loves sweets and baked stuff its so cute:)) we watched teh rupaul podcast together. it was really fun but im sure they understood everything more than i did. the stream was pretty awesome today! we listened to the beatles a lot which was super fun. theres this awesome song maggie likes called fool on the hill. there was a new update in cod! some cool stuff, and this fun mode maggie likes called cookie confirmed. we watched some yt together too:) some iferg videos(top tier cod mobile player, but not as good as maggie) we listened to the beach boys n went to bed:)) super nice day

12/21/2020 04:30 PM 

jack skellington

we chatted for a bit in the morning before our meetings. maggie had a good breakfast. they had yoshinoya for lunch too:) it sounds really good. i watched maggie play some cooking game. its really fun to watch and i kinda commentate while they play. they say its funny:) the paintbrushes i got maggie came:) they said they look really good! im really happy theyre good, and i cant wait to see what the clowns are gonna look like. we shopped for clothes for me:) mostly suits for meetings, and we found some really cool ones. there was this one i liked that looked like jack skellingtons. it was nice. maggie posted a gif of jack and sally, and it was literally us blush we looked at shoes too! there were some maggie really liked, and there was this really cool pair of minimalist boots. they said theyve wanted a pair since they were little. i think imma surprise them with em. we watched some yt together and went on twitter too! that was really fun, and their twitter has a lot going on lol. maggie said theyve been gaining weight lately. they showed me a picture:)) omg they looked so good. it was a really cute picture, and i finally go to see their stomach :)) its so cute! they showed me some stuff they got from the store too! and they wanna make pizza. that sounds good. we did some type racing lol. they can faster than me, and i do lots of typos lol. they streamed some cod for me, and then after they started getting tired we looked at wedding dresses:) i like thinking about that kinda stuff. we watched funny master chef clips too! maggies phone was low so we said gn and went to bed:)

12/20/2020 06:33 PM 

mick foley

we stayed up suuuper late talking last night:) i had so much fun! we watched so much cool stuff! music videos, funny stuff, wrestling, oh man it was awesome! weve been spending a lot more time together lately, and ive been really happy the past few weeks. maggies the most important person in my life. we went to bed together again:) i cant wait to share a bed with them. ik ill sleep well every night. we watched some really funn videos in the afternoon after maggie was done doing stuff, and they showed me all about the uma kompton stuff, whcih i didnt know waht it was. maggie says that wrestling after 2006 sucks. maggie says that someone called them mick foley lol. the babies i bought maggie to turn into clowns. theyre really small though :/ sadly they dont really sell bigger ones for some reason, so maggies gonna try and make em work. ik theyll loke awesome:) theyre gonna make a pin or a necklace and send it to me:)) i cant wait. i got maggie brushes:) i hope they like them. theyre special tiny brushes so they can paint the lil babies and make em into a clown army lol. they wanna make earrings too. i bet theyd be really cool, and id love to wear them if i could. they streamed more for me today:) i love wathcing them. i was being dumb and amggie said i was making them crack up lol. that was nice. i watched maggie edit a really cool video of them driving to and from sf. its cool to watch them make stuff, and it was turning out really cool! after that we listened to music n went to sleep. it was really nice:)

12/19/2020 03:01 PM 

favorite streamer

we talked in the morning for a sec which was really nice:) then we talked about streaming, and i was trying to help them start streaming but it was complicated and you had to pay so it didnt matter anyway :/ i sent them funny/angry pictures of pixie and that made them laugh. i watched maggie stream more:) im their simp blush they threatened to ban me lol. i got them a donut and drink as a treat, and it made them super hyper lmao. they were yelling and throwing stuff lol. maggie bought me burger king:)) it was so yummy and i felt really happy eating it. thank you so much maggie:) i watched them  play random hilarious games and we wer eboth laughing really hard lol. ive been having so much fun with maggie:) we watched a bunch of stuff on youtube that was really fun:) and they taught me more about cool stuff, and showed me new bands:) im really happy lately

12/18/2020 01:06 PM 

clown army

i helped maggie write an email today. it was kinda fun tbh i really like helping them out. maggies feeling better today but they still have a stomach ache :/ i saw a beautiful picture of maggie today:) they are so f***ing gorgeous it makes my heart beat really fast and i get all wowed out. when i left my room my mom saw how red my face was lmao. we talked about moree life planning stuff, and we talked about driving and me getting a car, and maggie helped me take driving tests:) the keychain maggie got me came today!!! its so cute:)) i want to get a car just so i can use it. its amazing:) maggie made fun of my thumb lol. they showed me their hands too:) maggie has really nice hands. i made a custom planner and little keychain square with maggies pictures on them:) theyre awesome! maggies pickles didnt turn out right :/ they just tasted like vinegar ig. i watched maggie play games:) it was like they were streaming for me. theyre my favorite streamer! we looked at phones too. im gonna get an iphone :o i wont have a sh*t phone anymore so i can play w maggie and not ruin games lol. they made custom alerts:)) and they send em when i donate! i like supporting maggie and seeing that makes it really fun. 

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