
Last Login:
September 28th, 2023

Gender: Male
Age: 15
Sign: Pisces
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 16, 2023


07/26/2023 07:28 PM 

Current mood:  bored

Idk if I've mentioned this b4 but like I luv tattoos a lot and I wanna get some when I'm older but like idk where exactly I should put them. Like I'm planning on getting like a skull and maybe a semicolon tattoo but I'm not sure where it'd be best 2 put them. I was thinking about the skull being on 1 of my ankles while the semicolon being in my left shoulder but idk. If u have some suggestions u can comment them if u want 2. It's not required but I'd appreciate it.

07/16/2023 06:08 AM 

Current mood:  bored

I'm new here so I think it's best if I do an introduction.
I go by Spencer and Shiloh. I have no preference on which name is used. I use he/they, again no preference on which is used

I'm a fan of rock/metal music. All the bands/artists I listen to are listed in my profile but to highlight my favorites they are My Chemical Romance, Mindless Self Indulgence, Green Day and System of A Down.

I usually don't watch movies or tv shows but my favorites are Repo! The Genetic Opera, Reanimator and Invader Zim.
I'm a emo guy so I'm usually dressed up like I'm dead. Most of my band merch is thrifted from local shops since I prefer to support small businesses.

That's about all I can really say about myself. I don't really care who interacts with me since there's this very useful invention called a block button, which some people shockingly haven't heard of.

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