evie eviscerate ♫

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09/20/2020 04:10 AM 

no-yes-no [rant!!!!!!]
Current mood:  crappy

One of my favorite Attack Attack! songs is Stick Stickly because of the electronic sound of the chorus. I've loved "bad" autotune for a long time, actually, even before I got into metal. I think the unnatural sound the autotune gives is really interesting. Though, look into the comments of the mv for Stick Stickly, or any song with obvious autotune, really, and you get a lot of:
"This song is so bad but I can't stop listening to it"
"I think I'm starting to like this unironically..."
"This is the worst thing I've heard in my life *clicks like*"
Even look at old BVB or Silverstein mvs, and at all the millenials talking about how cringey they were in high school, but the song "still kinda slaps tho". 
You can see it on Instagram, too, with high-saturation alt chasers captioning one photo "cringe culture is dead X3", but then later making tiktoks/reels with fnaf songs in an ironic manner.

I've come to the conclusion these 'jokes' have one of two purposes:
1. They think liking the thing is humiliating, so they joke about liking it as a form of mockery and/or self-deprication.
2. They do unironically like the thing, but they pull this stupid 'no-yes-no' thing to protect themselves. Just incase their peers deem the thing 'cringey', they can pretend they were doing the former.

If you still can't tell why I'm so upset, just look at how different these two sentences feel:
"This is so bad but I can't stop listening"
"I can't stop listening"

With these jokes, there's no punchline. Its schadenfreud. The entire reason its 'funny' is because the idea of liking this thing is so shameful, you can't help but laugh in second-hand embarassment. In order to make one of these jokes, you have to hold people who do like the thing as less than. 
At least with the typical "cringe" insult, I'm used to it, its nothing new, bare-bones. With the no-yes-no, they come into my happy place of music videos, fandom tags, emo communities, spit on me, and then after all that, pretend they've just given me a compliment. I'm just trying to enjoy my life, when they proceed to treat my existence as a form of entertainment, as if I'm some sort of zoo exhibit.

One of the main reasons I feel the need to be so picky about who I friend is because of this. I've seen way too many people on here put photos of real emo/scene people on their page or stream, making fun of them passive-agressively. (Because humans existing is so hilarious, right? /s)The last thing I need is having things I genuinely think are cool reposted by someone who thinks I'm being ironic. There are few feelings worse than being lonely your whole life, thinking you've finally made a friend, then finding out they've been using you as a court jester the whole time.

08/12/2020 01:41 AM 

animated rainbow/gradient text tutorial
Current mood:  creative

Hi hi!!! I have another tutorial! :D 
For this tutorial I'm gonna assume you have at least a rough understanding of css animations and gradients. If you don't, w3schools has a really good tutorial on both!! If you have any other questions feel free to ask ^o^ (Take caution with the comments on this blog, though... I'm having some technical difficulties with my customization and for some reason some text options in the comment section don't work and require you to refresh the page)

The screenshots I'm using to demonstrate the steps are from this jsfiddle! Feel free to mess around with it yourself! Getting the timing right can be a bit of a process, so I do recommend using something like jsfiddle or codepen.


HI HI HI!!! :D
^^hover over those lines for a cool effect!

For the tutorial I'll use the rainbow one as an example, but I will go more into detail on the others later.

Let's write the keyframes!:
The first step in writing out your keyframes should look a little like this:

Here I have my starting point and my ending point, 0% and 100%. To figure out what percent your keyframes should go up by, you have to take the number of color stops you want and subtract one to get a fraction. Then turn the fraction into a percentage using a calculator, or your brain if you can do that. Because I want 8 colors in this gradient, my keyframes will go up by 1/7, which is about 14-15%. 

Now's the fun part, write out your first gradient!

For all the other keyframes, write out the same gradient except, the first color stop of the previous keyframe should be moved to the back.

Think of it like a conveyor belt, if that helps
Once you're done, the first color stops of each line should look like a vertical version of your initial gradient:

(You might notice in the screenshots I put a space between linear-gradient and the parenthesis. Don't do that. I put it there to make the writing clearer, but it does break everything.)

To actually make the animation play, just add your preferred animation settings onto whatever you want this effect for.

If you play the animation in this state, you can see that it's just given the text a rainbow background, while the text itself is unchanged. To fix this, add some background-clip.

