
Last Login:
February 18th, 2024

Gender: Female
Age: 32
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 20, 2020


11/29/2006 08:49 PM 

40 questions
Current mood:  bored

1. Do you put ketchup on hotdogs? Sometimes
2. Choice of pop? Dr Pepper
3. Do you put salt on watermelon? No
4. Can you swim? Yes
5. How do you eat your steak? Medium 
6. Favorite type of food? Japanese 
7. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
8. What do you drink in the morning? Coffee 
9. Can you do 100 push ups? 3 max lmao but working on doing better
10. Summer, Winter, Spring, or Fall? Fall
11. Your favorite animal? Axolotl
12. Tattoos? 2 so far
13. Do you wear glasses? Yes somewhat regularly 
14. Do you have a fear? Car accidents 
15. Do you have a nickname? Scar
18. Rain or Snow? Snow 
19. Can you change a tire? Prob
20. Favorite flower? Daisys
21. Can you drive a stick? Somewhat
22. Ever gotten arrested? No
23. Kids? 1
24. Favorite color? Light purple/gray
26. Can you whistle? Ye
27. Where were you born? Nashville  
28. Surgeries? Teeth/Wisdom teeth, Edoscopy (yea gross whatever)
30. Shower or Bath? Bath
31. Last song you heard? Savage Daughter 
32. Broken bones? Teeth 
33. How many TV’s in your home? 2
34. Worst pain? Migraines 
35. Do you like to sing? Sometimes 
36. Are your parents still alive? Yes 
37. Do you like to go camping? Sometimes
38. What do you binge watch? Any new show I start.  
39. Pumpkin or pecan? Pumpkin 
40. A photo of yourself...... I have no idea how to upload a photo on this platform yet so I'll get back to you on that 😂 does tiny pic still exist? LMAO

11/26/2006 01:01 PM 

I will never grow bored of surveysssss~
Current mood:  awake



Name: Scarlett 

Nickname(s): Scar

Age: 28

Birthday: 2/12

Birthplace: Nashville, TN

Current Location: Kentucky

Eye Color: Brown 

Hair Color: Dark brown 

Height: 5’1 

Lefty or Righty: Right 

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

What Do You Drive: A Prius 

Screenname: morb1d





Color: Light gray-purple

Number: 3

Band: MCR

Music Genre: Emo/Indie/woke rap

TV Show: The office 

Movie: Teenage Apocalypse Trilogy

Actor: David Tennant

Actress: Aubrey Plaza 

Kind of Movie: Quirky 

Cartoon: Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Sport: Soccer or Volleyball 

Fast Food Restaurant: Wendy’s 

Food: Toast

Ice Cream: Vanilla 

Cereal: Cinnamon toast crunch 

Candy: Andies

Drink: cranberry juice 

Alcoholic Beverage: rum 

Quote: " know the ledge, and gnaw the leg when in a trap, admitted, that is all you have to judge a man by-- Does he self sacrifice?"



{---Do You---}


Have any siblings: No

Have any pets: 1 dog, a Yorkie who lives with my family now. 

Have a job: Yes 

Have a cellphone: Yes 

Have any special talents or skills: Many, jack of all trades, master of none. 

Have any fears: Yes

Have a bedtime: No

Sing in the shower: Sometimes

Want to go to college: already been 

Get along with your parents: My mom  

Have any piercings: a lot but I don’t wear half of them anymore. 

