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10/28/2019 09:41 PM 

i suck LMAO
Current mood:  distraught

BOYS SUCK I HATE UUUUUU :,<..............



10/27/2019 11:48 PM 

Current mood:  amorous

he doesnt like the things about himselfi understand that, im still there tooi want to tell him that hes beautifulbut i know i cant fix him, im not him, i cant love away his insecuritiesbut…..i hope i can at least hold his hand and tell at least i think hes beautifuli hope that will be enough for now



10/27/2019 11:44 PM 

Current mood:  romantic

i want to melt into him, softly, falling into his warmthi want him to feel like slowly sinking in snow face down



10/26/2019 08:51 PM 

100 questions
Current mood:  bored

1. What is your middle name?michelle by law, but id like to change it to holden at some point.2. How old are you?seventeen.3. What is your birthday?february 20th (same day as kurt cobain!)4. What is your zodiac sign?pisces.5. What is your favourite colour?dont have one, i guess black. i use a lot of pastels in my art, though.6. What's your lucky number?2 and numbers with 2 like 20 and 22 (since i was born 02/20/2002, i was #2 in the alphabetical order of the class all through elementary school, and good things happen to me a lot on the 22nd of the month)7. Do you have any pets?two dogs and two cats: charlie, a chihuahua; aria, a mutt; luna, a fat black cat with no tail; christmas, a russian blue mix who is 15 years old.8. Where are you from?florida. 9. How tall are you?5'4".10. What shoe size are you?eight. 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?eleven that i wear regularly, but i have some others that ive gathered over the years or which i wear for band or something. cherry red vegan docs, mid top air force 1s, reebok classics, stan smiths, old skools with the flames on the side, orange and green one stars, white high top chucks, all black high top chucks, brown birkenstocks, red birkenstocks, and peach tevas. my shoe size hasnt changed since about 5th grade and i got a lot of them secondhand, for christmas, or on a huge discount, though, im not rich. haha.12. What was your last dream about?i remember waking up this morning glad to have a good dream instead of a nightmare, but i already forgot what it was.13. What talents do you have?the ability to ruin my own day and remember hordes of useless facts.14. Are you psychic in any way?apparently when i was little i talked to a ghost. but my aunt who told me that is kinda crazy, so that might not be true.15. Favourite song?my traditional answer is i know its over by the smiths, but my contemporary answer is pile! no pile! pile! by the brave little abacus -- traditional and contemporary in terms of how long ive liked the song.16. Favourite movie?rushmore, because its f***ing hilarious and aesthetically wonderful. but end of evangelion is really my favorite, i think, it just feels wrong to answer a movie that has an entire show behind it giving it context.17. Who would be your ideal partner?hmm. kaworu nagisa. if not him, then someone who is very smart and funny, a musician, cares about me enough to ask how im doing and want to know the answer, who is patient with all my neuroses and sticks around even when they get in the way, will enjoy watching movies and anime and listening to music with me, has long philosophical discussions late at night, runs through cities with me without caring about anyone around us thinks because were young and in love and nothing else matters, enjoys reading books, enjoys drinking tea, knows what mental illness is like. preferably wears glasses.18. Do you want children?most likely not.19. Do you want a church wedding?no.20. Are you religious?i grew up vaguely christian, became an atheist at a very young age, then went back to christianity at about 14 because i started to have extreme death anxiety, and now im vaguely christian again. i mean, i dont really know how i feel about god -- whether he even exists or his nature if he does, hence why my profile says agnostic -- but jesus is super cool.21. Have you ever been to the hospital?i broke my foot in 4 places when i was 6 and my parents waited a week before taking me to the hospital. so yes.22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?no.23. Have you ever met any celebrities?not in real life, but i did have a conversation with adam demirjian (singer/lyricist/guitarist/drummer, sometimes of the brave little abacus) over discord once. hes pretty much one of my idols, so it was really exciting for me. i was also front row at a mom jeans show one time, haha. totally counts.24. Baths or showers?i usually take showers but i take baths if im stressed out or something. i love bathing and i take a super long time. sorry to our planets water supply.25. What colour socks are you wearing?none >:)26. Have you ever been famous?no way. 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?when i was little i wanted to be famous because i wanted to be remembered after i died and i wanted to make a difference in peoples lives like the musicians i loved made in mine. nowadays, im semi-planning on becoming an english teacher, because im super influenced by some of my teachers (especially my art teacher) and ive realized thats probably the biggest difference you can make in someones life. "im sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody." 28. What type of music do you like?emo, skramz, hardcore, indie, folk, alt-country, breakcore, pop punk, glitch, pop, post-punk, goth, shoegaze, romantic period pianists, folk punk, noise, lo-fi indie rock, japanese noise pop, math rock, outsider music, slowcore, sadcore, progressive dreamfunk, and post-avant jazzcore.29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?yes. i always find this question strange because i swam in a pool naked when i was very young. it wasnt especially perverse.30. How many pillows do you sleep with?there are a lot on my bed, but i mainly use two.31. What position do you usually sleep in?on my back, typically. i like sleeping curled up on my side, but it gives me a headache.32. How big is your house?two bed two bath generic suburban household at my moms. big ass spanish style two-story (and a basement) at my dads, but im only there 10% of the month.33. What do you typically have for breakfast?2 acetaminophen, 2 ibuprofen, and a coke zero.34. Have you ever fired a gun?no.35. Have you ever tried archery?yes, in elementary school pe we had an archery unit.36. Favourite clean word?serendipity is nice. i like polysyllabic, pretty-sounding words. cellar door is always nice. 37. Favourite swear word?f*** is such a classic. bitch might actually be the one i say the most, though, because i call everyone bitch as if i were just saying dude. 