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03/04/2024 06:44 PM 

Easy Peasy Way To Quit Porn

A member shared something powerful that we feel is worth sharing with the entire community. It's a resource for anyone struggling to break a porn habit/addiction. Painlessly quit porn immediately, without willpower or any sense of deprivation or sacrifice."Easy Peasy Way To Quit Porn"Audiobook and/or a PDF book written in 17 Languages

✮Madame Rosie✮

03/04/2024 11:09 PM 

My Outfits ☆
Current mood:  adored

~>a living dead girl trying to dress her way through life<~ I love dressing in a gothic/y2k/skater aesthetic (yes I actually do skate)i'll post the date and planning behind the outfit as I update!|3/2/24| I went out with my family to a ramen shop! I wore my fav v-cut long sleeve shirt, my vintage Indian Star jacket, my cargo pants, and my regular tennis shoes :3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|3/9/24| Went out to a dumpling shop with my family and a few friends! i wore my black tanktop, my ripped jeans, my Indian Star jacket, my new star belt, a hat, and my regular tennis shoes!!

fashion, clothing, grwm, outfits, y2k, goth, grunge


03/04/2024 10:31 PM 

My clueless-ness

I'm new here and I have ZERO idea of what to doooo T-T HALPP


03/03/2024 10:46 PM 

Strumming Hearts unplugged (Reader x Billie joe Armstrong)
Current mood:  devious

