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09/17/2021 03:39 AM 

brain rot

am i in love with you                   or am i in love with the feeling ? 


09/17/2021 03:34 AM 

love, v
Current mood:  miserable

two lovers entwined pass my by             heaven knows im mirserable now 


09/17/2021 04:15 PM 

I am wine
Current mood:  fermented

Mmm wine


09/16/2021 08:17 AM 

Current mood:  obsequious

ARGH ARGH RAGHE EHA MEEHAEH i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.i am here.

here, i, am,


09/17/2021 02:50 PM 

Current mood:  okay

hello again friendproject.the moon looks so nice out tonight, i've never seen it this clear in so long!it's so weird to think that so many people can / are staring at it at the same timei wish i could buy a camera to take a picture of it, its so pretty.


09/16/2021 08:55 PM 

today was rough
Current mood:  accomplished

Remember when I was gonna try to blog everyday? I believe that was a great idea that never came true.I have had such a hard day today. I did not attend class, and I called off of work. Now, I have to watch the recording of the lecture, and I have to do my homework. I have not started doing anything for my Friday class. I have to start soon because it is a whole workbook that I have to complete, apart from the essay I have that is due next week. I tried to take a shower, but I was out of shampoo. I shook the bottle with some water in order to get some out. It worked, and my hair does not feel dirty, but it was not a good start to my day.Today was my first day of therapy!! I am really excited to continue, and I feel like I really connected with my therapist. I feel like this will be super insightful.A customer left a Visa giftcard at my job, and enough time had passed that I was able to take it home. We waited for days to see if they would come by again, or maybe call but they didn't. It turned out to have like $100 on it, so I bought some shampoo and a burrito. Thank you stranger for my meal and new shampoo!

rough day, therapy, kindness, class, college, personal


09/16/2021 04:25 PM 

I Know You Guys Must Think I Need To Get A Life

I know you guys must think I need to get a life but right now typing on here on my laptop is my coping mechanism and I really don't know any other way really and I just feel that my keyboard is the best possible answer and I really need to just get what I am honestly truly feeling out I feel like if I hold all of my emotions in and bottle them up I will just get mad and take it out on everyone who is trying to help me and I am still so lost and have no idea really how to deal with it still. So that is why I said typing on my laptop on here is the best coping mechanism for me and I can't even think of anything else really. But I still think to myself why does this kind of stuff keep happening to me and it should have been me and not my Great Grandma and I wish it could have been me and not her. Maybe everyone would have a much better life if she was still a life and I was gone.  And I sometimes wish too she could've lived a little longer and not pass away so quickly and she would still be here and I just think maybe I am not needed on this earth anymore and everyone would be happy too and I know they would because I don't think my family loves me at all and I'm starting to think to myself why am I even here? Or why was I even born? I wish I wasn't even born at all and I know for sure I would be a lot better off if I wasn't born and I never existed 


09/16/2021 06:11 PM 

Current mood:  sick

ew i think im sick i cant go through this again and schools kinda goodi dont like home th0anyways

emo, blog, bored


09/16/2021 04:57 PM 

Bug's life 2
Current mood:  blissful

i just realized that the only actually nice conversation ive had with my dad has been when he was high.i rly like teh emojis on this website ^_^


09/16/2021 04:40 PM 

Bug's life nr 1
Current mood:  bored

i am rly bored rn, idrk how to make an interesting blog but rn im listening to the worst song on my playlist (rocketship to the moon)  kinda giving me tryhard emo, but its also a vibe. nvm im skipping this song goddamn,today i went to school and didnt rly do anything interesting. i skipped zumba cuz im so f***ing tired wow. but actually i talked to a popular guy today which is different for me cuz im rly not popular at all, but he was nice. this other guy also talked to me but that was awkward, hes like best friends with a popular girl and hes kinda living the popular life rn. i wonder how long it will last LMFAO. I only started knowing him 2 years ago, but he has never been popular cuz everyone thought he was weird up until this year after summer break. i was friends with him tho, but go off popular boy.  he is weird tho. i remember he msg'ed me on saying "so r u like a total lesbian?" and i was like "no, im bi u know that" (im also not a girl, but he doesnt know that cuz im not out yet) and he was like "so i might have a chance w u?" and i was like "if ur lucky" LMFAO, and then we didnt rly talk fter that.. but some more backstory, we were actually together for a day in 8th grade as well (im in 10th now) bcuz we were talking kind of a lot, and then he said he liked me and i was like "so do u wanna date?" and he was like "omfg yea!" and then he dumped me the day after  in front of all my ballet friends eaugh... either way, we talked today.something that frustrates me a bit is that when he wants to hang out with Ella (his new best friend) he wont bike to school, but when i wanna walk with him he bikes like whatever im not dependent on a f***ing highschool boy, but like why r u gonna tell me u like me and then not hang out w me ???? idk man. my friend Emily told me that he is probably just doing it for laughs, but idk.. i want to say that she is just sayin that to be mean, but i am kinda gullible idk,, i have taken some tests that say i am on the autism spectrum, but i doubt that the tests are accurate. it would make sense tho,,,  either way i should probably get that checked out..yeah, my dad told my mom i should go see a psychiatrist, but she wont take me.. i wonder what thats about i dont think my mom believes i have mental health issues, my room is rly messy rn and she thinks im just lazy :/ the only reason im even seeing the school therapist (actually i think shes just a nurse wow) is because my freaking teacher was worried abt me. i think that says something about my mom, but idk-- my dad is an ass hat, but sometimes i wish i lived with him.

