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Venti T

Last Login:
August 28th, 2021

Gender: Female
Age: 28
Sign: Aries
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Signup Date:
August 14, 2020


08/18/2020 03:11 PM 

Healthy Solutions to Stress
Current mood:  busy

SO! Today, my third semester of grad school starts. Technically, it started yesterday, but I only have classes on Tuesday and Thursday. The day is halfway over, I haven't even had my first class of the week, and I'm already stressed. Because of this, I wanted to remind myself that stressing does nothing, and people always ask how I stay sane with all the stuff I do. 

The answer is: I don't. I just learn how to maintain until I get a break, but my goal is to always do it in a healthy way.

So here are the steps I take to manage stress, based on everything that is stressing me right now.

1. Recognize what is causing you stress. Do you have control over these issues?
Right now my main issue is that we are in day 2 of classes, and I still don't have my schedule for the classes I TA for. This is hindering my ability to plan around my classes with my job. Do I have control over this, though? No. Whether I sit and worry about it or not, I can't change anything on my own. Solution? Don't think about it. Instead work with what I do have control over. I informed my job that I still don't have my full schedule and told the lab coordinator what days I would prefer in order to best work for me. Then i sat down and schedule everything to the best of my abilities while allowing myself to be flexible in case of sudden changes. This will prevent me from freaking out later when I get my schedule if something is scheduled for the same time.

2. I found the things I have control over, but there is so much I have going on, and I have too many responsibilities.
Stop. Breathe. Take 10 minutes to not think about anything, and allow your thoughts to organize themselves. Thinking about too many things at once adds more on your plate than is actually there. Schedule out your day, week, month separately. I like to use  google calendar calendar to plan my schedule, a planner for assignments and responsibilities, and apple calendar for holidays and events. I REFUSE to plan anything for between the times 9:00pm and 7:00am and Sundays. That is MY time and nothing will interrupt that. If there is no other time to do said thing than during my off limit times, then I'm not doing it. It is very simple to just decide you won't do something. The only things you absolutely must do everyday is sleep and eat (and work obviously, but don't be taken advantage of). 

Which brings me to...

3. How do I decide what to drop and what to continue?
Look at everything you have to do and ask these questions:
1. Does it benefit me? If no then drop it. Be selfish. It's ok. If yes then,
2. Does the benefit help me in the long run? Things that fall under this category is maintaining your health and livelihood. If you won't die or end up homeless, then reconsider doing it right now.
3. Does it need to be done right now? If not, then go ahead an push it off. Procrastination is ok as long as it wont stress you later. Which can also be asked as "can I do this little by little?" like homework, projects, essays, etc. Start now, do a little every day until finished. Don't do everything in one day. Finishing something you're doing for fun? Save it for when you don't have anything to do and you're bored. Someone offered to pay you to do something for them? Do it when YOUR schedule allows. You are doing THEM favor, even if they are paying you. 
4. Is it a priority? Priorities for your life should be something that helps you survive. Eating, sleeping, excercising, socializing. Remeber mental health is just as important as physical health. If you require a job, don't let it affect either. YOU are the ONLY priority. If you're thinking about your family or whatever, remember it's ok to be selfish. Being selfish isn't the same as beng rude or disrespectful. Truly loving and healthy families will understand your need to take care of you.

4. Still stressed?? Sit tf down and rest.


08/16/2020 07:22 PM 

Why Korra Deserves Nothing S1
Current mood:  argumentative

So, already a disclaimer: I only watched this season once, and just finished it. I refuse to go back and watch it again because I don't have the mental capacity or enough f***s. Yes I'm years late. Stfu.

The first season of The Legend of Korra (LOK) basically centers around this girl training to be the new avatar in the midst of a revolution that she threw herself in. It starts with her disobeying orders to go to Republic City after being told multiple times it's too dangerous, then complaining everytime she is given a rule and not understanding why people keep saying she's not disciplined enough to master air bending. Her lack of patience and empathy isn't why we are here (completely) though. My issue is how the writers handled the theme of systematic oppression in the season.

First, let's start with Korra running into a protest over nonbender oppression. Rather than listening to the complaints, she immediately went into defense while not knowing anything about the situation because she JUST GOT THERE!! Like, if I walk into a room and someone is like, "Yo, this person just used a fork to stab me," I wouldn't be like, "Hey! Silverware is great! You don't know what you're talking about because you just don't have one. Matter of fact, if you don't stop I will also use a fork to stab you!" Then, almost immediately afterwards, Korra finds a community that is being tormented by benders. Sure, she beats them up, but she also never acknowledges how these people used their power against non-benders and continues to deny (if she even listens to them) the Equalist have.

Second, THE FREAKING EQUALIST! I want to take a moment to compare this to current events, i.e. Black Lives Matter and Anti-Fa. So The difference is the Equalist immediately start of violent. Why? Because the writers are painting the oppressed as the actual villains throughout the entire plot. I also want to point out this came out shortly after the Trayvon Martin case, which is what sparked the BLM movement. Bad timing much? But anyways...In the show you have non-benders being attacked (and let's face it probably killed) by benders, only to have to call a police department filled with benders and hope their government filled with benders will protect them (sound familiar?) Next thing you know this movement is sparked. Unlike BLM, they start off inherently violent with the hopes of eliminating all benders. Like BLM, the government's response to the call for justice is to label it a terrorist organization rather than listen to their very much real complaints of oppression and abuse. Following this law change, they force them into curfew and label every non-bender (black person) a dangerous threat and viciously beat every non-bender (black person) they see after they FORCE them out of their homes by removing their resources necessary for life! Then they make the Equalist leader a nazi that attacks every bender and makes them fear for their lives, like nonbenders have been doing that for years, but i digress. The only difference between BLM and the Equalist is that BLM is not violent. They are peaceful protestors whose protest have been proven to be highjacked by white supremecist. Does this stop the media and President D*cksack from painting them to look exactly how the Equalist were protrayed? No. Does violence change the cause and the need for justice? No. If you stop agreeing with equal rights because a few people were violent, does that mean you are racist and probably never wanted equality in the first place and were just looking for any reason to justify the racist retoric already in your mind? YES YOU RACIST SH*T EATER. 


The Equalist were right to want a revolution. If taking away the bending powers is what it took, then so be it. If benders really saw them as equal, they would not have made it to that point in the first place and non-benders would've been implemented into the reigning government and justice system. But they weren't.

Lastly, everyone should've listened to Tenzin more. He was the only person who actually used logic. He is still complicit in the system as he never suggest getting the opinions of non-benders and rather wants to find a way to peacefully stop the revolution without actually giving non-benders rights, but he at least was against labeling all non-benders as terrorist simple for existing. Kind of like how Hamilton insulted slave owners but still definitely owned slaves and never put in any work to free slaves. 

Also, that whole love triangle thing was stupid. Can shows not introduce new characters without the entire cast falling in love with them?

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

08/14/2020 09:24 PM 

To use or not to use ironically
Current mood:  amused

I was making this originally cause of nostalgia, but now I really want to start blogging on this. So here is to all the things I hyperfocus on and somewhere to put all the useless information!!

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