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Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 22
Sign: Taurus
Country: United Kingdom

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December 19, 2017


04/25/2020 05:47 PM 

30DC DAY 10
Category: Real Life

DAY 10 - Post your favourite quote.

Some of my favourite quotes are from songs, but one that sticks out is Roots Remain by Mastodon. It's about a person losing their battle with cancer, and it makes me think about a lot of things, specifically this bridge:

And all that I have come to lose
Gone so long it doesn't matter anyway
And all that I have come to gain
Will remain with me until the bitter end
And when you sit and picture me
Remember sitting in the sun and dancing in the rain
The end is not the end, you see
It's just the recognition of a memory

It then proceeds to go into an epic guitar solo that's just as emotional as the lyrics. It's one of my favourite songs ever.
It makes me think about how I want to be remembered when I die - and how I must try to live a good life and make memories with people before we're all gone, and to seize the day. It's difficult because I didn't even plan past 16, I didn't think I'd be alive that long, and here I am at 18 years old with no idea what I want to do with my life. It's confusing and scary and I feel so lost, but at the same time I want to try and appreciate the good things that surround me in the now, and be grateful for them.

My whole life I've been so scared of losing people. I get so attached to the people I love that I feel I cannot function without them. I can, it's just difficult and it takes time for me to adjust to them not being there. I lost someone important to me recently, and it was entirely my own fault. I miss them a lot, but I have to accept that it was not healthy and I need to deal with the consequences of my own actions. I love too hard to the point of obsession, addiction almost and it's so hard for me to pull away from someone I'm attached to. I don't know, I'm working on it. I hope one day I can have a healthy relationship, friendly or otherwise. Doesn't seem likely, but I'm trying to keep positive.


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