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08/26/2003 10:37 PM 


i like chinese food


08/26/2003 06:33 PM 

limp bizkit

hey guys! why did god make me fall in love with someone on the opposite end of the world anyways i attended the freshman pep rally this wednesday and it was fun, all my old friends thought i was dead lol i got my schedule and i got into design 1 with mr humphreys so im stoked for that. im gonna be violent jay from icp for halloween even though im too old this is gonna be my last one. anyways im obsessed with kurt cobain and it sucks that the dude from the nevermind album cover is suing nirvana like hes just desperate for money and its so stupid. school starts this coming monday and im nervous but excited to meet the rest of my teaches that i didnt meet at the pep rally 

school, pep rally, icp

Jed Undead

08/25/2021 06:54 PM 

Current mood:  excited

Orientation went well! Got my schedule, I have business for my electives lol but we’re talking to the counselor to switch to art. They had the whole speeches stuff for so long, they really stressed the whole “school is a dignified place” and that you have to act accordingly, i think that’s pretty normal though Also this is a really good public school…like I’m not gonna say the rank but they’re one of the top in NY state? Really good ranking in the whole country? Which is great but like…no pressure at all /s After the speeches we got our schedules if we didn’t have them already, got our locker numbers, walked around, I had to ask one of the seniors how to even use those spinny padlock things on the lockers which was kinda embarrassing but he was nice and hey I’ve never touched one of those in my life I saw this person with split hair-dye half black half pink which was really cool, the PTA people complimented my battle vest, the security guard was super nice, all in all it went really well! And afterwards we got sushi :)-Jed


08/25/2021 04:35 PM 


hey sis


08/25/2021 10:06 PM 

Nirvana sued the man who was a baby is a gold digger

the baby in the pool how was it in the pool anyway though it wasn't exploitation it was just a photo of a baby Nirvana is innocent @ApproachNirvana it wasn't sexual @nirvana it wasnt sexual nope was not! the baby was in a swimming pool with arm floats.??? or was it cgi? scientists start making synthetic gold where are dollar coins 21 thr 41 46  I'd like to gte rid of 46, 45 presidents JImmy Carter hasn't been made into a dollar coin???


08/25/2021 08:24 PM 


uuuuuuhhh.,,,, im not rly sure how all of this works but hi :0


08/25/2021 04:35 PM 

I'm officially fully vaccinated! :)
Current mood:  happy

Got my second Pfizer dose at 08:30 this morning and it feels good to be fully vaccinated! No side effects so far but I'll still stay at home for the rest of the day in case I come down with some not so pleasant side effects and ride it out the best I can. But I might also just feel fine for the rest of the day which is what I'm hoping for. Either way, I'm now double-Pfizer'ed and it feels good! :)

Covid19, Corona, vaccine


08/24/2021 04:07 PM 

Current mood:  voluminous

Today is not the greatest. But it is national waffle day. WOOHOOOOOOOOO


08/24/2021 02:35 AM 

Current mood:  angry

i know this boy. we used to be friends but hes kinda a d*ck. hes like the size of a full grown man but has the mind of a 13 yo. I dont like him. i could go into why but thats besides the point. I dont hate anyone really, infact i find that everyone has a reason for their flaws and nobody's perfect. but i hate this boy. a lot. im so mean and unreasonable with him. everytime he speaks i want to bite him, hard. im not an angry person, but i get a sorta primal hatered torwards him. anyone else have this experience?? :(


08/23/2021 11:58 PM 


just heard about violent J from icp having heart failure, wishing him a full and safe recovery. no need for any big tours, we just want u to rest brother.


