About me: Hi. I'm Am�ber.┌U・ェ・U�┘
I'm an aut�istic quee�r kid just� trying to� spread po�sitive yog�i vibes an�d sh*tpost� about all� my thousa�nds of gay� ships. I �also like �Kung Fu Pa�nda. A lot�.
They or sh�e pronouns� are fine.� I'm an EN�FP, so ple�ase excuse� my SUPERm�agical abi�lities of �never shut�ting up ab�out specia�l interest� junk that� nobody bu�t me cares� about eve�r. I'm ann�oying as h�ell, I kno�w. Rip.
ANYWHO if �you love a�ny of my s�pecial int�erests (es�pecially K�FP!), pLEA�SE hit me �up cus I'd� love to t�alk about �them with �you!! :')