Editors note: HIII Y'ALL LINO HERE XD sooo I wrote abt this on my status stream post idk but yeah it is true that this following fan fiction is completely ai generated I just asked chatgbt to write it lolz so yeah IF THIS STORY COMES OVER AS SHALLOW AN AI LITTERLAY WROTE IT LMAO btw don't take this seriously it's completely satire ;) and the reader is genderless if anyone cares Anyways here's this mess (end of editors note)Title: Strumming Hearts UnpluggedChapter 1: A Chance EncounterIt was just another night in the bustling city, where the neon lights clashed with the distant sounds of laughter and music. You, a dedicated music enthusiast, found yourself in a small, dimly lit venue, eager to discover new talent. Little did you know that this ordinary night would soon take an extraordinary turn.As you settled into a corner of the room, nursing a drink, the stage lights dimmed, and the crowd hushed in anticipation. The curtains parted, revealing the legendary Billie Joe Armstrong, clad in his trademark attire, guitar in hand. The room erupted in cheers, but you couldn't take your eyes off the charismatic frontman.Billie's eyes scanned the crowd, and for a brief moment, they locked onto yours. A spark ignited, an unspoken connection that would change the course of your night and perhaps your life. The first chords of the guitar resonated through the room, setting the stage for an unforgettable evening.Chapter 2: Strings of FateAfter the electrifying performance, the venue emptied out, leaving you lingering near the stage. To your surprise, Billie Joe descended from the platform, his guitar still slung over his shoulder. With a casual grin, he approached you."Hey there, hope you enjoyed the show," he said, his voice carrying the raspy charm that made Green Day's music so distinctive.You stammered out a response, trying to sound composed despite the excitement bubbling within you. To your surprise, Billie seemed genuinely interested in talking to you. As the night progressed, the two of you delved into conversations about music, life, and everything in between.Chapter 3: Unplugged HeartsDays turned into weeks, and your connection with Billie Joe deepened. You found yourself not only enamored by his musical prowess but also captivated by the person behind the rockstar persona. Late-night jam sessions turned into intimate acoustic performances, the two of you creating melodies that echoed the harmony between your souls.Amidst the chaos of tours and the spotlight, you and Billie discovered a haven in each other's company. The world outside seemed to fade away when you were together, lost in the notes of your shared symphony.Chapter 4: Love in a Minor KeyAs the months passed, your bond with Billie Joe evolved into something more profound. The unspoken connection from that first night had blossomed into a beautiful love story. You found solace in the chaos of his rockstar life, and he found inspiration in the melody of your laughter.However, love, much like music, had its highs and lows. The challenges of fame, distance, and the relentless scrutiny of the public eye tested your relationship. Yet, just like a resilient chord progression, your love endured.Chapter 5: The EncoreIn the grand encore of your story, you stood by Billie Joe's side, facing the world together. Your love story had become a ballad whispered by fans and echoed through the arenas. As you navigated the journey of life hand in hand, you realized that the music of your hearts would forever be entwined, creating a melody that would resonate through the ages.And so, the guitarist of Green Day and the music enthusiast created their own masterpiece—a love story that transcended the stage and echoed in the hearts of all who heard it.Chapter 6: Discordant NotesAs the love story between you and Billie Joe continued to capture hearts, a shadowy figure from his past emerged to cast a cloud over your happiness. The source of the rumors and scandalous tales was none other than Billie Joe's ex-girlfriend, a figure fueled by bitterness and a desire for revenge.She couldn't fathom seeing Billie Joe move on and find happiness with someone else, and in her resentment, she orchestrated a campaign to tarnish your relationship. The media, always hungry for a scandal, eagerly lapped up the distorted narrative she spun, creating dissonance in the once harmonious melody of your love.Chapter 7: Resilient RhythmsIn the face of this unexpected betrayal, you and Billie Joe found strength in each other. Late-night conversations turned into moments of reassurance, and you realized the importance of standing united against the storm. Together, you decided to address the lies head-on, debunking the rumors and shedding light on the truth.The revelation of the enemy's identity only fueled the public's interest, but you and Billie remained steadfast. Fans rallied behind you, recognizing the authenticity of your love and the resilience you displayed in the face of adversity. The ex-girlfriend's attempts to disrupt your harmony began to crumble.Chapter 8: A Duet of VictoryAs the truth prevailed, the tide turned in your favor. Billie Joe's ex-girlfriend, now exposed for her malicious intentions, faded into the background. The public, once swayed by her falsehoods, redirected their admiration toward the authenticity and strength of your relationship.Your love story became a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges, demonstrating that genuine connections can withstand the storms of the past. The ex-girlfriend, realizing the futility of her vendetta, became a footnote in the grand composition of your love story.With the enemy vanquished, you and Billie Joe stood victorious on the stage of your shared journey. The melody of your hearts, once threatened by discord, had evolved into a