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04/30/2021 10:10 PM 



04/30/2021 01:11 PM 

Current mood:  thirsty

I spent time with my gma this morning while I made coffee. Sat with her and played pokemon red while we had some. I like getting up and sitting with her, I just don't do it as often as I should. I was doing it daily but I've kind of fell away from doing it especially with work and having to get my permit. I'm just making excuses at this point, I can do better. I'll do better.Played eso with my partner some before I had to go into work. He hit level 50. I decided to make a new character specifically for crafting, one for running dungeons, and one for just questing. My dungeon runner is a healer because idk I just like being a healer most times. Quester is a dragonknight, and my crafter is a nightblade. Not that I'm gonna use my crafter for much other than dailies though. I'm installing some mods for Morrowind right now, I planned to play it some tonight but considering it's almost 1:30 and I have to work at 1 tomorrow I probably shouldn't.I also bough Danganronpa on steam, it was on sale for $7. I may not have because I only had around $25, but it was on sale.. sales get me.I was asked to come in an hour early but I just ignored the text, not that I had any issue with doing it I just didn't want to. When I got to work I found out it was because someone came in and said they couldn't work their entire shift. Doesn't really make sense. Their nerves were shot, they said. Which I totally get, but this particular person has been calling out at least once a week lately. We hired someone new and are looking to hire someone back, but we're waiting on them to put in their application again bc they're out of the system from being a seasonal worker.Whatever, it's fine. My eyes hurt and I need to be sleepy. I don't think anything else interesting happened today. Not that any of this was interesting, I've just come to enjoy talking about my day to the void. 


04/29/2021 09:19 PM 

good day...
Current mood:  blissful

Ah, today was nice. had a friend over, had some good food, lots of coffee, and a good time. i did her nails for her and they came out so good! so excited to do my nails when my stones nails are so grown out loldrank a bit and watching the sopranos before i go to bed. might read some.overall, nice day. : )

rae (≧◡≦) ♡

04/29/2021 07:31 PM 

Current mood:  naughty

nagito komaeda !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04/29/2021 06:37 PM 

Current mood:  drained

I hate f***ing homework with the life of me and my brain is going into overload mode and I'm saying random stuff and talking about whatever hots my head. And my friends are no help I want special attention no one is giving to me.  and I have no clue what the hell is wrong with me ya know? I literally and saying stupid stuff for no reason and now I'm typing it for what reason I don't know. I just want attention and no one could give it to me and I even have discord and still feel nothing this sh*t sucks.  what is wrong with me. I don't know what's going on. 


04/29/2021 07:30 PM 

Current mood:  apathetic

I decided to disappear from everything without telling my friends or acquaintancesnobody missed me :)


04/29/2021 04:04 PM 



04/29/2021 04:01 PM 

Current mood:  animated


04/29/2021 10:28 PM 

discord love
Current mood:  overstimulated

shawty found love on discord 😩

ava lynn <3

04/29/2021 08:25 PM 

im boredddddd
Current mood:  tired

I'm at hell, I mean... really bored :( what r u guys up to


04/29/2021 08:17 PM 

Current mood:  animated

im obsessed


04/29/2021 06:52 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

hey yall ~


04/28/2021 11:03 PM 

nightly thingz
Current mood:  awake

I did pretty much nothing today except sit on here and eventually play eso. Well, I did get into cosplay. I downloaded photoshop to edit a picture of Rem behind me but I couldn't even get the software to open so I ended up downloading some app off of google play that worked better, without a free trial. The quality of the edits are absolute sh*t but that was kind of the point,, I wasn't aiming for them to look spectacular. They satisfied my needs.I'm almost 40 in eso, once I hit 50 I'll be at CP levels. It's taking a lot out of me to not start another character. On the plus side I finished the main questline in Vvardenfell, so now I'm just going around completeing the world bosses and delves I haven't gotten around to. I'm also hunting for ancestral tombs to get rubbings from for some librarian. Once I finish collecting those a replica of red mountain will be finished which I think is pretty awesome.I do have to work tomorrow which I am not looking forward to. My boss texted me while I was asleep this morning asking if I could come in but by the time I woke up he had texted back saying he had it coverd. Thankfully lmao. I don't hate working I just prefer being at home, I don't have to deal with people.I want to go to that cookout this weekend because it's for my partners cousin and brothers birthdays, but I get off work at 5:30 and I don't think they want to wait that long to cook. Who knows though, they may. That'd be ideal.Ahh, we'll see how everything turns out.


