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Layouts / Punk neva die / Funny Pictures

. ∙ : ∙ ✧ alexa ✧ ∙ : ∙ .

Last Login:
September 19th, 2021

Gender: Female
Age: 17
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
February 16, 2021


04/13/2021 04:07 PM 

another survey please why do i think im so interesting (stolen from maritssa)

  • A : What is your name? alexa
  • B : How old are you? 14
  • C : Orientation? bi (and ace questioning...?)
  • D : Gender? female but always confused
  • E : Are you dating anyone? not really
  • F : Do you have a crush? no, that's the problem
  • G : What country do you live in? us
  • H : Summer or Winter? winter for sure
  • I : How many languages do you know? just english :/
  • J : Have any tattoos? How many? no tattoos but im gonna try stick and poke and soon as my friend and i hang out
  • K : Have any pets? How many? What are their names? cat and dog (i like my cat a lot more tho, not a dog person) cat's name is potato (don't ask), dog's name is penny
  • L : Ever been to another country? Do you want to? yes i've been to a ton of countries my parents are big travelers
  • M : Favorite school subject? math or english, but both my teachers for those subjects suck this year
  • N : Favorite beverage? water..? no wait sparkling water!! once u drink enough of it it starts to burn everytime u sip and i really need that burn in my life bc i dont have alcohol
  • O : Favorite food? kinda sick of food atm lol
  • P : Do you prefer books, movies, or video games? i prefer books, but recently only have the attention span for movies which sucks
  • Q : Do you have any favorite books/movies/games? in my profile i list some, dont have a favorite book yet tho havent liked anything ive read that much
  • R : How many blogs do you follow? i have 36 friends idk i feel creepy following blogs? y'know?
  • S : How many followers do you have? 36 friends, no subscribers to my totally awesome and cool blog
  • T: How many blogs do you have? is this survey made for tumblr? just this account
  • U : Ever been in a physical fight? no
  • V : What do you want to do when you're older? do not ask abt the future please oh god. but i think being in a band or just being famous somehow would be cool
  • W : Favorite fictional character? hmm i like dwayne hoover from little miss sunshine, boris pavlikovsky from the goldfinch, and idk stiles stilinski from teen wolf? hes a fun one lol
  • X : Have you ever broken a bone or had surgery? nope
  • Y : Favorite genre of music? rn its folk punk stuff. but its always all over the place. shoegaze also!!
  • Z : Favorite song? umm last time i answered this it was the gun song by car seat headrest i think this week its sinner by car seat headrest. such a banger

03/17/2021 07:29 PM 

im so sorry another survey

stolen from kenny the simp btw

How old do you look?
A: people say i look older just bc of my height n stuff but probably like 16?

Where do you live?
A: california, though i wished i lived in nyc

Are you waiting for something?
A: yes. clothing packages :) i am v excited

What's one pet peeve of yours that is not common?
A: i hate a lot of things lol mostly gum chewing, people sniffing in through their nose?? yk what i mean? like blow ur nose or something ew

Last FriendProject message you recieved, what was it?
A: someone please talk to mee

Can you handle the truth?
A: depends on what the truth is? ig

Did you cry today?
A: no

Do you hate the last person you had a conversation with?
A: yes. my mother :/

Do you have kids?
A: no lol

Have you ever thought about converting your religion?
A: im atheistic so no

Last shocking news you heard?
A: um idk sorry

Last person you hugged?
A: idek havent hugged anyone recently

Who do you look like most in your family?
A: i dont really look like my parents at all but probably my dad?

DId you dream last night?
A: hmm i cant remember if i did

How many piercings do you have?

If you could have something right now, anything, what would it be?
A: piercings lol

Does anyone call you babe?
A: um no. i find pet names kinda weird

Where does most of your family live?
A: california. like all of us live somewhere in the state

Where did you grow up?
A: california lol

Where do you want to go on vacation?
A: london or paris or nyc

Have you broken a bone?
A: nope

What did you recieve for Valentine's Day?
A: nothing

Have you ever had a panic attack?
A: yes

Can you sleep in jeans?
A: yes, i dont, but i can

What can't you wait for?
A: idk

When's the last time you told someone you loved them and meant it?
A: umm... next question

Have your parents ever smoked pot?
A: idk you'd have to ask them. my mom told me she had a bad experience with psychedelics once but they never really talk abt drugs with me so i wouldnt know

Want someone back in your life?
A: yes yes yes yes yes. my old best friend god i miss her so much. i was so toxic to her

Do you live near your most recent ex?
A: i dont have an ex

Are you good at giving directions?
A: nope im so bad actually lol

What do you order at the bar?
A: lemonade :D bc im underage

When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
A: probably a few weeks ago. existential dread been getting to me recently

Who was your last text from?
A: my mother

Ever licked someone's cheek?
A: no. huh

What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
A: nothing, just straight peanut butter

Where were you on July 4th?
A: hating america

What body part(s) do you wash first in the shower?
A: hmmm i think arms

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a D?
A: havent kissed anyone

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?