08/23/2021 08:54 PM 


Today I cleaned the apartment, I also decorated. I put out halloween pillows, a pumpkin garland above the couch, and a skeleton on the door. It appears that becuase I am the only female presenting person in this house, I have to be in charge of cleaning and decorating. Last time, someone was supposed to clean the pillow that exploded in the dryer and they did not do a good job.The lesson I have learned this past week is that if I want something done, I have to do it myself. It becomes exhausting sometimes, but I need to rely on myself at the very least. I will enjoy taking a shower today in the clean bathtub. I might even light my pumpkin candle that someone gifted me.I also went to buy notebooks today, as I start school in one week, and they were all gone. All that was left was loose leaf paper and composition notebooks. I think I will try another store when I get the chance. I have to go to bed soon. I work early in the morning. I am so nervous about starting college in a week, I might have a panic attack.

college, clean, halloween, pumpkin,

✟ st. abby ✟

08/23/2021 06:11 PM 


you make me think of all sorts of dangerous thingslike how i want to stay here forever"in between these sheets?"no, with you. wherever you go. to the ends of the earth. to our very demise.a hail of bullets, baby.why, you can have it all.


08/23/2021 06:34 PM 

My review of Black Goat of the Hundred Acre Wood by James Pratt

It is a mythos story I bought off Amazon Kindle and at first glance the concept seems ridiculous, the Cthulhu Mythos crossed with Winnie the Pooh, not written as a parody or tongue in cheek either, it is dead-pan serious and very grave and somber, yet it is fantastic. The characters are never referred to by name, but by descriptions that make them instantly recognizable, i.e. the curious tiger, the yellow bear, the clever rabbit, etc. I presume this was done due to copywrite laws but that is only my speculation. Anyway, it starts off with the beloved children's characters planning a picnic for their friend 'the fair haired boy' when a mysterious storm rolls in and they find a mysterious trap door they never noticed before. The story sees appearances from creatures that were featured in Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath and the story itself is even mentioned by the characters. I really liked the story and recommend it to all mythos fans Some of my favorite snippets from the story to give you an idea of it; "The Little Yellow Bear knew for a fact that dragons were real, as were brownies and bunyips and boggarts, though he didn’t call them by those names. But nothing could have prepared them for this. It was as if the world they knew was a tapestry, slowly unraveling in preparation to become something new." "The dog-faced thing removed its hand and faded back into the darkness. The Little Yellow Bear crept out of his bedroll and started to follow before he remembered the Gentle Pig and began crawling toward his makeshift spear. Weapon in hand, he slowly circled the fire, giving him a better view of the serpent-thing. It looked like a small sea-monster, with a sinewy reptilian body and an earless, bullet-shaped head at the end of a serpentine neck. Folded tight against its body was a pair of membranous wings. Teeth and claws glistening slick with gore, it was too absorbed in its meal to notice the small, quiet form creeping up on it." "The Gentle Pig moaned. No, the Little Yellow Bear thought. Nothing could have lived through that. The Gentle Pig was practically in two pieces. Then he moaned again and the Little Yellow Bear was at his side. “Please,” the Gentle Pig begged, “please.” He’s going to ask me to kill him, the Little Yellow Bear thought. Not that. Anything but that" "An odd thought occurred to the Little Yellow Bear. The fog blotted out the world, not by obscuring it but by eating it up. It was a malignant tumor spreading across the universe, feasting on space and time even as it excreted a strange new reality in its wake. Whatever it was, the ancient and wicked thing had come with the storm had already claimed the Wood. Soon, nothing would be left of the Little Yellow Bear’s world, save for the Little Yellow Bear himself."


08/23/2021 04:45 PM 

An old video I recorded on top of my city's highest mountain

I recorded this video back in 2017 at the top of Mount Ulriken, the highest of my hometown Bergen's mountains. It's 643 meters above sea level and offers spectacular views and lots of hiking trails for tourists and locals alike. I was meant to upload this video earlier but I somehow forgot until I came to think about it today so I figured I'd upload it to YouTube and share it on here as well :)Mount Ulriken (2017) 


08/23/2021 01:01 AM 

Weird things are happening
Current mood:  anxious

I keep forgeting everything. My memory is getting worse and worse. I cant remember names or things that ive done and i keep misplacing stuff. I do remember my dreams tho. school starts on wednessday. I dont think my body is mine. sometimes when i look in the miror it feels like im looking at a stranger, and sometimes i feel like somebody observering my life rather than somebody experiencing it. does anyone know whats happening to me? thanks :/


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