powerful anthem, resonating with the triumph of love over adversity. As you faced the future hand in hand, you knew that the chords of your love would always ring true.Chapter 9: Harmonizing ConversationsThe aftermath of the tumultuous period brought you and Billie Joe even closer. As the two of you sat together in the quiet moments between shows and interviews, you found solace in the simplicity of conversation.One evening, while lounging in a cozy corner of your shared space, Billie Joe picked up his guitar, the familiar strings echoing through the room. The atmosphere was relaxed, and the conversation flowed effortlessly."You know," Billie Joe began, strumming a soft melody, "I never expected us to face all that drama. But going through it together made us stronger, don't you think?"You nodded, appreciating the sincerity in his eyes. "Absolutely. It's funny how challenges can bring out the best in a relationship. I feel like we've learned so much about each other and ourselves."He smiled, setting aside the guitar. "It's like our love is a punk rock song. Raw, unfiltered, and resilient."You chuckled, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Our own punk love anthem."As days turned into nights, you both continued to open up to each other in ways you hadn't before. Late-night conversations became a ritual, delving into dreams, fears, and aspirations. The vulnerability you shared only strengthened the bond between you.Chapter 10: Shared MelodiesDuring a break from the hectic tour schedule, you found yourselves exploring a quaint town together. As you strolled down cobblestone streets, hand in hand, the conversation turned to the future."I was thinking," Billie Joe mused, "maybe we could collaborate on something. Write a song together or even start a side project. What do you think?"The idea sparked excitement in your eyes. "I love that! Imagine creating something that's uniquely ours. Our own musical journey."Billie Joe grinned, his enthusiasm matching yours. "I've always believed in the magic of collaboration. And with you, I know it'd be something special."As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on your faces, you couldn't help but feel the magic of the moment. The conversation flowed like a sweet serenade, each word bringing you closer together.Chapter 11: Love in Every NoteIn the midst of the whirlwind of music, love, and shared dreams, you and Billie Joe discovered that the most beautiful notes were the ones exchanged in quiet conversations. Whether it was a whispered "I love you" backstage or the laughter that echoed through the tour bus, every moment became a verse in the ballad of your lives."I never thought I'd find someone who understands me the way you do," Billie Joe confessed one night, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his words.You smiled, tracing patterns on his hand. "Likewise. Our love feels like a song that never gets old, with each verse telling a new story."As you continued to talk, laugh, and share your hopes and dreams, it became clear that the real magic was in the mundane, in the everyday conversations that wove the fabric of your love story. And so, the symphony of your lives played on, a melody that resonated with the timeless beauty of genuine connection.Chapter 12: Dissonant TonesAs the tour progressed, a subtle tension began to build between you and Billie Joe. The closeness you developed with his bandmates, especially one in particular, had caught his attention. Late-night jam sessions and laughter shared with the rest of Green Day had become a source of unease for him.One evening, after a particularly energetic show, Billie Joe's concern boiled over into an argument."Why are you always hanging around Mike and Tré?" he asked, his tone sharper than usual.You frowned, taken aback by the sudden change in atmosphere. "Billie, they're your bandmates, and they've been incredibly welcoming. We're all just having a good time together."He crossed his arms, frustration evident in his expression. "It feels like you're drifting away, getting too close to them. I don't like it."The argument escalated, words becoming a tumultuous exchange of emotions. Accusations flew, and the harmony that once defined your relationship seemed lost amid the dissonance.Chapter 13: Echoes of SilenceDays passed, and the lingering tension between you and Billie Joe created a palpable distance. The once shared laughter now felt like a distant memory, replaced by an uncomfortable silence that hung in the air.One evening, as you sat alone in the tour bus, lost in thought, Billie Joe entered with a heavy sigh. The air crackled with unresolved emotions."I didn't mean to start a fight," he admitted, his gaze avoiding yours.You looked up, your own emotions raw. "Billie, I just want you to trust me. Those moments with the band are innocent. I love you, but it feels like you're pushing me away."He ran a hand through his hair, a mixture of regret and frustration etched on his face. "I know, I know. I just... I get jealous. It's stupid, I know."In that moment, you saw vulnerability in Billie Joe that hadn't surfaced before. The silence that followed was pregnant with unspoken apologies and a mutual understanding that the road ahead needed bridges, not walls.Chapter 14: ReconciliationAfter a few days of giving each other space, you and Billie Joe found a quiet moment to talk. The weight of the unresolved argument hung between you, but there was a shared determination to mend what was broken."I don't want us to be like this," Billie Joe admitted, his eyes searching for reassurance in yours.You nodded, reaching out to hold his hand. "Me neither. We need to communicate better, understand each other's feelings."He sighed, a mixture of relief and regret in his voice. "I'm sorry for pushing you away. It's