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10/15/2019 04:31 PM 

Current mood:  confused

If I had any idea how to work this site, it would probs look WAY cooler


10/14/2019 08:32 PM 

Current mood:  happy

Hey there stranger!My name is Jonathan and I'm new here! It would be very kind of you to help me understand all of these things on this website cause I'm completely lost. xDWell I think it would be a good, or at least an idea to tell ya'll a little about myself... My name's Jonathan as you can tell, cause I just said it lol. xD But you can call me Toast or Johnny or whatever cause I really don't care! I'm 17 years young or old depending on how old you are haha! cx I have an incredible wife, I call her my incredible back pain, she will never leave me no matter what and she's sort of annoying but she'll always have my back! She says that shes straight but it's pretty obvious that shes not... Okay, I'll stop talking about my back as if it was my wife now cause it's making me uncomfortable and I'm as single as f***. But yeah I've have terrible back pain and scoliosis and I'm hyper flexible as well, very interesting I know. I don't know what to say about my personality I guess you just have to see if you give a damn lol. I'm extremely spontaneous so that's certainly something! Anyways, I hope to see you around! See ya! :P


10/14/2019 12:53 PM 


lavender is a bitchass motherf***er ill tell you that

Ryan !!!

10/14/2019 02:32 AM 

oh man
Current mood:  distraught

just cried to early sunsets (again).. idk why it keeps happening ? i don’t usually cry at Things, especially songs, but......i don’t know, i listened to that one version again and it just got mehere, i’ll link the post url is quite long (and links 2 my mcr tumblr) but if u want, listen to it, particularly in the late AMs if the morning or when you’re feeling existential, maybe you’ll have something awakened in you, maybe notanyway, i’m gonna sleep nowme and a friend r hanging out tmrw :)have a good night y’all - ry 

hhhhhh, crying over an mcr song is so emo,


10/14/2019 01:29 PM 

ePiC villian backstory???!!
Current mood:  gloomy

Hi. So I joined here cuz all of you ppl look very cool and talk really cool and like really cool stuff. In real life I've literally never met an emo or a furry or heck even a punk. Maybe it's just cuz I don't get out much? Probably is. Back when I was in a big group of friends they usually treated me as the clueless loud child of the group, which, I mean, completely justified lul. I didn't know what was happening half of the time and I felt like I was always excited when they weren't. I also felt really stupid most of the time cuz I didn't get social stuff or remember anything, ever. But then I got into a top STEM high school and was very confused for months. I still think the only explanation was a failure in the admission system or something. But, thing is, now I'm in a school with a bunch of math gurus and chemistry nerds and they're awesome, but so, so much smarter than i'll ever be. Worse than that, I have no clue how to make friends. Don't know how I did it before, don't know why some people hang out with me now. Basically, I have no one to talk to at school. I've been trying really hard, and even gotten my anxiety somewhat under control, which I thought was the reason I couldn't talk. But nothing has been changing for months. I've been thinking, maybe I really am stupid or obnoxious or too quiet or just bland and boring. It would make sense? Obviously if I asked some people they would say I'm wrong. But maybe no-one really wants to admit that they or someone else is any of those things.I was also thinking maybe there's something else wrong with me, like I have ADHD? But apparently its really over diagnosed and the pills make u depressed and anxious and not urself, so I guess I wouldn't want to be diagnosed even if by some chance I was. So uhh…. in conclusion.... I'm just gonna keep being an emo looser for a while longer, see if anything changes, and if it doesn't I guess Ill just draw cats for the rest of time.heres a sonnng ^w^


