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12/28/2019 08:40 AM 

After Christmas
Current mood:  anxious

Things went okay during Christmas for the most part. Everyone liked their gifts and I like the ones I got too. I still have two more gifts coming, a Clandestine Industries hoodie to replace the one that's unfortunately starting to fall apart on me that I've had since FOREVER, and a desk of drawers or vanity. I still have to make the choice which one I want, either the desk of drawers or the vanity. No major huge things went wrong except the next day my mom was sent to the hospital and she should be coming back today. I still have a while of break, so hopefully things go alright. Unfortunately the Hot Topic that's closest to me is closing and it sucks because the next one if an hour away and I can't make the hour trip as often as the other city that's only 20 minutes away. I have a lot of good memories with that Hot Topic store. I went there a lot with friends back in the 2000's, and I went there before concerts as it had band merch I could get before the show the next town(s) over and I could make more trips more often there. Both my brothers and I have gone there and my oldest brother and I have gone there before show's a few times. I'm going to miss the Hot Topic being there. It’s really bittersweet to see that it'll be gone forever in the mall. Hopefully things these next few days go okay. Migraines and anxiety does not help and I've been more anxious these last few days and it's not helping. I was extremely anxious at my grandparents house for Christmas, and it seems that anxiety has carried onto today, which really sucks. But hopefully my anxiety will start to go down a bit and my migraines will start to be less frequent as they are. 

2000s, emo, Hot Topic,


12/25/2019 10:27 PM 

Current mood:  crushed

Mah parentz r makin us m0v3 2 teh US. I th1nk we r gonna b in Cal1f0rn1a n pr3tty sure :( i don wanna goo, it sux bein teh n3w k1d an especially wen im sc3n3/em0 W1sh meh luk, im gonna leave on Jan 6th 


12/24/2019 08:21 PM 

Panic! At The Disco
Current mood:  headphones

I love Panic! At The Disco 

Panic! At The Disco, emo,


12/24/2019 08:13 PM 

Current mood:  anxious

So I'm at my grandparents house currently for Christmas Eve. So far, it's stressful.  There's yelling of my aunt about stress, which I can understand, but still. My grandmother and my mom, my aunt and cousin all went to a church service. I stayed home because my anxiety is really up right now. It always happens on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day too. My family stresses me out to no end it seems. I also didn't get much sleep. My brother still didn't apologize to me, so that creates tension for tomorrow morning for Christmas. It seems that Christmas gets really stressful when Christmas actually starts. Leading up to Christmas day isn't as stressful. It still is, but my anxiety isn't so high. But on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, my anxiety gets up. I've noticed my depression does too. Which really sucks. But thank god for emo and pop punk Christmas music.  I hope everyone likes the gifts I got them. I spent a lot of time thinking about the gifts and planning on them and what to get for everyone with my mom and Dad, and planning on what gifts for my parents. Hopefully Christmas will go well this year, and my anxiety and depression will cooperate with me this year.

emo, Christmas, pop punk,


12/24/2019 05:31 PM 

things emos//sc3n3s did in the 2000''s (for all you 2019 teens lol)