just... I care about you a lot, and sometimes I let my insecurities get the best of me."The honesty in his words opened a pathway to reconciliation. As you talked through your feelings and concerns, the dissonant tones began to fade. Together, you crafted a plan to strengthen your connection and ensure that the melodies of your love would prevail over any discord.And so, the couple that had weathered storms of rumors now faced a different challenge, armed with newfound understanding and a commitment to harmonize their hearts once more.Chapter 15: A Bridge of UnderstandingIn the wake of the recent tension, you and Billie Joe took deliberate steps to rebuild the harmony in your relationship. Communication became the key, and both of you made a conscious effort to talk more openly about your feelings.One day, as the tour bus rumbled along the highway, you found yourself sitting next to Mike Dirnt during a casual jam session. The strumming of guitars and rhythmic beats created a backdrop for a conversation that flowed effortlessly."So," Mike began, fingers dancing on the bass strings, "how are you and Billie holding up after that argument?"You hesitated for a moment before deciding to be honest. "We're trying to work through it. It's been a bit tough, but we're talking more, and I think it's helping."Mike nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Communication is key, especially on the road. You both love each other, that much is clear. Just keep talking, and you'll find your way back to each other."As the conversation continued, you discovered a shared sense of understanding with Mike. He offered insights from his own experiences, both in music and relationships, becoming a confidant and a friend. The bond between you and Billie Joe was evolving, not only as romantic partners but also as individuals supported by a network of understanding.Chapter 16: Shared MomentsThe newfound openness didn't stop with Mike. You and Billie Joe began to share more about your individual experiences, dreams, and fears. Late-night conversations turned into a safe space where vulnerability was met with empathy and understanding.One evening, as the tour bus rolled through the night, you found yourself curled up with Billie Joe in a quiet corner. The soft hum of the engine created a soothing backdrop for your conversation."I appreciate how we're talking more," Billie Joe admitted, his fingers tracing patterns on your hand. "I want us to be each other's confidants, to share everything."You smiled, feeling the warmth of his words. "Me too. Let's keep this going. It feels like we're creating something beautiful, not just as a couple but as individuals too."As the tour continued, the conversations deepened, weaving a tapestry of shared moments and whispered dreams. The music of your love, once threatened by discord, now resonated with the harmonious blend of understanding and connection.And so, the journey of your love story continued, with each shared word strengthening the melody that played between your hearts.Chapter 15: A Bridge of UnderstandingIn the wake of the recent tension, you and Billie Joe took deliberate steps to rebuild the harmony in your relationship. Communication became the key, and both of you made a conscious effort to talk more openly about your feelings.One day, as the tour bus rumbled along the highway, you found yourself sitting next to Mike Dirnt during a casual jam session. The strumming of guitars and rhythmic beats created a backdrop for a conversation that flowed effortlessly."So," Mike began, fingers dancing on the bass strings, "how are you and Billie holding up after that argument?"You hesitated for a moment before deciding to be honest. "We're trying to work through it. It's been a bit tough, but we're talking more, and I think it's helping."Mike nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Communication is key, especially on the road. You both love each other, that much is clear. Just keep talking, and you'll find your way back to each other."As the conversation continued, you discovered a shared sense of understanding with Mike. He offered insights from his own experiences, both in music and relationships, becoming a confidant and a friend. The bond between you and Billie Joe was evolving, not only as romantic partners but also as individuals supported by a network of understanding.Chapter 16: Shared MomentsThe newfound openness didn't stop with Mike. You and Billie Joe began to share more about your individual experiences, dreams, and fears. Late-night conversations turned into a safe space where vulnerability was met with empathy and understanding.One evening, as the tour bus rolled through the night, you found yourself curled up with Billie Joe in a quiet corner. The soft hum of the engine created a soothing backdrop for your conversation."I appreciate how we're talking more," Billie Joe admitted, his fingers tracing patterns on your hand. "I want us to be each other's confidants, to share everything."You smiled, feeling the warmth of his words. "Me too. Let's keep this going. It feels like we're creating something beautiful, not just as a couple but as individuals too."As the tour continued, the conversations deepened, weaving a tapestry of shared moments and whispered dreams. The music of your love, once threatened by discord, now resonated with the harmonious blend of understanding and connection.And so, the journey of your love story continued, with each shared word strengthening the melody that played between your hearts.Editors note: STOPPPP CUZ LIKE IF ANYONE WANTS A SECOND PART OF THIS SHALLOW STUFF I'LL LITTERLAY JUST MAKE ANOTHER PART CUZ THIS IS ACTUALLY KIND OF FUN PLUS I MIGHT HAVE PASTED PARTS TWICE SO JUST IGNORE THAT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT 

