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03/11/2019 09:25 AM 

Current mood:  hopeful

I think today might be okay


03/11/2019 07:54 PM 

♪ Headstrong - Trapt (2001)
Current mood:  adventurous


03/10/2019 06:57 PM 


Hai! I forgot to mention that I have a YouTube channel! It’s the same username as this and I plan on posting new videos very soon, so check it out if you want :3Thx! ♥ 

Ashton 死にたいくん

03/11/2019 01:57 PM 


in the spirit of 20ninescene, i thought i should share this with you guys:we all know that Microsoft shut down the legandary MSN Live Messager. we were all devistated (probably anyway).well, a new server has been opened called Escargot!! There are multiple versions of MSN to choose from and it works amazingly!heres the link!!My e-mail is [email protected] if anybody wants to add me to their contact list :D

20ninescene, msn, msn live messenger,


03/10/2019 07:39 PM 

Current mood:  anxious

weekend was pretty, as the title may suggest, uneventfulim still way behind on that drawing challenge thing i wanted to do 4 march whateverguitar lessons went fine, i already sorta forgot whatever my instructor tried to teach me yesterday but i did get the name of the song down somewhere so i can probably remember iti didn't really do anything else over the weekend besides stay inside and be uselessits too bad too, im not really looking forward 2 going back 2 school. my friends are cool and i dont like get bullied or anything but its just kind of laborious being there and like, doing thingshealth class in particular bores the ever living F*** out of me, the whole class is just rehashed BS and i dont really like the kids i have it withi also seem to have this weird curse where a lot of times the people i like the most think i hate them, and the people i hate the most cannot physically bring themselves to stop being around me, and it tends to drive me, for lack of a better word, absolutely pigsh*t insane.i don't know why it is that way Q_Q i consider it more of a personal flaw i.e. my failure to be assertive enough, like its easy to tell annoying strangers to f*** off or just avoid them if theyre bad enough, but when they become literally anything more than just a d*ckhead or an annoying person, its hard to get them to f*** off you know? once they know your name and actively are trying to be near you, then its like..... whoops!i have issues with like, being real with these people, you see? like i usually try to make it really obvious what people or things i hate because im hyper-vigilant about who i will voluntarily allow to infest my closer circles and i want to minimize sh*tty conflicts and occasions wherein the people around me really irk me. i try to fend off having bad experiences with people i know im not going to like through attempting to intimidate or disgust them into not wanting to be near me, and it works for the most part, but then you get sh*tty whoevers that just want to get all up in your face and see you dance. i don't care about entertaining an audience. whether im a narcissist or a exhibitionist or whatever crazy sh*t i cant really get but i am more performative, i guess? and i dont mind people trying to be my friend, necessarily. but its the people that try too hard, or just don't pick up when youre not finding them cute and funny, i guess. maybe they see you as just like a zoo animal or something, that you're crazy and they think you're gonna give them a show. or they just keep trying to be your bro or something which is... unfathomably f***ing annoyingbut i find it hard because like, if these people i hate keep trying to be around me it makes me feel bad because i feel like im lying to them, because they clearly havent picked up that i hate them so they must think i want to be their friend or something. which is not true, so im like, luring them into a false sense of friendship!! oh god oh f*** but also theyre in too deep and if i tell them how i feel theyll try to guilt trip me or whine or try to turn others on me when really its not like a moral issue or something i just dont like you and i want you to stop talking to me dude...... and if i just avoid them without saying anything thats just sort of excessive and also theyll sh*t at me. also sometimes you go in thinking someone is cool but then you get to know them better and its just kind of like digging for gold in a giant trench full of human sh*ti don't know what i'm even getting at here so im just gonna go ahead and like, say what im talking about. there's this girl in my health class that just buuugs me. i got forced to work in a group with her once and now she knows my name and everything and she keeps trying to talk to me idk what to say... ive been dropping huge i mean absolutely MASSIVE cues that i dont like her but i guess she just doesn't get it? i don't know what i have to do, i mean i get the vibes that shes just screwing with me or thinks she's in for the f***ing circus, but of course im paranoid all the time and she could just be really densei dont think i need to get into why i don't like her, i probably will at some point anyway i just don't know what i have to do!! it hurtz me to have to play along like this man how do i get someone to go awayi feel like ive made it all too obvious that i don't like her already and its kind of almost baffling that she hasn't really picked it up. occasionally she'll hit me with one of those "why are you mean / why are you always angry" things like that so she recognizes that its hostile behavior but she doesn't really get the implications??? like im not. Like that im not taking out my anger on you or anything i want you to go awayits also kinda f***ed up for other reasons, like id feel bad being mean to her because she DID give me money once, and she'd probably use that as a reason as to why i shouldn't not like her. to be fair though, i only asked her because i was broke and she was the only person around, it was only a dollar because i wanted a water, and i did pay her back so id think that ends our conditional paypig pact, but idk man. also i recently found out her brother is a kid i think is cool and am kind of friends with? so i think i have to stay on good terms with her because of him v_v its all so complexive considered writing her a hate note, like a love note but for people you hate. probably excessive and i probably wont do it anyway but huuuuuuuuill end it on this. please uhhh you know people in that weird online new age hippie nice guy collective, weirdos obsessed with being consistently PG and being nice to everyone they meet and forcing the narrative that you Definitely do not have an ulterior motive: we'll stay out of each other's way yeah? but like can you PLEASE for the love of good god damn jesus nipple please just stop propagating this narrative that people that are Not Nice you know big meanie weenies :( are just doing it because theyre jaded and misunderstood and are ACTUALLY precious soft boi smol cinnamon roll must protecc that were just afraid of something. thats not a real thing. i hate to break it to you but that doesn't happen in real life. you saw it in a video game or something but people dont do that. im not some weird ass irl tsundere if i'm actually mean to you its because i dont like you LOL dont talk to me i have reasons for doing the things i do surprisingly im not pathologically made to do things like a caged dog and im not gonna turn out to be your buddy if you suck up to me and kiss ass constantly whoopsoh and i guess theres a guy in that class thats also there that just is kind of annoying but not in a particularly notable way maybe if i got to know him better id think he was less awful but IDK