10/14/2019 12:47 PM 

October questionzz

Hewo again I found this and now I'm doin it, crazy how the world works mann1. What is your favorite thing about autumn?coldness and hay2.  Best candy?MIIiiiNTS also gummies3. WORST candy??those butterscotch things4. Top three halloween/horror movies?pff im not rly into horror movies but nightmare before Christmas, Coraline is 👌5. What are your plans for halloween?walking around aimlessly with my little sister and her friends, maybe stealing candy6. Do you decorate?? If yes, how??cobwebzz7. If you had to be best friends with a halloween-y creature (vampire, werewolf, zombie, etc.) what would they be?bro probably a werewolf so we could be a pack8. Do you like any halloween or ~spooky~ themed songs??Alabama song (whiskey bar) by the doors is oddly unsettling in a way even dark metal isn't9. What's your worst fear?Loosing myself/complete abandonment but I have carpophobia and a fear of needle/blood stuff which isn't fun10. What are your opinions on: candy corn, black liquorice, and circus peanuts?DISQUSTING,absolutely delicious, never tried them but sound gross11. What urban legend freaks you out the most? The Japanese one with the tall lady who makes umf noises12. Haunted houses--yay or nay?never been but would love to13. And finally, what are you being for halloween???probably a scarecrow!!


10/13/2019 10:36 PM 


1m. kl34n1n mY r00m rN... ZzzZzz...


10/12/2019 01:03 PM 

Current mood:  betrayed

I told my mum I wanna be a scarecrow for spooky time and she just told me to be a "sexy scarecrow" instead cuz its not girly enough. What the hell even is parents. Frick off boomer I just wanna be a round straw man. JEEZUZ FRIK. 

Ryan !!!

10/12/2019 06:44 AM 

emo night
Current mood:  angsty

haven’t been here in a day or two..whoopsanyway i’m backuhnot much to reporti’ll say more when i wake upit’s almost 7 am and i’m still awakeanywayjust had an extremely emo moment where i listened to a song and CRIED, which is so so rare for me cause i never cry.. i mean it wasn’t sobbing, but it was still a few tearsso do any of you know those things where it’s like ‘*insert song* from another room’, like it simulates that ur hearing it from another room?? hard to explain but i love themanyway i found one and it was early sunsets by mcr from another room and i was instantly transported to a small bullets era venue, where i’m in the bathroom and i’m hearing them play it live and it just hit me how much mcr means to me,,, and how much i’d pay to see them live just onceughwhen i was little i used to get told that if i cried before i slept i’d have nightmarespretty sure it’s not truepretty surei’m not even sad really just,, emo and exhaustedhope u guys have been alright- ry

hhhghghghgh, it sounds cringey and corny but it really felt like i was having a distant memory that never happened or something.., i’m gonna sleep,


10/11/2019 07:56 PM 


dU u gUyz b3l13v3 1n 4l13nz?? 1 dU d3fo f0 sh0. 1 m34n... th3 g4lax13s r s000000 b1g 4nd sTuFfZ th4t 1ts l3ss l13kly t0 b3 4l13nz  0ut d3r3 d4n d3r3 1sNt d3m. ROFL!! wh4t 4m 1 s4y1n!!


10/11/2019 06:09 PM 


r3sP3cT tH4 dR1p K4r3n!!


10/11/2019 06:01 PM 

1m4 sl33py
Current mood:  tired

w3ll.... 1 g0t 2 hRz 0f sl33p... t0d4yz g0nn4 b3 1 0f do3z sl33by d3yz, l3ts h0pe mY t3AcH3Rz d0nT s3y nUffIn t0 m3 0r 1 m1ghT cRy.


10/11/2019 03:11 PM 


the title says it all lmao. these past few weeks have been so good, i don't even know where to start!!!on the 20th, the day of the area 51 raid, i finally got into a relationship with my crush of like,,, over a year. i'm still sosossososoossoosooo happy about it cause obviously i've liked him for a really long time. i texted him while i was at the fair with my friends and thats how that happened lol.then last weekend was homecoming. it was a really great experience other than the fact that my heart committed die during sweet caroline and i basically just cried in the bathroom for no reason. now, tmrw afternoon, me and a few of my friends are going to a school football game which will b even more fun!! x)honestly my life is going rlly rlly well right now and i'm not used to being this happy. i hope it stays this way.


10/11/2019 12:28 PM 

d3y 0n3!!

sk00l sux!!! bUt h3y, l34st 1 c4n pl4y d00m g4me 4t LuNCh... 4ls0... h0w d1d chU gUyz F1nD m3??  o_O... 15 fr13ndz!! otay!! see u laterz!!


10/09/2019 07:25 PM 

Current mood:  bored

idk im bored.... don't mind meee...

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