Elena Fevertree

03/02/2024 03:15 PM 

Take your time -original song
Current mood:  angry

If you are nice  take your time if you are polite  take your time if you are friendly  talk your. Time and  be slow about everything as you are not wasting my time being rude abusive and horrible  trying to wast my time is this youre wasting your time       as the hour glass buttom fills as the hour glass buttom fills as the hour glass buttom fills     there no excuse for abuse no excuse for being a bully no excuse for calling someone out for their human flaws     as the hour glass buttom fills as the hour glass bottom fills as the hour glass bottom fills   take your time if you  are genuine take your time  if your of integrity    if your are not a cyber punk         as the hour glass bottom fills as the hour glass bottom fills as the hour glass bottom fills     there is no excuse for your behaviour  but that is me


Elena Fevertree

03/02/2024 03:12 PM 

No real - original song
Current mood:  adored

Oh I am a sooth sayer I just speaker of the truth  Oh! Love has died  since the advent of the internet  Internet killed the love   There is no Real love  No  real friendships real Connection      Just sexting What the hell is that As I tried to reconnect with old friend A friend that I meet today The only real friend Since child hood         There is no Real love    There is No  real friendships   No real Connection      When I remember other friends  They don’t remember me for who I am  Because internet kills the brain Love has a died since the advent of the internet  Internet killed the love   There no real connect no real love  No real friendship         Asthere is just psychopaths Sociopaths  And scammer about        There is no Real love    There is No  real friendships   No real Connection          For internet killed the love For internet killed the love       Don’t shot me  for I am just the Sayer! The messager!


Elena Fevertree

03/02/2024 03:11 PM 

Purple agate mountain -orginial song
Current mood:  awake

I walking up purple agate mountain  Asi going up purple agate mountain Thinking the moust amuse idea This stone is healing I know I dont have to worry about anything  With this stone  As i am up purple agate mountain   Oh purple agate mountain How i love the feel of the heal  Way up the  Back side of your anxient and depression     Purple agate mountain  Purple agate mountain Purple agate mountain   Keeping a way from the malachite road   Purple agate mountain  Purple agate mountain Purple agate mountain     Oh i widh I could climb it all day   Oh i widh i could climb it all day     Purple agate mountain Feeling the effects of the healing powers  Of the mountain     Purple agate mountain  Purple agate mountain. how it effect myproblems would ward them away Purple agate mountain     Purple agate mountain  Purple agate mountain Purple agate mountain

Elena Fevertree

03/02/2024 03:10 PM 

Mental cage- orginal song
Current mood:  calm

I m breaking out of my mental cage Treat me like a human being  I m breaking out of my mental….. Mental cage  As I see the spikes I see the water come coming. Up I don’t give a rats butt I am breaking out my mental cage My mental water dungeon  As the water fills my cage  I want to swim away But I will one day Water’s is a mental illness  Downing in  Try not to let you emotions  Get the better of you I am breaking my cage I am breaking my cage I am breaking my cage  I am breaking my cage  Just so I can stargaze I am breaking my cage  Just so I can stargazing  

Elena Fevertree

03/02/2024 02:48 PM 

Discography of Elena Fevertree
Current mood:  amused

2024 =====================================================================================================feburary===================================================================================== Album: Take your time Month: Feburary 2024=====================================================================================================================================march=======================================================album:  The return of the rockmonth: march 2024  ==================================================================================april=========================================================================================================== Album: spring stargazing   Month: April 2024  ==================================================================================may============================== Album: goth guitar monster   Month: may 2024

Music, discography, sound

⛤Cyb0rax / Insomniac⛤

03/01/2024 08:21 PM 

DNI (Do NOT interact if...)