38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?36 hours.39. Do you have any scars?tons on my left thigh. take a wild guess about why. i also have a weird little one on my right ankle, though, because it got sliced on some glass when i was little and its never gone away.40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?not as far as i know. im not very attractive.41. Are you a good liar?no. im usually a very literal person, so lying doesnt come naturally to me.42. Are you a good judge of character?usually.43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?not well. im too nervous to try, anyway. if im singing a song i usually emulate the singer, i guess? like john darnielles crisp articulation, morrisseys northern english accent, gerard ways weird growly r sounds. my theater kid friends also talk almost exclusively in obnoxious incomprehensible english accents.44. Do you have a strong accent?everyone does, i guess. but i have the general american accent, i suppose because florida has just about every type of american all living in one place so it blends together into one inoffensive blur.45. What is your favourite accent?i like all kinds of accents. jamaican, indian, african, and irish accents are quite nice -- i know there are a lot of accents in all those regions, but just imagine what a character in a movie from any of those places would have, the generic one, and i would like it.46. What is your personality type?intp, 4w5, melancholic, chaotic good/neutral, derse dreamer, slytherin, etc.47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?i guess my birkenstocks or my doc martens. i pretty much never buy new clothes or expensive clothes.48. Can you curl your tongue?yes. i cant do the clover thing, though.49. Are you an innie or an outie?innie.50. Left or right handed?right. i actually started out left-handed when i was very young, but my mom trained me to be right-handed. i wish she hadnt. i think left-handed people are cool.51. Are you scared of spiders?i guess, but i try to scoop them up and release them outside.52. Favourite food?black bean soup.53. Favourite foreign food?jeez, i dunno. i eat a lot of it. at the moment im craving some chana masala, so ill go with that.54. Are you a clean or messy person?im messy but i hate mess. so it usually piles up for a while until i have an anxiety attack and clean it in one fell swoop. im quite particular about hygiene, though.55. Most used phrased?you talk a lotta big game for someone with such a small truck.56. Most used word?juxtaposition, of course.57. How long does it take for you to get ready?five minutes.58. Do you have much of an ego?im obsessed with myself and think im better than everyone, but i also hate myself on a level deeper than most people could ever understand.59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?suck.60. Do you talk to yourself?constantly.61. Do you sing to yourself?yes.62. Are you a good singer?im alright.63. Biggest Fear?ordering food at a restaurant ive never been to before, i dunno. death.64. Are you a gossip?everyone likes gossiping.65. Best dramatic movie you've seen?i dunno, eternal sunshine?66. Do you like long or short hair?long on guys and short on girls.67. Can you name all 50 states of America?given enough time.68. Favourite school subject?art. thats cheating, though, so english.69. Extrovert or Introvert?prohibitively introverted.70. Have you ever been scuba diving?no.71. What makes you nervous?talking to strangers, breaking rules, ordering food, asking for help, new experiences, being nervous, planning ahead, not planning ahead, etc. i have like three anxiety/panic disorders...72. Are you scared of the dark?if ive just read a scary story, maybe.73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?depends on the circumstances. if its something small, probably not, because thats annoying as sh*t. if its about one of my interests or its something for school or something like that, yes.74. Are you ticklish?yes.75. Have you ever started a rumour?no.76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?im the president of art club at my school, yaaay me.77. Have you ever drank underage?no. f*** alcohol.78. Have you ever done drugs?yes.79. Who was your first real crush?i suppose i had various crushes on various people throughout elementary and middle school, but the first person i was reeeally into was this dude in 9th grade who was very mean to me. were friends now, though, funnily enough.80. How many piercings do you have?one piercing in my right earlobe. i used to have the left earlobe and my right nostril, but they closed up.81. Can you roll your Rs?yup, i speak spanish.82. How fast can you type?pretty fast, i guess. when im typing in class people always comment on it, haha.83. How fast can you run?i cant run at all.84. What colour is your hair?usually a light to medium brown, but i just dyed it dark brown.85. What colour is your eyes?blue/green/grey. i like to pretend theyre green, though.86. What are you allergic to?nothing.87. Do you keep a journal?yes. one for drawings and ranting and one that my therapist makes me keep about my Bad Feelings.88. What do your parents do?my mom is a bartender. my dad plays guitar in the house band at the same bar. my stepmom is a physical therapist.89. Do you like your age?being a teenager is the best and worst part of life. its the most miserable and the most vital. i cant wait for it to be over and i wish i could be a teenager forever.90. What makes you angry?the sound of people chewing.91. Do you like your own name?the one i chose, yes, even though it makes it painfully obvious that im trans.92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?i dont really want kids, but i name sims a lot. haha. i like either super classic biblical names or sort of contemporary androgynous ones. daniel, elijah, zachariah, aubrey, isaiah, salinger, olivia, etc.93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?no.94. What are you strengths?i am really smart. and i am very stubborn.95. What are your weaknesses?disgustingly low self-esteem. clingy. annoying. unstable. unmotivated. chronically anxious. monumentally, suicidally depressed. too sad to be fun to be around. lonely. self-sabotaging. i push people away to avoid getting hurt. awful at keeping conversations going. victim complex. etc.96. How did you get your name?my legal name came to my mom in a dream. my chosen name is oscar wildes sons name, and my friend helped me pick it.97. Were your ancestors royalty?what? no. though, funnily, my paternal sides last name is king.98. Do you have any scars?the answer hasnt changed since i was last asked.99. Colour of your bedspread?white, blue, and green.100. Colour of your room?white and covered in posters.

