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Mediocre Myles

10/30/2020 01:15 PM 

Where to Get Scene Clothes?

Hey peeps! I was wondering where I could get some "scene" clothes? Ive been emo for a while, and my moms goth, so most of my clothes is black. I was wondering if anybody knew brands or stores that have scene-ish style clothes? Thank u!


10/30/2020 10:03 AM 

Current mood:  okay

we talked in the morning for a little which was nice, and maggie tested the allergy theory. they just needed to wash the bottle more, so thats good. im happy that they figured it out. we played cod for a few hours which was pretty fun, but i played pretty bad again. i missed maggie a lot yesterday, and i didnt feel good so it was kinda bad timing. i really wanna try maggies cooking. i bet its really good:) and maggie showed me kitchens that they liked. they were awesome! and then, they showed me a bunch of cool stuff on pinterest! ik my future with maggie is really bright. i cant wait to see them. were gonna go to the beach for our first date. it makes me really happy to think about. i got her an adorable stuffie:) i love the one she got me. i hug it every night. 

letta 𐐪♡𐑂

10/30/2020 11:01 PM 


i think we've progressed past the need for gender at all, not that we ever needed it in the first place. im just part of the universe inhabiting this body to experience pain and then be reincarnated. i dont need labels i just need to exist. im not a girl, not a boy, not anything in between. im just energy in a body till the end,.


10/30/2020 08:16 PM 


DAILY ACTIVITY POG! Also I might have COVID >w|


09/11/2020 04:46 PM 

chew, inhale, spit, swallow, and blow
Current mood:  awake

chew, inhale, spit, swallow, and blowgum wrapper in my ashtraya bubble blown, a jolting popyou liked that poemyou burn through megum wrapper in my ashtraywhere did you come from?cleaning my mouth that should be sealedcaulking birdgum wrapper in my ashtraymaybe it was mei dont really recallim happy i dont want a refill thoughyou wouldnt want another relapse

shitty, poem, that, i, wrote, when, i was, really, sad, the, one, night


10/30/2020 02:12 AM 

o hello
Current mood:  blank

i forgot friendproject exists tbh Dx umz follow my twitter if youd like its @vqmpyre


10/29/2020 11:51 PM 


watching marie antoinette dir sofia coppola 


10/29/2020 09:50 PM 

F*** this life
Current mood:  betrayed

Everything has seemed/seems to have gone to sh*t, everything is sh*t, im sh*t, what the f*** is this f***ing bullsh*t...F***.


10/29/2020 09:01 PM 


I cut my bangs and i look like the chick from 50 shades of gray can someone literally kill me? 


10/29/2003 03:33 AM 


i just want to exist. 


10/29/2020 04:46 PM 

about me <3
Current mood:  chill

hi !! most of my info and interests are already on here, this is just to give my socials :).instagram: @adriatic.sea_tumblr: @sunlightandhyacinths

༎ຶ‿༎ຶ 𝔏𝔘ℑ𝔖 ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

10/29/2020 04:44 PM 

Current mood:  busy

Life It always seems to just go and go without ever stopping for anyone or anything. How do you live your life? How do you run someone else's life who can't run their own? How did we learn to do the things we do regularly, such as hugging hand shaking greeting each other verbally? How did we learn to handle death? What is death to you? Why did we develope so many different idiologies and customs? What purpose do we have being here and now? These questions should have an answer but alas they are unattainable. Questions to think about questions to keep you up at night. Comment your best existential question if you have one! Thanks for reading. ~Chilly


10/29/2020 02:47 PM 

diary entry 2

last night, i smoked with my girlfriend and they showed me Borat, which i had never seen before. i was not impressed.tonight, i'm going to go to my boyfriend's house to practice skating and spend the night with him. COVID's made skating harder to learn, since i can't go to a roller rink, but i think i'm doing okay.i feel like i want to do something creative, but i don't know what. i guess i could draw, but i've really gotten sh*t at that due to lack of practice over the last few years. maybe i'll pick up my guitar again. i pick it up every few weeks to learn a new cover, and then put it back down for another few weeks. i'm not talented or anything, but it's still cathartic for me.or maybe i'll write. i wrote a couple fics a month or so ago, and then promptly disappeared from my account again. i've had ideas buzzing around my head ever since, but i can't seem to sit down and make myself focus on writing them it obvious i have ADHD?my roommate wants to talk to me about emotional sh*t today. they've been really upset lately and have just been hiding in their room all day and cringing when anyone talks to them. i hope they're okay.


10/29/2020 02:28 PM 

so bored lets talk =]
Current mood:  bored

heyyy add my snap @adrianabrecht or insta @rawr_its_adriana ♚

#scene #emo #scenequeen #emogirl #scenegirl #scenecore #myspce


10/29/2020 02:01 PM 


wait wut im serioslly failing biologyyyy

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