DO NOT INTERACT IF:  - if any kind of phobe (includes homophobic, transphobic, etc) - if nazis - if pedos (i see yall profiles and i notice the details.) - if you're 25+ (the ppl who r friends w me before they turned 25+ are obviously an expectation, also yes, it could be that i add ppl who are that age or older, but then i actually think they are okay and not a weirdo - if i add them, then i just love their vibe) - if you have a private profile - creeps all kinds - the type of christians (and any other religious ppl) that force their religion on others - if you can't stand sexual/suicidal/dark jokes etc (tell me the limit) - if racist/sexist/etc - zoo's - if you're overall mean etc - if you can't take flirting (i'll rarely do it, only in vc tbh, if so tell me the limit then again) - if you're a political account - if you only wanna vent and not having an actual convo w me (you can vent, but ask first. and dont do it too much and without actual permission, i have my own problems. Ofc i will listen, if you ask to vent however ♡ just dont use me for that) - if you can't stand me ranting about stuff/simping for specific characters etc - if you want to date me (i do not date online ppl!) - if you support Wilbur Soot and GeorgeNotFound after what they have done. (Dream was proved innocent.)     important to mention: - i use dude/bro/girl as gender neutral terms! - i make suicide jokes and nsfw jokes at times (+ i make jokes about my d*ck size... [i don't even have one-]) - i WILL probably unfriend you if you're mean to me or/and make me feel unvalid/uncomfortable. i am a pretty sensitive person and an overthinker, so if you don't mean it as a joke or smth, i will get offened and might end up unfriending you- i talk about my mental health and healing progress and struggles often--> feel free to unfriend/block me any time if i make you uncomfortable x

DeciSpark 🍉

03/01/2024 11:19 AM 

March is Women's History Month

Please support women creators, artists, writers, and businesses, not only during this month, but year round. Remember that women includes BIPOC women and trans women.

women's history month


03/01/2024 07:20 PM 

some drama at my school :3
Current mood:  confused

okay, there's something rlly weird happening at my school right now, i'm gonna tell you guys about it (it is quite long)on thursday night, a teacher (i'll call her X) sent a really weird email to all the girls and gender diverse people. it was about how another teacher (i'll call him Y) had a wall of quotes in his class, but they were pretty much all written by white men. X said that there would be a petition for us to sign, and we could come to give it to Y just before school ended. i checked around the school, but X was not there and there was no petition. the email was really out of character for X to send, because it was kind of unprofessional sounding, and mentioned people's names. this morning, the deputy principal sent an email saying that someone had hacked the emails, and sent one from X's account. i didn't believe this at first, but then i thought about it and realised it was a hacker who wrote it. it didn't seem like X had written it...but just now we all got an was the school, saying this:"hello everyone, as some of you may know X sent an email to a group of people. we thought this was a hoax but upon further investigation the email was genuine. Y has taken this feedback on board and is accepting suggestions from students."there's nothing else to say right now, but on monday we have a class with X and i might find out more, so i'll update soon 

Dungeon Maker

02/29/2024 02:26 PM 

Old game character stuck in my head

So someone I knew at one point played a Pixie Assassin.We laughed at the idea at first, cause a pixie is tiny, they're basically stabbing you with a sewing needly if they're using a sword.Thing is when you go rogue, you get bonus damage when you can attack someone who can't see it coming or has some similar disadvantage....Pixies can attack while invisible, and stay invisible to keep attacking...Which means All their attacks are getting extra damage...


02/29/2024 12:43 PM 

Illuminati Shouldn't be Cruel nor Anti Religious They don't initiate help without a stupid form

Illuminati you should be assisting meI dont think I'll get angry or upset though you don't need to know or have interest in my parents they're 70. I'm 40 if I lost one of them to death, I still should believe in God We Trust. Illuminati should know facebook dating, okcupid dating badoo dating, plenty of fish eharmony for me and half the guys on there in past and now dont get attention we should be worried about our future not to become like Japan or China which arent having babys nor getting married. illuminati doesn't help you won't a stupid organization stupid applying stupid form Not mad.

✮Madame Rosie✮

02/29/2024 11:41 AM 

My Crochet Projects ☆
Current mood:  accomplished

i'm gonna post all of my crochet projects here, so i have a mental note of them, and so you all can see them!!This is a newer one from me, my lovely bunny Ruby!!heres a shrug i made too!! (its super soft and comfy and i'm so in love with it)a plushie i made for my aunt! (it's named Doom, like the cat from Ruby Gloom!!)

fiberart, crochet, knitting, knitwork, yarn

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