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Myspace Layout Generator by

Vomit Boy

Last Login:
February 24th, 2024

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Gender: Other
Age: 23
Sign: Gemini
Country: United States

Signup Date:
April 14, 2020


07/05/2020 09:15 PM 

MCR fan survey answers uwu

My Answers:

  1. Age: 20
  2. When did you first become a fan? Were you a fan during the hiatus? I started being a fan in 2013, just happened to be right after they broke up and i felt like that Community gif coming into the fandom. 
  3. First song you heard by them? I remember SING being on the radio and liking it when i was a kid, and my aunt used to love MCR when she lived with my family back around 2005 so im sure i heard a lot of my chem sometime before 2013 but I remember hearing Mama for the first time and THAT was when i knew i was doomed. 
  4. Favorite member? Isn't Ray Toro the only member of the band...?
  5. Favorite MCR era? Revenge, Black Parade, and DD are all so f***ing amazing, it's hard to choose. I love the costumes and color scheme of revenge, but then the theatrics of TBP were so great and they all hit their peaks in looks, and then DD is just so creative and open ended for world building. and then all the colors 0-0
  6. Favorite Album? TBP and Bullets are tied for me i think
  7. Favorite photoshoot?
  8. Do you have a killjoy name? Was originally Atomic Lizard but tbh i feel like Vomit Boy has become my persona...?
  9. Have you read the Killjoy comics? Yes! And I really want to buy the rerelease they're coming out with this Fall!
  10. Have you read any of Gerard's other comics? I tried to read UA and i don't think it's very good lol, but I've read some of the DC stuff he's a part of and I thought those were good. I've yet to read his version of Doom Patrol but I really want to. I actually haven't even read the Grant Morrison or Polluck versions either, only skimmed, so i wanna read those first i think. anyway ~
  11. Favorite Solo project? Stomachaches saved my life and will always have a special place in my heart ♥
  12. What's your favorite piece of MCR merch you own? I lovee my black parade sweater, i wear it p much every day that i can, and also my Shrine show shirt that, no, i did not get myself cuz i could not go ;-; but one of my friends bought it off of a friend of their's who went and got it for me for christmas!! i have it hanging on my wall now cuz i don't want it to get washed to many times and get ruined, lol!
  13. What merch would you kill to have? there's so much, but I want the first pressing of bullets so bad, the one with mariachi music on it, lmao! i think that's just so funny and it would be hilarious to own and experience first hand. okay, but seriously, i really want the bullet vest now, specifically the bullet usb like wtf that's so cool!! and the lil action figures adjf;adsf
  14. Did you ever dress up as any of the members casually (i.e. not to some sort of convention, just around on the town) or are you normal? Yes, all through 8-10th grade 
  15. Do you shower or are you a Bullets stannie? I'm a bullets stannie :/
  16. Favorite part in Life on the Murder Scene? Ray: "Say hello to the dog Mikey!" Mikey: "Woof! ... *dog eats rock* ..Woof?"
  17. Have you seen all of the MCR Funniest Moments on Youtube? Probably, i watched those too much when i first got into them 0-0
  18. Favorite Music Video? I want the videos for Prison and Mama >:(
  19. Favorite fun fact about the band that only a My Chem fan would know: Conventional weapons was made before danger days and was actually the first version of DD technically, the concept is that it's music the Killjoys would listen to on the radio
  20. Did you believe in the fan theories about the reunion? Yes lmao, specifically the smashing pumpkins/cali 2019 theory. 
  21. Have you ever seen them in concert? no, not yet :(
  22. Do you have tickets to see them next year? yep! to aftershock and now pit tickets in oakland >:)
  23. If you could go to any My Chem show ever, past/present/future, which would it be? May, 23, 2003. or one of the projeckt revolution shows!
  24. What's your favorite part about being a My Chem fan? i love that we are more politically active than the band 98% of the time LMAO and that they techincally made us this way
  25. You win a contest and you get to choose My Chem's 15 song playlist, what songs are you choosing: (in no particular order really)
    1. nanana
    2. give em hell kid
    3. party poison
    4. prison (and of course they're on tour w the used and g brings bert out mhm)
    5. thank you for the venom
    6. mama
    7. honey
    8. headfirst for halos
    9. boy division
    10. masters of ravenkraft
    11. helena
    12. welcome to The black parade
    13. Demolition Lovers
    14. Im not Okay
    15. under pressure (again theyre on tour w the used so bert sings it with him mhm)


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