
Last Login:
May 6th, 2021

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sign: Aquarius
Signup Date:
March 11, 2021



05/06/2021 11:21 AM 

digital design
Current mood:  calm

today isn't as bad as it has been in that past. math was pretty okay. digital diesign (which im in rn) is also pretty okay. i'm kinda excited for lunch but i honestly don't have much for it. i'm always excited for science bc ms.harbottle, my favorite teacher, teaches it. but yeah, i have a goof feeling abt today. 

05/03/2021 08:57 AM 

Current mood:  energetic

just drank a full cup of coffee, the starbucks ones in the glass bottles. feeling good, would be feeling better if i wasn't in this darned class. it'sloud, yet somehow un eventful. anyways i havn't posted on here in a while so i'll update you. i recently joined a discord server for a streamer on twitch, ashloope. it's honestly pretty fun. then yesterday i joined one for a smaller streamer, rupoura. i talked a little with her and she's pretty cool. but yeah that's really it.

i hate pe

04/20/2021 04:22 PM 

school/digital design
Current mood:  infuriated

parker keeps saying zodiac signs are real. not horoscopes. zodiac signs. he doesnt belive in stars. he needs to stfu and put his stupid mask on. 

04/16/2021 11:09 AM 

stupid kids in my class
Current mood:  annoyed

this table of kids behind me keep going on google translate and typing japanese words like, "oni-chan" and, "arigato" and pressing the speaker and the volume was all the way up and they were dying laughing. 

03/31/2021 10:39 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

currently in PE. school is fun when it's not this class, LA, or digital design. so basically the only fun classes are math, science, and world history. 

03/29/2021 02:04 PM 

friggin language arts :/ eww
Current mood:  aggravated

bro school sucks, we just spent like 5-10 minutes discussing calendars, whether or not march has 31 days, the knuckle trick to find out how many months have more than 30 or less than 30 days. no but of course parker started this, he's literally so dumb :/

03/25/2021 03:16 PM 

Current mood:  distressed

dude this sh!t sucksssss i hate L.A
i swear that the teahcer just wants us to like not like the class on purpose because i really dont like it lol

03/25/2021 02:05 PM 

friggin language arts :/ eww
Current mood:  indescribable

dude why tf is my language arts teacher so annoying??
and like why did my friend havea full on argument with this one dude over why the 97% is not something to joe about? 
this stupid school :/

03/23/2021 02:01 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

why are each of my classes literally like 2 hours 15 minutes long ewwwww ugh
not to mention my LA class is super boring and i hate my teahcer :/

03/22/2021 10:20 PM 

Current mood:  blah

im in school right now (i go in-person) and it sucks man, one of the outlets in my math class is burnt


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