04/28/2021 09:57 PM 

Current mood:  blissful

bruh...crazy outside, then went to the beach w/ mom, then read some more outside when we got home. it was so relaxing... but! i wanted to go to target to get some stuff and there was a spider on my leg! damn near crashed into the car in front of me...a damn audi. i called my girlfriend bc i was panicking so much lmfao. asked a guy for help, said he didn't see it. but then! a janitor came out from the bank (where i was parked) and he helped me! ah! i hope he has a good blessing.went to target anyways, got my stuff. now im feeling pretty...tipsy.... ok! well here's something that i wrote bc im in my feelings:  You don’t know? I don’t know why I expected any different… Sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. Figures. Whatever it is, I’m sure you’ve gotten over it by now, haven’t you? I…I don’t know… No? You’re telling me you still worry about something from when you were so young? Why? Because someone who I thought was important to me completely turned their back on me. Thought? I wasn’t important to you? You were…maybe you were too important to me. Still, you completely left me hanging and without an explanation. It still drives me insane! I can’t figure out why you accused me of lying to you. You hated me after that, right? We couldn’t talk after that…even a whole year after when I tried to talk with you, you were the one to turn your back to me. You do remember! Why’d you say you didn’t? Let me ask you something. Why do you think I did that? Accused you of lying to me? I don’t know! I thought maybe you wanted to get me to admit to anything I might’ve been hiding from you, but you were too embarrassed to come crawling back to me when it didn’t work. Is that what you thought? That’s funny. Funny? Don’t laugh at me. I’m not laughing at you.  So, why’d you do it? Or are you going to tell me you don’t remember that either. You had become so dependent on me at that time—No, I don’t know if that’s right, but you had become complicit. You could do anything you wanted as long as you came and talked to me after. Then, it felt like things were different I was like a priest that can’t do anything when a criminal comes to confession over and over. What are you talking about? You came to me almost everyday and told me what you did. For five months. And nothing changed. You weren’t getting better? So accusing me of lying was your way out? You abandoned me! You were one of the only adults I could trust at the time! I know, but what happened after that? We grew apart. All whole relationship, our rapport, was completely ruined.  What happened to you afterward? I...I stopped doing any of those things. It felt childish.Don’t you see? See what? You were leaning on me too much. Or rather, hiding behind me. I was hindering you. I knew you wouldn’t very well just stop on your own or just stop talking to me. I had to get you to stop talking to me, to stop liking me, so you could recover. What? What is that supposed to mean? It worked, didn’t it? For the time being, I suppose, but I only… I couldn’t sit by and watch you keep hurting yourself. If you getting better meant you hating me then… It was on purpose? You wanted me to hate you? I wanted you to recover and get better in spite of me. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t done it, but I wasn’t sure what else would work.  I’m not sure it did. It worked for a bit, but I don’t think it stuck. Plus, you realize how much energy and thought I’ve put towards trying to figure out why you did it? Everytime someone comes up with a malicious reason, I end up defending you! I always defended you! I didn’t ask you to. And I’m still defending you! I still want to pretend you did this for some virtuous reason! I still don’t know why you did it! You’ll never know. Maybe that’s the point.I refuse to accept that! I keep going on thinking “maybe...maybe I’ll get the chance to speak with him again”. But you won’t.  I know that, but I keep on thinking I will.  

ava lynn <3

04/28/2021 07:06 PM 

real people sometimes/almost always suck
Current mood:  blah

hi ig.. I came here from tiktok and im bored af rn..who wants to b friends??

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