(I'm pretty sure webkit is necessary, but correct me if I'm wrong)
Now the text has a cool rainbow halo around it. I'm sure this is useful for something, but to achieve the advertised look, make the text color transparent.

If you notice the animation is choppy and it's bothering you, you have a couple of options:

  1. Lower the animation duration and speed it up
  2. Add transition colors between your existing color stops until it's smooth enough. It means you have to redo all the keyframes, but it's necessary for gradients with only 2-3 colors. You can see me do this with the pink animation, or .cool in the fiddle. The named colors (red, deeppink, hotpink) are my main colors, the hex codes are the transition colors between them.

Something else ~advanced~ I did in .cool is, there's only 5 colors showing in each gradient despite there being 8 total color stops. I did this just by writing out everything like I showed in the tutorial, but then deleting the last three colors in each gradient.

08/01/2020 02:51 PM 

how to get a custom online now icon!
Current mood:  accomplished

This is a tutorial for if you want to learn what thing does what. If you just want to quickly copy+paste some code scroll to the bottom! ♥

Just for reference, here's my current online now icon :

and here's what the default one looks like:

I recommend using inspect mode to test everything out and make sure it's working before actually editing your page.

If you look in inspect mode, this (images/onlinenow.gif) is the default icon:

You can hide that super easy just by setting it to hidden.

Now my icon looks like this: 

To get a custom icon, set the icon you want as the background of the span element that the original image was inside of:

 (idk why i had the !important thing there you could prolly leave it out)

Now my icon looks like this:

As you can see, it's cut off at the bottom. I had my online icon completely hidden for a while, because I hated the default one, but didn't know how to make the whole thing show up.
The only way I've figured out to fix this is by adding padding: (also background repeat is off now cause yeah)

The higher you set the top padding to, the higher up on the page the icon will be. You can position it this way, but I prefer to leave it at 10, and use bottom padding instead.

If you have both top padding and bottom padding, the range where the icon can be placed is between those two points. The icon wants to be at the uppermost position it can (which you set with top padding). Since I set background-position to 100%, that makes the icon sit at the lowermost position it can (which you set with bottom padding).
Either way works just fine, but I found using bottom padding to be easier for me.

Now after all that positioning, my icon finally looks like this!:

It also works in your friend space!

If you just want to copy+paste my code, here it is!
make sure to switch out the background image url to your own icon!

07/30/2020 07:58 AM 

cancel culture
Current mood:  tired

I'm sure some of my friends have seen what happened on the stream with a certain few people. It's probably old news at this point, but I couldn't sleep because I was thinking too much, and I need to get the thoughts out to be at rest.
Also, this situation exemplified a larger problem I've noticed around discussion regarding cancel culture, and whether or not it is, in fact, toxic.

Sorry about any pacing/grammar issues, I'm really tired and not all here.

I'm autistic. The word "ret*rded" has been used for a long time to justify violence, abuse, and general mistreatment of people like me. When I hear someone use that word so casually, it gives me the impression that person would also use it justify, or even actively engage in violence toward my peers, and possibly myself. Avoiding people who might be dangerous to you doesn't seem very radical in my opinion. 
This concept extends to my friends. Since they care about me, they might be unsure around those who they feel might hurt me. This extends to anyone with basic empathy. 
You aren't being arrested for saying a word. You aren't being needlessly berated by SJWs (I also have thoughts on that term but now is not the time) who just want to see the world burn. You're facing the consequences of decisions you made on your own volition. 

Also, since this comes up whenever people talk about cancelling: No, it's not just a joke. Jokes can be violent. Comedy and death are frequently paired. 

Also also: Own up to your actions, dude. The fact you have to hide behind an excuse so weak a toddler could see through it (just a joke, my opinion, etc.) proves to me you know you're doing something wrong, but don't want to face your own guilt. If I made a joke about locals or something, and a local said to me, "That wasn't very nice, it seems like you don't like me," I wouldn't try and deflect their criticism, I know what I said. Depending on what the joke was, I would either say "Yes, I don't like you" or take their criticism into account and not say the joke again. You shouldn't be afraid of your own conscience. (Obviously making fun of someone for something like "being a local" and perpetuating violence towards a group historically opressed for something they can't control are not exactly on the same level, but you get my point)

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