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Last Login:
March 14th, 2022

Gender: Other
Age: 18
Sign: Capricorn
Country: United States

Signup Date:
May 26, 2020


05/29/2020 11:08 PM 

"i cant breathe"
Current mood:  determined

these are the people who are supposed to protect us, to help us and save us, but time and time again they brutally murder our sisters and brothers in cold blood. "I can't breathe" said George Floyd, choked to death by a police officer, whose hands were in his pockets. "i cant breath" said eric gardner, strangled to death by a police officer, an unmarked police officer. "i cant breath" said their families, after seeing a murderer roaming the streets with nothing but a lost job. "i cant breathe" chant the protesters, finally in an uprising against the system meant to help them. tear gassed, shot at by rubber bullets, denied service, all for wanting a murderer jailed and some semblance of justice for all the black, lgbt, native and hispanic people murdered by the very people sent to protect them. say their names. remember them. 

05/28/2020 12:01 PM 

ugh i have having a mortal body fr

does anyone else ever want to identify as a lesbian bc you reallllly like girls but you also like some enby people and like 1 boy so youd feel fake and not have as many options then if you were bi but you cant ever see yourself with a boy but you actually like this one boy so youre defiantly not a lesbian but you identify with them a hell of a lot more bc girls make you cry bc they're so pretty and boys are trash and you hat e being attracted to them?? bc same

05/27/2020 11:22 PM 

vibing :(
Current mood:  envious

im just vibing to 80s music, dreaming abt being in an indie teen coming of age movie in the summer with all my friends. oh to be an angsty main character on the roof with my love interest stargazing and spilling secrets. cuddled up in a mountain of blankets bc its a chilly summer night, maybe just dozing off in their arms nd being completely happy. the next day we would all go to an abandoned warehouse to f*** around nd maybe get yelled at by jealous adults, but have the best times of our lives. any1 wanna do that with me lmao???

a random yt 80s playlist, i would link my spotify playlist but idk how to do that lol

05/27/2020 03:40 PM 

animal crossing :3

does anyone else here play animal crossing?? its hella fun, although ive only played new horizons aha. on my island my fav villager is either egbert, elle or tia . they're all soooo adorable nd I love my island

also peep my friend code SW-5972-1500-0330 if you wanna see my island :>

05/26/2020 11:46 PM 

UGH ;^;
Current mood:  angry

hey bitchez,, im so mad abt grlwood >:((( i uezed to stan them so hard too nd why tf do all go0d musicians h8ve to b f***ing racist or rapists or smt like br o im just tryna vibe and youre over here committing crimes 

my GOd it makes m3 so mad y cant people be nice to each other is it that hard????? btw I stand with karen, what rej did was f***ing disgusting

karens post

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