MystyStrange 🎃

10/26/2019 07:33 PM 

Music Mag n°1 : Violent New Breed

Welcome to the very first edition of Music Mag !We will talk music and i will present you some bands that i like So today, we will talk about a band called Violent New Breed This is an American post-hardcore band fonded by Max Green (ex-bassist of Escape The Fate (2004-2014))The band started in 2013 and record some songs and did some concertsThey are back in the studio with a new lineup since 2018 The new album is out since 25th October 2019There also two musics videos out : "Bury Me" featuring Howard Jones and " Crazy "https:// Average Emo Kid   


10/25/2019 10:56 PM 

Listen 2 Chevelle
Current mood:  discontent

Chevelle is CRIMINALLY underrated!! Give my guys some love ‘cause they really deserve it man 

Chevelle Music Bands Underrated


10/25/2019 04:10 PM 

heart break
Current mood:  depressed

so tsumugi aoba from enstars isnt real and cant kabedon me.......what the f*** is up with that?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? my heart aches for him..........

sad, emo, heartbreak,


10/24/2019 07:59 PM 

Current mood:  adored

lets become hazwoper certified



10/24/2019 10:27 PM 

New 2 fp!
Current mood:  excited

Really looking forward 2 making some new friendz :p


10/24/2019 06:14 PM 


im actually luving uni sooo much rn!!!


10/24/2019 01:43 PM 

mooore quizz

What color is your underwear right now?white people colourWhat are you listening to right now?the fireplace crackleWhat are the last 2 digits in your phone number?i actually cant rememberWhat was the last thing you ate?hot chocolateIf you were a crayon what color would you be?pink!How is the weather right now?kinda windyWho was the last person you talked to on the phone?my boyffriendThe first thing you notice about the opposite sex?hairFavorite type of food?allDo you smoke?nopeEver get so drunk you dont remember?i've never been drink before!What color are your eyes?greenDo you wear contacts?nopSingle?takeeennEver cried for no reason?yea constantlyLast Movie you watched?miss congeniality 2Are you too shy to ask someone out?yes but luckily he asked me out firstWhat books are you reading?fruits basket and fukakai ns boku no subete oHave you ever fired a gun?yea i used to shoot for a sportDo you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?nahHow many pillows do you sleep with?2Are you missing someone?always,,


