
Last Login:
August 6th, 2022

Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 31
Sign: Sagittarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 02, 2020


07/10/2020 03:14 PM 

Random Survey #1 (80 Questions)
Current mood:  okay

1. State your name:
Phu Mau.
2. State the name that your parents almost named you:
I think they had my name planned as Phu from the start.
3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most?
Second brother.
4. What was your first job?
5. Which of your relatives do you despise the most?
Kind of a harsh question...If I'm gonna be honest, I'm not so fond of the oldest brother who shamed me for my weight a few years ago.
6. Did anything embarassing happen this week?
Nothing embarrassing as far as I know.
7. Do you miss your ex?
It's been 12 years. We've moved on with our lives and forgot each other, so no.
8. Do you ever dream about your ex?
9. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?
10. How do you wear your makeup?
I don't wear makeup.
11. What are some of your nicknames?
12. How many bedrooms are in your house?
13. How many bathrooms?
14. Do you have a job?
If you count helping a farmer for one to two days every two months a job, then yes. Aside from that, no.
15. Do you have a car?
Yes, 2016 Altima.
16. Do you think you will go to college?
I was in college. Will be back for a new major.
17. Tell me what you think hate means:
Disinterest, lack of respect, negative thoughts in someone or something.
18. What is your definition of ugly:
What or who is nonappealing.
19. What is your definition of beauty:
What or who is appealing.
20. Do you have muscles?
Yes, natural bodybuilder. Lover of calisthenics.
21. How about abs?
Yes. Between 10-12% bodyfat. Lots of cardio, a proper diet, and abdominal exercises here and there.
22. Do you work out every week?
Yes, at least three times a week.
23. Did you brush your teeth this morning?
I actually do it before I go to sleep.
24. Name a fact that you think is bullsh*t:
Sailor Moon is for girls.
25. Have you ever seen Pen and Tellers Bullsh*t?
26. Do you like Obama?
I don't see a problem with him.
27. Did you like Bush?
I was a kid when he was president and never bothered to learn about him.
28. Something about your neighbors that you hate:
I suppose making loud honking noises with their car early in the morning.
29. Something about your neighbors that you like:
I suppose the benefaction of deer meat for giving them a deer stand.
30. Has your neighborhood ever thrown a block party?
31. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again?
I guess you could say that.
32. Have you ever held hands with someone of the same sex? Children dont count...
33. What kind of bathing suit do you wear?
I don't wear a bathing suit.
34. Do you like your eyes?
I don't hate them.
35. Do you think you are pretty?
Not really.
36. What do you think of girls who are ugly, who think they are hot?
Not a very nice question. Everyone is beautiful...It's just a matter of mutual interests.
37. Have you ever called someone fat?
Also not a very nice question. I wouldn't call anyone such a vituperative term especially when I was called "fat" throughout most of my teenager and early adult years.
38. Have you ever confronted someone who was making fun of a stranger?
I'm too introverted to do such a thing, but I would make the stranger feel better about himself or herself.
39. Are you a bully?
No. I'm a victim of bullying.
40. Have you ever called a complete stranger fat before?
No. This is the same question as 37. I don't understand the weight shame questions.
41. Do mean people lack a soul?
No. That varies from person to person.
42. Have you ever put a curse on someone who said something mean about you?
Such a thing has never crossed my mind. Even if it did, I never would.
43. Have you ever practiced witch craft?
44. What do you think of Satanists?
It's their life. It's none of my business.
45. Did you know people who practice satanism could curse you?
46. Do you believe in hexes?
47. Do you believe in vampires?
48. Who was the last person you cussed at?
That's an interesting question. I barely ever sworn. I wouldn't use such language to others.
49. Do you have a jacuzzi?
50. How much money is in your pocket right this moment?
No. Wearing compression shorts.
51. How much money is in your checking account?
That's private. These have been some odd questions.
52. How much is in your savings?
Won't tell.
53. Are you well off?
Not even close.
54. Do you have kids?
I will count my Pokémon as a yes.
55. Do you want kids (for those who dont have them)?
I love my pokéfamily.
56. What do you think of people on welfare?
For the best I suppose.
57. If we had a war over a tax on tea, why the hell have we accepted a tax on everything else?
Not sure. As I said, odd questions.
58. Are you smart?
Seems egotistical to say yes. It all depends on the subject matter.
59. Did you ever get left back in school?
This was answered before.
60. How many times have you gotten after school detention?
61. How many times have you gotten in school suspension?
62. Have you ever been expelled? If yes, what for?
63. What is your worst subject in school?
64. Tell me what your back pack looks like:
I have two. One is red and the other is dark blue.
65. Who is the ugliest person in your school? Based on 'the inside':
These are some very negative questions.
66. Who is the happiest person you know?
Choa, my favorite dog. I miss him every single day.
67. Who is the loudest perosn you know?
Students from high school I guess.
68. Who is the most annoying person you have ever met?
Bullies from high school especially the one who do it to show off to their love interest.
69. What celebrity do you think is hot?
I'm not into famous people.
70. Did you read Twilight?
71. Last movie you saw in theatre:
In theatre was probably The Last Jedi since a high school friend invited me.
72. Are you dating the same person you dated last year?
73. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you?
74. Have you ever cheated?
No. That is such a horrible thing to do.
75. Have you ever flirted with someone online that you never met?
Probably when I was younger.
76. Have you ever met with someone you met online?
I believe I met someone online at a mall.
77. Have you ever been mean to someone just to make yourself feel better?
Good gosh no!
78. Tell me one thing, about yourself, that makes you an ugly person?
My past I suppose.
79. Have you been honest?
I was dishonested as a little kid, so I'm always being honest now.
80. Have you ever done drugs?
I smoked a cigarette when I was a kid. Didn't care for it.

- PhuCat

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