What do you currently hear right now?
A: my cat's water fountain lol

Does someone like you right now?
A: how would i know? but probably no

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
A: nope im in pajamas

What are your nicknames?
A: i dont have any i wish i did tho. alexa has no good nicknames. like lexi??? seriously??

On the opposite sex where do you like them to have piercings?
A: nose piercings on everyone dude. or eyebrow piercings

If you could go to any place in the world right now where would you go?

Have you ever made someone so mad they broke something?
A: my mom smashed my ukulele one time

Have you ever kissed someone and hated it?
A: never kissed anyone

What is your favorite color?
A: blue. basic but its true

If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
A:  2009 baby

03/02/2021 12:39 PM 

music survey (stole from benji) !!

What are you listening to right now, if anything?
change by alex g !!

What’s the last song you listened to completely?
bulls in the bronx by pierce the veil (i luv them sm omg)

What is your favorite song?
changes v often but rn its def the gun song by car seat headrest. literally 15 f***ing minutes long but such an experience i wanna cryy

Are there any songs that can or have made you cry?
i cry to so many songs lol so yes. but most notable cry songs r bobby by beabadoobee, i exist i exist i exist by flatsound, and literally any car seat headrest song lmao

Do you have a shower playlist?
scared to play music out loud with my parents home

What about a bedtime playlist?
yes!! its like a comfort song playlist. its mostly beabadoobee. literally just sounds like a hug i love it

Have any guilty pleasure bands or songs?
ummm... maybe shawn mendes..?? lol im so sorry but some of his songs r good. u will never hear me say that again tho. pop is 4 preps >:((((

What’s one song or band you used to like but now dislike?
clairo. i used to love her music during my indie pop phase back in 2019 but now i cant stand a lot of it

What’s one song or band you used to dislike but now like?
i used to really dislike crywank lmao idk why. but now i love their stuff so much. specifically song for a guilty sadist, i hated it the first time i heard it and now i cry to it

Do you sing along when you listen to music you like?
lip syncing usually

03/02/2021 01:01 PM 

doing another survey bc im bored

A) What does the last text you sent say? And to whom?
lol talking to my friend about dream smp lore

B) What does the last text you recieved say? And from whom?
smthn about the egg lore idk it was a very boring conversation

C) What time do you wake up most mornings?
8 am usually bc of school. on other days like 11 am idk

D) Are you afraid of walking alone at night?
kinda but those random 3 am walks around my neighborhood do be hitting different so we ignore our fears

E) What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day?
watch lunch club. comfort youtube videos :)

F) Where did your last kiss take place and with whom?
lol no

G) Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school?
for missing assignments ig. but not for disrupting class or anything i literally do not speak

H) Do you enjoy your job? If unemployed, are you content being so?
idk what kinda jobs to get at 14, but i kinda want to get money

I) Do you often pick up on double entendres and innuendos?

J) Have you ever been offered drugs but declined?
i wish someone would offer me drugs </3 idk where to find that sh*t

K) Have you ever met someone who has completely altered your way of thinking?
no lol. people where i live r boring

L) Have you ever been offered drugs and accepted?

M) Tell us something weird that turns you on.
pretty sure im asexual so um.... also 14 so no

N) When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual?
back in june my s/o told meeee. n yes it was mutual but i gotta be honest dating this young is weird asf and i wanna go back to being normal friends but i dont wanna hurt their feelings

O) What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately?
death ♥

P) When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation?
i never really do that. i kinda like arguing, and in most cases if they dont agree with basic human rights n stuff i dont wanna b their friend

Q) Do you usually initiate hugs?
i have not been hugged in years

R) Are you a very affectionate person?
physical affection is kinda awkward and weird idk not really. i like hugs but theres no one in my life rn who id actually wanna hug, if that makes sense

S) Can you roll your own cigarettes?
BABE IDK HOW TO FIND THAT SH*T. someone give me some tips here. abt to go pick cigs off parking lot grounds n smoke em im so desperate

T) What are you looking forward to?
clothing packages coming soon. literally the only thing im living for rn lmao

U) Do you have any tattoos. Do you want any/more?
i dont sadly. but i really do want some. my friend and i might do stick n poke together soon so maybe ill get one

V) Are you mentally strong?
idk if u mean mental health or like academics but i am doing poorly in both so yeah

W) Are you physically strong?
i cant even do a single push up properly its so embarrassing

X) Do you think you’re a good person?
nope but im too exhausted to change that

Y) Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now.
everything really but mostly just like the confidence to do things. i miss out on so many opportunities just bc of like social anxiety n stuff, and i really want to be able to express myself through fashion but like my brain does not let me stand out so i wear a basic jeans and t shirt combo every day. it hurts

Z) What do you usually eat for breakfast?

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