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John Fortnite

04/26/2020 02:41 PM 

Current mood:  dirty

I have been searching far and wide for hentai games for me to play but I have already played all the good ones. AND NO BITCH I AINT PAYING FOR ANY. I was debating playing monster girl quest again but I just cant be arsed. I need more hentai or I will physically stop breathing and my lungs will colapse.

John Fortnite

01/04/2025 12:54 AM 

Yo peep this sh*t super helpful in defending your computer
Current mood:  vehement

John Fortnite

04/26/2020 02:24 PM 

I have been banned from Twitch
Current mood:  unhappy



04/26/2005 11:22 PM 

Gerard Way
Current mood:  sleepy

Gerard Way Is so g0rg30u5 i L0000vvvv333333 h111mmmmmmm so muchhh


04/25/2020 07:44 PM 

my emo life

Life is a emo world .no one loves me but I want it to happen the moonlight shines and I fall in you with u my corpse under the stars we are one . Calah ★


04/25/2020 06:48 PM 

first post :D
Current mood:  chipper

ok so fr i'm mostly postin this bc it's hard 2 edit my blog layout w/o any posts..... but this site iz super neat so far!! every1 seems rly friendly and all of it is the exact kinda epic throwback i've been craving LOLi never really used myspace as a kid even tho i was p much in tha right age group for ppl who would be on it i think. ok maybe i was a lil on tha young side but soooo many of my frenz had it and i just. didnt =P but now i can do this!!!! which rulez. i've just been so BORED with how little u can customize social media sites theze days... which is what initially drew me 2 neocities. but it's hard to b social on there since its just a bunch of sitez on tha same platform... not impossible i guess just hard. but thru there i found out abt this place!! and im glad i did cuz it's rad. reminds me a lot of old dA in terms of tha atmosphere... ♥~ xoxoxo glitch


04/25/2020 05:47 PM 

30DC DAY 10

DAY 10 - Post your favourite quote.Some of my favourite quotes are from songs, but one that sticks out is Roots Remain by Mastodon. It's about a person losing their battle with cancer, and it makes me think about a lot of things, specifically this bridge: And all that I have come to loseGone so long it doesn't matter anywayAnd all that I have come to gainWill remain with me until the bitter endAnd when you sit and picture meRemember sitting in the sun and dancing in the rainThe end is not the end, you seeIt's just the recognition of a memory It then proceeds to go into an epic guitar solo that's just as emotional as the lyrics. It's one of my favourite songs ever.It makes me think about how I want to be remembered when I die - and how I must try to live a good life and make memories with people before we're all gone, and to seize the day. It's difficult because I didn't even plan past 16, I didn't think I'd be alive that long, and here I am at 18 years old with no idea what I want to do with my life. It's confusing and scary and I feel so lost, but at the same time I want to try and appreciate the good things that surround me in the now, and be grateful for them.My whole life I've been so scared of losing people. I get so attached to the people I love that I feel I cannot function without them. I can, it's just difficult and it takes time for me to adjust to them not being there. I lost someone important to me recently, and it was entirely my own fault. I miss them a lot, but I have to accept that it was not healthy and I need to deal with the consequences of my own actions. I love too hard to the point of obsession, addiction almost and it's so hard for me to pull away from someone I'm attached to. I don't know, I'm working on it. I hope one day I can have a healthy relationship, friendly or otherwise. Doesn't seem likely, but I'm trying to keep positive.

30 day challenge, about me


04/25/2020 06:31 PM 

Current mood:  enthralled


𖤐 t̷h̷a̷t̷ ̷b̷i̷t̷c̷h̷ ̷s̷a̷s̷c̷

04/24/2020 10:47 PM 

quarantine is changing things
Current mood:  contemplative

things are changing. people are changing. i'm strangely okay with where we're headed as a result of this virus. the economy is f***ed up, but it'll recover. the earth is repairing itself. sometimes i honestly wish this virus would wipe out a good chunk of humanity so we could all start over. every time i go outside, i see changes i hadn't thought possible. my dad's garden is full of these little black birds, and they're not even scared of him. the grass is unmowed, green, flourishing. the trees are overgrown. the birds and other wildlife are actually out and about, unafraid of being hunted or their homes being disturbed. the earth is reclaiming itself.  i feel like we're the virus.