03/10/2019 08:19 PM 

Current mood:  adored

mimi she/herhowdy im mimi, im a dog lover and a animation enthusiast !!! im a scene kid at heart but i dontreally look like it hehe but ykno...... 


03/10/2019 03:18 PM 

Current mood:  animated



03/10/2019 02:54 PM 

what do you believe in that stuff uuhhhhhh
Current mood:  cookywacky

Sorry for kooky on main but its always made me lol how quick people especially weird white girls are to call you a conspiracy theorist or some sh*t liek that if you talk about things like corporate malpractice or bad sh*t the government has done and think youre crazy for it but the same exact people distribute fearmongering articles about the momo challenge or whatever and think you can talk to ghosts with f***ing ouija boards. Bitches believe in taurus moon rising and reading the stars but not war crimes apparently


03/10/2019 01:12 PM 

I love making art!
Current mood:  adventurous

i need to make some! i promise tomorrow im just gonna go ahead and post a lil model ill make in 3d paint just for fun or whatever!


03/09/2019 08:19 PM 

Current mood:  amorous

got new earbuds i have the ability to feel joy againidk what else i was going to write about


03/09/2019 01:26 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished

I'm Rarely ever interested in guys bc usually they r like groos but there's this cute emoey boy at my school and I gave him my number so now my bees are buzzzzing! 


03/08/2019 10:10 PM 

♪ The No Seatbelt Song - Brand New (2001)
Current mood:  adored


03/08/2019 04:15 PM 

minecraft chest meme voice HOW
Current mood:  handsome

>earbuds blew out today>me and my friend both buy skullcandy headphones>telling her sh*t like "these suck, they break after like, a month. i buy them because they're pretty cheap but it's a lot to pay all the time so i might try and buy something else">"really? idk what you're doing, i've had these for like half a year now and they haven't sh*t the bed yet">realize they blew out because i always listen to my music too loudsorry for meme arrows am i giving myself aural damage


03/08/2019 02:01 AM 

Where did the 2000's...AKA My 20's Go?
Current mood:  nostalgic

Listening to rock from the 2000’s and feeling bored one night, I began looking through long forgotten files on my cloud server. First it was the files with old writings such as blogs and music I had written in my mid-20’s. But, as I explored further, I came across a ton of old pictures as well. Pictures of old friends, old loves, the cool places we hung out, and all those damned band photos. Pictures of a life that somehow seemed like someone else’s life rather than my own. Reminiscing about those days, I began looking up old social networks that were once a huge part of my everyday life. Sites, like MySpace, have totally changed to an unrecognizable format and a very user-unfriendly interface. And, others, like Friendster are now simply just gone forever. Even my old AOL and Yahoo! IM accounts no longer existed. It seemed as if my entire old online life died along with the rest of what made the internet a cool and hip place to be. In my desperate search to find some semblance of the creativity and individually of those sites, I came across An interesting cool little corner of the interwebs that is a “clone” of the old MySpace I loved and practically lived on in the 2000’s. On Friend Project (okay, the name could use a little work, along with the site itself), I can post almost everything I once did on MySpace within the same format. I can customize my profile with HTML codes, post and comment on friend’s pages, write and read blogs (which I was doing on an almost daily basis back in the day), share music, take surveys, and more. And, as I was virtually reliving my 20’s, I couldn’t help but wonder…What exactly happened to the internet being cool and individualized? Has the corporate conglomerate reached gotten so long that they are now infiltrating every aspect of our lives? And, when did we just roll over and accept that basic formats are simply the way things must be? When did we become so…generic?In my quest to find the answers to these questions, I find that I’m not only one asking them. Several articles I found tended to ask the exact same questions. In the “Age of the Reboot” could it be possible that some of these long dead ideas and sites be “rebooted” for today’s world as well? Could we see a resurgence in individualism on social media? It seems even on much smaller and less well known platforms such as (the aforementioned) Friend Project, Reddit, Minds, Twitch, Vampire Freaks (which has been around forever), BitChute, and many, many more, users are gravitating to in them droves! The trend of the mega-corporate sites appears to be on a rapid decline. Users are demanding more individual freedom to express themselves with much less corporate interference and influence. As the trend towards freedom of expression expands in our online lives continues, what will happen to these large social media sites in the next 10 years? Will they go the way of the “new” MySpace…Hard to use and seemingly pointless? It will definitely be interesting to watch. However, this almost 40 year old still longs for the days of easy customization, freedom of expression, and free to be the same badass rock chick she’s always insisted on being…despite what the mega-mainstream thinks she should be.Always rebel. Always rock out. And, always...ALWAYS be a free individual!

Nostalgia, MySpace, Social Media, Facebook, Corporate, 2000s, 00s, Music


03/08/2019 12:22 PM 

Current mood:  savage

is this thing on??edit: ok hi hello basically wanted to let u kno i have socials!! found out ab this site on tumblr, also have ig n snap so lmk if u wanna chat anywhere

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