10/24/2019 01:28 PM 

🍑 25 peaches about me 🍑
Current mood:  blah

🍑 25 peaches about me 🍑—————————————🍑 Name: Ally!!🍑 Sexuality: straight (ig heteroromantic pansexual if you wanted to be suuper specific, i don't id as lgbt tho i just don't feel its my place to)🍑 Birthdate: July 14!🍑 Height: shid i don't know. I'm a tiny bit shorter than my bf🍑 Relationship status: taken uwu🍑 Pronouns: she/her🍑 Eye colour: greeen🍑 Skin colour: white but like really greeny-yellow🍑 Hair colour: brown🍑 Future career: uhhhhh something creative. Dream job would be designing stationary or anime figurines🍑 Favourite colour: green or pink🍑 Favourite food: pork buns or icecream honey toast🍑 Favourite song(s): mmmm for baltimore by atl?🍑 Favourite game: Klonoa: Door to Phantomile🍑 Favourite movie: Kingsman🍑 Favourite person(s): All my wonderful fwwiends and my boyfy and my parents too🍑 Favourite drink: green melon mogu moguuuu,, green melon anything really, or creaming soda, or korean chupa chup soda that sh*t is AMAZING🍑 Favourite dessert: ice cream honey toast!!🍑 Talents: draaaaaw and sew and resin but those aren't really talents bc i used to suck at them, i just worked hard🍑 Disorders: real neurotypical hours🍑 Fears: death via radiation poisioning🍑 Happiness: p*ssy🍑 Closest friends: ahh i dont wanna put their names on here🍑 Zodiac sign: Cancer, which is what I am🍑 Why did you take this?:Im booooorb and i wanna put more things on my lil blog bc i luv the layout of it🔥Now post a few pictures : succ my pp


10/23/2019 03:42 PM 

Creepiest stuff that happened to me

I stated before that I believe in ghosts/paranormal beings existing.I also know that many if not most of these events are directly influenced by my stance on this.Still they're scary as f***.The first one happened while I was waking up. I read a lot about sleep paralysis, and thought it was an interesting thing (still think so).I'm normally not someone to remember dreams, but some weird or disturbing ones stand out.Well, that dream almost left me, but I remember I dreamt of a being in my room.I always sleep with a purple light on, for the sleep aesthetics and because I'm scared of sleeping in the dark(/ω\).Well anyway, I saw my room coated in purple light, as usual, but I also saw the most cliche horror creature there. It was literally just a black shadow.When I eventually woke up from something, I was too afraid to look, because I felt that shadow near me. Not just a feeling like "Oh how scary", but a serious feeling of dread.The second thing was fairly recent.We were in our school building while no one else was there (We had a permission so it's not that bad).We have a big building made out of bricks. It has this american high school vibe, which is fairly uncommon for german schools.Anyway, it has a long hall leading to several classrooms, including mine.On this faithful day, as no one had entered it in hours, the lights were turned off.My friends thought it would be a good idea to "explore" the building.I directly said "f*** this" and stayed outside while they went in.Being basically alone on the school grounds already was eerie for me. But while they were away, I saw faint shapes in windows. A few seconds after they began appearing, my friends came running out of the door and said "there was someone!".Now that I think about it, obviously it was a guarding teacher, but I thought it was something worse.If I can think of more I will probably post it, but that's all for now

MystyStrange 🎃

10/23/2019 05:25 PM 

2000's Playlist *Part 2*

Hey guys ! So i have made a first part of my Playlist from the 2000's, it was a long time ago and i was thinking of doing a second partSo, let's get started ! I Caught Fire by The UsedOhio Is For Lovers by Hawthorne HeightsMy Heroine by SilversteinWelcome To My Life by Simple PlanPerfect by Simple PlanNikki FM by Hawthorne HeightsBuried Myself Alive by The UsedBring Me To Life by EvanescenceLifestyles Of The Rich And Famous by Good CharlotteOcean Avenue by YellowcardSugar We are Going Down by Fall Out BoyAnimal I Have Become by Three Days GraceNote To Self by From First To LastMy Apocalypse by Escape The Fate40 Days by BlessTheFallListen Up by True Story ( Ronnie Radke and Max Green back in 2002 )Stockholm Syndrome by Blink-182Still Waiting by Sum 41How You Remind Me by NickelBackGirlfriend by Avril LavigneMakeDamnSure by Taking Back SundayFace Down by The Red Jumpsuit ApparatusCheck Yes Juliet by We The KingsThe Great Escape By Boys Like GirlsEnjoy !Your Average Emo Kid 🎃


10/22/2019 06:58 PM 

what to say to my music box
Current mood:  scared

my music box played today. i did not wind it up. my mom gave it to me in 2016 and it is on my windowsill. sometimes at night or when i nap it will wake me up and i have tried asking it audibly to stop but it will not listen. any ideas on how i can ask it to let me sleep? this is all that has happened and it does not seem to want to hurt anyone. 

question music box

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