04/25/2020 01:11 AM 

Current mood:  crappy

ive been having weird ass dreams lately n im honestly too scared to look up what they mean lol

✟ st. abby ✟

04/24/2020 10:57 PM 


i always defend you but what for?yeah you show how much you really love me the way you never make time for megood to know how little i mean to have made me feel like an outsider in the place i was supposed to feel the safestmy face is pressed up against the glass because you've locked the door againno one is home and i don't remember the last time it wasn't vacantwhen you speak to me once a week is that supposed to make me feel cared for?i feel more comfortable telling my secrets to strangers.what the  ̶f̶uck happened to you?your heart is an empty room. abby, i guess


04/24/2020 08:29 PM 

Current mood:  artistic

fun fact: ive been dying my hair since i was 12 and i still have all ma hair! dont let ppl tell u it will fall out, cuz it wont theyre jus dumb 


04/24/2020 02:42 PM 

30DC DAY 9

DAY 9 - Tell us about your day in detail.Well, I woke up and checked my email to see if my offer on eBay had been accepted, turned out it had so I went downstairs to make the payment and ended up spending half of my furlough payment the day I got it lolThen I went upstairs and cleaned my room a little bit, I spent most of the day watching YouTube but I called my friend Abbie for a while and she finally beat me at Words With Friends after a long winning streak on my end xDI made an egg butty for lunch and it wasn't as good as I was expecting, I still feel a bit sick from that..And now I'm here typing this bc I forgot to do it lol

30 day challenge, about me


04/23/2020 02:27 PM 

30DC DAY 8

DAY 8 - Bands/artists you have seen live.I've been to a lot of gigs, so I'll try and streamline the list by doing the ones that stuck out the most.FIRST GIG - SayWeCanFly back in February of 2016. I remember how excited I was, and how happy I was afterwards. He was actually the first  person I came out to, which is cool :DLAST GIG - My most recent one was my mates' band's gig in December, headlined by Bleed Again. I don't really remember much of that night.BEST GIG - either Mastodon in 2019 or the Sleeping With Sirens/Rise Against joint tour in 2017. Both amazing nights, although I got absolutely yeeted in the SWS pit and nearly broke my knee.. I was on crutches for a week and this guy who bullied me took them from me and hit me in the face with one xD fun timesWORST GIG - every time I got forced to see Waterparks with my old friend group. I hate them passionately. Worst one has to be when they supported All Time Low, I lost my glasses and had a horrific panic attack lolBAND SEEN THE MOST - Parting Gift, they're incredible live. I love them. Also, Carcer City (RIP), Attila (f*** Fronz), Waterparks (WHY), and CreeperBEST PIT - Either Attila (I've never not been injured in an Attila pit), Bring Me The Horizon (in 2016 while they were still kinda good), or Still Remains. I saw them in a tiny venue in Bournemouth, and it was completely sold out. I got elbowed in the stomach, yeeted right across the pit into the wall, and passed out. It meant I missed the rest of the show, but I told the frontman CJ what happened and he was like "dude that is so f***in' metal" and I was like thanks xDI've been to a lot more gigs than this but these are some of my favourite gig stories so here you go 

30 day challenge, about me


04/22/2020 02:14 PM 

30DC DAY 7

DAY 7 - Post your favourite movie, TV show, band, and food.This info is all on my profile anyway so you could have just stalked me for this info xDFAV MOVIEHas to be either Sister Act, Warm Bodies or Thoroughly Modern Millie. I do love my musicals lolAlso I like Twilight don't bully meFAV TV SHOWInvader Zim!!! I also like Skins and stuff like that, and all the daytime TV like Bargain Hunt and Homes Under The Hammer. I'm rly into interior design and architecture so I love Grand Designs lolFAV BANDAghhh this is always so hard for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeI'd say that currently my favourite band is Chiodos or Asking Alexandria, but it changes every week pretty much lolFAV FOODTACO BELL!!! TACO BELL FRIES!!! TACO SUPREME!!!! QUESADILLA!!!! NACHOS!!!!! I LIVE FOR TACO BELL!!!!!

30 day challenge, about me

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