What other decade can boast great teen activities like MSN drama, a lot of skating, Avril Lavigne and the cultural gem of Mean Girls?. 1. MSN :: Total drama central. Every night, you would wait for the dial-up connection to let you into the online equivalent of your very own Mean Girls community. Secrets were shared, relationships started and blurry selfies shared2. boxets ::So many boxsets There was no such thing as catch up TV, so you relied on all the boxsets that you received for Christmas and birthdays. This resulted in weekend long marathons of Friends, Buffy and The Simpsons. The cooler teens opted for Peep Show and prayed that nearby parents wouldn’t overhear the drugs references.3. Emo activities The greatest way to express your teen rebellion and anger with your very British social setting was, of course, to become a self-certified emo. You entertained yourself by undertaking rebellious activities such as colouring hair, creating beaded bracelets, or carefully ripping up clothing. Basically being edgy and cool.  Or Mean Girls activities You obeyed the classic rules, invested in the frilly skirts from Tammy Girls, and stocked up on the velvet tracksuits. Except yours were from Primark and not Juicy pretty sure weve all done this at one point...4. Grinded to Sean Paul xD   All of a sudden, all British (and american)  teens in the 00s were overcome with an air of confidence and felt that they could master complex Jamaican dance moves, right in their bedroom in Kent. In reality, you looked like an awkward mess trying to grind against the wall. Oh the cringe.5.Classic teen TV Gossip Girl, The Simple Life, One Tree Hill and, of course, The O.C. There really was no reason to leave the house.6. Illegal downloads Thanks to quicker internet speeds, and the whole music sharing thing, you decided to illegally download all the music that you could get your little grubby paws on. But thanks to Kazaa, Limewire or Frostwire you basically destroyed your computer.7. Skateboarding To match your obsession with all things Avril. You either could skate, or you spent every moment desperately trying to learn and avoiding breaking bones.8.. Myspace or Hi5 Full of blurry pics taken either on rubbish webcams or the coolest phone around, aka a pink Motorola Razr. It was all about the testimonials, and carefully selecting your top friends. One misstep could lead to an MSN drama group chat. 9.. Selecting ringtones Hours were spent carefully selecting the best ringtone for your phone, just to show off your individual personality. Most of us opted for Complicated by Avril, or In Da Club by 50 Cent.10. Obscure concerts We all have a mate who claimed to have seen Adele or Amy Winehouse perform in the early 00s, in someplace cool in London. You are not that mate, and instead you settled for awful tribute versions. 11. Scoobie mania You always wanted to be able to make one that wrapped itself around your pen, like a glorious pastel roped shell. Never workedlol thats all for now ... hope you enjoyed :)

#2000's #emo #forallyounewbs #scene


12/24/2019 10:01 AM 

Hot Chocolate
Current mood:  cookywacky

I really like to drink hot chocolate and eat toast. Like,,,, I like to dip my toast in my hot chocolate.... If you haven't tried it, you should!!! It tastes so so so so good!!!!!  Also, one of my cats is in my room right now and he's purring so loud... haha!  Also, also, also, I love Steel Panther hehehe 

hot chocolate, toast, food


12/24/2019 02:57 PM 

ABT MEH!!11!!!!1!!1!!!
Current mood:  excited

HAI PEEPZ TYL3R HERE TAKIN TEH WURLD BAI ST0RM XDI'm n3w s0 plz b n1c3 2 meh!!


12/22/2019 10:07 PM 

Current mood:  nerdy

ngl just testing out my blog :)


12/22/2019 08:07 PM 

plain cheese with no milk
Current mood:  worried

plain cheese with no milk


12/22/2019 07:14 PM 

Fall Out Boy
Current mood:  headphones

I love this album.

fall out boy, pete wentz, patrick stump, joe trohman, andy hurley, emo, myspace, tttyg, 2001, 2002, 2004


12/22/2019 05:48 PM 

Current mood:  aroused

i love boysboys r cutei want to hold a boy's face in my handsi want to kiss them

gay, yearn, homosexual


12/22/2019 12:09 PM 

ive cracked da code
Current mood:  awake

my arms and hands shake much like food in a blender

this is what ascension measn

Vamp King Jordan

12/21/2019 12:32 PM 

Current mood:  rebellious

im just testing out the blog feature o_O teztinggggTESTING TESTING TESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i think it works :3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!ok thats enough testing XD


12/20/2019 09:58 PM 

MCR Reunion
Current mood:  shocked

It's crazy to think MCR is back. I remember seeing the announcement in 2013 about MCR breaking up and thinking we'd never see them perform ever again. I remember thinking "I saw MCR once, but I'll never see them again performing". Of course they're all doing their own thing now, but it's crazy how they back together for a few shows. It's crazy to me that they're actually back. I still can't believe it. It feels so surreal, that they're back.  It feels like we've traveled in time back to 2006-7. I still can't believe it's happening. 

My Chemical Romance, emo, 2000s, myspace, mcr, my chemical romance reunion


12/20/2019 12:40 PM 

Current mood:  rockin


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