
Last Login:
March 13th, 2021

Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 17
Sign: Capricorn
Signup Date:
March 12, 2021


03/12/2021 04:58 PM 

After school
Current mood:  betrayed

Well school ended.But when I went to school whlie I was walking I saw my two ex bsf who still think am there bsf walking together and it made me upset cause they were both hanging out without me but I went to take my Covid test but my annyoing headteacher said I had to confirm online if I wanted to take the test so she sent me home.So I walked with my other close friend we were laughing and taking silly pictures but yh overall very stressful day and a bit sad day ngl but yh hopefully tmrw is a better day🙁

03/12/2021 09:47 AM 

School+Covid test
Current mood:  anxious

Welll heyy am about to start school am very very scared and anxious but hopefully everything goes well and everyone is nice.I will be taking a Covid test and I know for a fact my nose will hurt for a week after that test but yhh currently am getting ready for school but I will update u later on how it went♥3

03/12/2021 09:47 AM 

School+Covid test
Current mood:  anxious

Welll heyy am about to start school am very very scared and anxious but hopefully everything goes well and everyone is nice.I will be taking a Covid test and I know for a fact my nose will hurt for a week after that test but yhh currently am getting ready for school but I will update u later on how it went♥3

03/12/2021 09:47 AM 

School+Covid test
Current mood:  anxious

Welll heyy am about to start school am very very scared and anxious but hopefully everything goes well and everyone is nice.I will be taking a Covid test and I know for a fact my nose will hurt for a week after that test but yhh currently am getting ready for school but I will update u later on how it went♥3

03/12/2021 09:47 AM 

School+Covid test
Current mood:  anxious

Welll heyy am about to start school am very very scared and anxious but hopefully everything goes well and everyone is nice.I will be taking a Covid test and I know for a fact my nose will hurt for a week after that test but yhh currently am getting ready for school but I will update u later on how it went♥3

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