
Last Login:
March 27th, 2020

Gender: Male
Status: Divorced
Age: 42
Sign: Capricorn
Country: United States

Signup Date:
January 15, 2016


01/15/2018 01:12 PM 

Sometimes, you never know until it's to late.
Current mood:  unhappy

It has been a while since, I was with someone special. I kinda forgot how it feels to kiss and hold someone special in life, I feel as if I might not remember what it feels to be loved again. I know I done wrong in my past, and i regret the actions and decisions I made in life. At times, I wonder if there is something in life I was able to do to change the actions that hurt so many. When I was younger I hurt all that ever cared, and loved me. I and burned all the bridges that I crossed. After a while I learned and regret how my life was, and became more with god and trying to make changes through time. Changes are never easy or comes over night, it is something we all must learn to live with. To forgive our own thoughts and actions, is part of it. Even though it's also good to ask for someone to forgive you. You must be able to understand, and admit to the decisions that lead to the life that you ended up with. I am lonely and feeling as if I may never find, someone to care for and love. What hurts me the most, is I see now that I might end up alone. That is why we all must learn and open our eyes, before it's to late. Because once it is, to late. That is when you start to notice, that you might never know the feeling of having someone special in life. That is when you forget the feeling of feeling, someone special holding you and kissing you and all the great things to come. If you don't believe me than, why have I forgotten what love and caring feels like? Why do I feel this pain, where someone special should be? I know because it happen to me.

01/14/2018 08:16 PM 

Current mood:  unhappy

I wish, I had someone special in life. I am tired of being lonely, and alone. I can't remember the last time, I had someone special in life. I kinda forgot, what it felt to kiss and hold someone special in life. It's hurting me so bad, That I have the feeling, that I might never find her. I know I done so much wrong in my past, and I admit it I do regret it. But I don't regret most things I done, because over time. A few things did come my way that are worth hanging on to, but what never came my way is someone I can spend my life with, and make a future with. Sometimes I do wish, I am able to undo everything I ever done wrong, but at the same time I learned to live with the decisions that hurt me over time. At least I am honest now, that I am hurting over not having someone special in life. I hope I am able to find her soon, and be able to spend time with her

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