Have any tattoos: 2, plus many more to come

Swear: Yes

Smoke: Yes

Drink: No

Do Drugs: In the past yes 



{---Love & All That Crap---}


Ever been in love: Yes

Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes

Are you single: Yes

Are you in a relationship: No 

Do you have a crush on someone: Yes 

Ever been dumped: Yes

Ever dumped someone: Yes



{---This or That---}


Fruit or Vegetable: Veggie

Black or White: black 

Lights On or Lights Off: Lights on 

TV or Movie: Tv 

Car or Truck: Car

Cash or Check: Cash

Rock or Rap: Rap

Chocolate or Vanilla:  vanilla 

French Toast or French Fries: French Toast

Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries 

Cookies or Muffins: Muffin 

Winter Break or Spring Break: either 

Hugs or Kisses: Hugs



{---Have You Ever---}


Danced in a public place: Yes 

Smiled for no reason: Yes

Laughed so hard you cried: Yes 

Talked to someone you don't know: Yes 

Drank alcohol: Yes

Done drugs: Yes

Partied 'til the sun came up: Yes 

Gotten a ticket: Yes

Been arrested: No

Been convicted of a crime: No 

Been in a wreck: Yes

Been out of the country: no



{---Random & Silly Junk---}


Are you a virgin: No

Ever TP'd someone's house: Yes

Ever egged someone's house: Yes

How many languages do you speak: technically just 1

Who do you compare yourself to: many people throughout the years

Ever regret anything: Yes

Do you like being tickled: Eh

What are your goals: to be financially stable 

Are your fingers tired: Always

Are you tired of this survey: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Are you happy: sometimes

11/14/2006 11:42 PM 

Surveys are cool again (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
Current mood:  nostalgic

1. Who is your last text from?  My mum

2. What are you wearing? Doctor Who sweat pants, Gudetama tee, BlackColumbia Jacket

3. What's your middle name? I cannot divulge that information.

4. Your current relationship status(married or not)? Separated

5. Does your crush like you back? Kind of

6. What is your current mood?  Feeling 14 again

7. What's your mom's name? Andrea

8. What color shirt are you wearing? Dark gray

9. If you could go back in time and change something, would you? Definitely

10. Do you like drinking tea? Of course I'm in Southern.

11. Ever had a near-death experience? A few. There's never a dull moment in my life.

12. Something you do a lot? Have my expectations disappointed.

13. Who can you tell anything to? My mum

14. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Abraham Lincoln

15. When was the last time you cried?  Last night

16. How many people have you kissed? Idk, maybe 20 or so. 

17. If you could be one super hero, who would it be? Doctor Who

18. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex? Mannerisms

19. What do you usually order from Starbucks? Iced vanilla

20. What's your biggest secret? It would defeat the purpose if I told you

21.Favorite color? Light Grayish-Purple

22. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? On occasion with my kiddo

23. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?  Coffee

24. Do you speak any other language? English well, Various other sentences in Japanese, German, Swedish, Spanish, Latin, and French.

25. What's your favorite smell? Cedar, fresh cut wood, gardenhose water, chlorine. 

26. Describe your life in one word what would it be? Cinderella

27. Have you ever kissed in the rain? I'm sure it's happened at some point

28. What are you thinking about right now? How to get my life together.
29. What should you be doing? Working on crafts to sell.

30. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? A friend

31. Who was the last person you kissed? My ex

32. Do you like working in the yard? I like gardening so I guess yeah.

33. Do you act differently around the person you like? Always

34. What is your natural hair color? A darker brown.

35. Who was the last person to make you cry? Friend

03/08/2006 03:22 PM 

Music d(-_-)bఌ

What are you listening to right now, if anything?
YouTube gamer playing Donut County 

What’s the last song you listened to completely?
I put a spell on you -- Alice Smith 

What is your favorite song?

Kiln -- Hail Mary Mallon

Are there any songs that can or have made you cry?
Orca -- until the ribbon breaks 

Do you have a shower playlist?

What about a bedtime playlist?


Have any guilty pleasure bands or songs?

I love the song Wobderwall for many reasons but it's super Cliché to like that song now bc of drunk white girls or whatever 🙄

What’s one song or band you used to like but now dislike?

Jesse McCartney -- Beautiful Soul

What’s one song or band you used to dislike but now like?

Aesop Rock

Do you sing along when you listen to music you like?
Every damn time yep 😂

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