
Last Login:
December 7th, 2021

Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 25
Sign: Sagittarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 20, 2020


12/07/2021 11:23 PM 

gashes keep getting bigger.
Current mood:  distraught

I hope when you go looking for answers,

You feel the bite of wolves instead.


Never happy with the daughter you had.

Always felt the need to make more, it’s sad.


Do you revel in the future you’ve made?

Always looking for more things

that’s suited ur tastes.


Does the ghost of my younger self haunt you ?

Do you hear the sound of her laughter in the next room ?


Cant admit your mistakes.

Turning a blind eye

Until you’re back where you started.


Do you feel guilty ?

Or are you proud of who you’ve become ?


Daddy’s little girl

No longer comes home to his arms.


She had enough of his pride

Finally looked the lies in the face

Decided to cuts ties

A fathers disgrace


I hope when you feel a lack of air in your lungs,

You feel the hands of my younger self die on your throat.

12/07/2021 11:12 PM 

my poems <3
Current mood:  artistic

ive been wanting to post some of my poems on here cause other wise i wont be too active. but i like sharing them, tho some maybe pretty personal. just a fair warning lol 

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06/21/2020 12:25 PM 

its me !
Current mood:  anxious

this is so new to me, but hello. i remember when myspace was around but I never got to get into it... it died down when I was finally able to get a computer and explore the internet. don't be afraid to send a message! I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with this blog but hopefully ill really like it uwu 

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