Myspace Editor -

Last Login:
November 12th, 2020

Gender: Female
Age: 24
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 22, 2020


07/10/2020 04:37 PM 

Current mood:  aggravated

Do you know what kinda hurts me? The fact that I put all this effort into my blog, and I don't even have one subscriber. It's insane, the same things happen in my daily life as well. I get all dressed up; no compliment. I put a lot of effort into a homework assignment; the teacher doesn't even take it up for a grade. I make a brand using my design skills, and it doesn't even get recognized. WHAT IS THIS LIFFE?? Maybe things will look up soon. Anyways I hope everyone is safe from COVID because it is getting hectic our here...

06/24/2020 01:44 AM 

Which one Is Better?
Current mood:  artistic

I am not sure if anyone remembers Black Butler, or even currently watches it, but Sebastian was my baby daddy for real. Like OMG, but either or somehow I have gotten my mother into it, and she wanted a wallpaper. I am in college for graphic design, so I decided to be a "head ass" and make it on Photoshop. I couldn't decide which one I liked better, so I figured that my audience should decide. So leave a comment to wither you like version 1 or version 2 Better  . Most likely to be completely honest she would have picked by the time anyone responds, but I would like to know you guys perspective. Happy Wednesday!! 

Version 1


Version 2

06/23/2020 04:09 PM 


Welcome (Whatever your name is)  
(The anime that this gif is from is called Maid Sama)
If you are here, that means I either forced you to come, or you stumbled across my page...for no known reason at all. Either or if you are reading this, I would like to say WELCOME!! This blog is going to be about any and everything art, anime/manga related. I will not hold back on my honest opinions of anime/manga, because I am too blunt for that sh*t. I did not get bullied through highschool for watching/reading anime and manga, not to be HONEST ABOUT IT. (I am captain weeb). Okay.  I'm going to keep this welcome post short as hell because I do not want to look back on this and CRINGE. So thanks for coming and I hope you stick around to read and enjoy my content!!    

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