life, school


09/16/2021 02:06 PM 

♡ qna cuz bored ♡
Current mood:  bored

♡ 1) whats your name and age?   - ♡ my name is angel, im 19 ^^ ♡♡ 2) Do you eat meat?    - ♡ only fish meat! im pescaterian, and haaate red meat with a passion ♡♡ 3) What's your Birthday?   - ♡ january 21~ ♡♡ 4) What starsign are you?   - ♡ aquarius! ♡♡ 5) What's your favourite colour?   - ♡ pink pink pINKKK!!!1! ♡♡ 6) What's your lucky number?   - ♡ honestly dont have one but... ive always liked one. cuz im number one- pshhh jkjk ♡♡ 7) Do you have pets?    - ♡ i have a dog and two rats! ♡♡ 8) Where are you from?    - ♡ im an angel sent from heaven~ ♡♡ 9) What's your height?   - ♡ 5'3... >.< ♡♡ 10) What's your shoe size?   - ♡ i use US size 8 in womens and 6 in mens! ♡♡ 11) What's your favorite public transport?    - ♡ hmm.. we don't have that where i live.. ♡♡ 12) What talents do you have?    - ♡ im pretty good at art! ♡♡ 13) Are you good at any skill?   - ♡ like i said, art.. but also fashion! and makeup XP ♡♡ 14) Are you a more artistic or mathematic person?   - ♡ artistic ♡♡ 15) What's your favorite animal?   - ♡ PUPPIESSSSSSSS :DDDDD !!!!111!11!! ♡

intro, qna


09/16/2021 01:59 PM 

♡ horror manga review back from hiatus ! ♡
Current mood:  bored

♡ hello friendproject! i think im gonna try to be active again >.< just to continue doing manga reviews as an attempt to find like minded ppl. :3 i can't think of any manga to review off the top of my head, but i know ill be able to find some and update you all soon :) thank you for reading, i love you all! ♡

review, manga, horror


09/15/2021 06:01 PM 


Me again. I know you guys may think I have a problem but I just feel like typing what I am feeling now since I lost my Great Grandmother and I just feel completely lost like I said before and I miss my Great Grandma so much. It has only been a month since she passed away on July 30 of this year. And I am really still trying to realize she is gone. But I can't help but think of her and when I do think of her I cry and I can't help but cry because me and her were so close and I can't deal with her being gone really and I wish she was still here with me and I wonder if she was still here if she would still love me and I can't even stop thinking about her now that she is gone and I still feel like I have nothing to live for so why am I here for if my Great Grandma is gone then why can't I go and be with her. I hate that she is gone still and I would love to really join my Great Grandma but no one will let me be with her and I hate that everyone is stoping me from being with her

𝒂𝒗𝒂 ☆

09/15/2021 08:20 PM 

hey sluts
Current mood:  pretty

how are we all doinngggg!!! i forgot about friendproject and ig all my friends i have on here did too but anyways... trying to be more active on here lolol, friend me challenge go!!!!


09/15/2021 03:21 PM 

wild heart

in 5 hours im going to be up front seeing nick rattigan perform his heart out like the hot n sexy son of a bitch he is. i hope sophmore year me is impressed. current joys are one of those bands that's always stuck with me. i don't think i can ever really shake them from my listening. im excited. he better play "naked" or else im going to scream. i should start getting ready now, just wanted to write a bit pre-concert depresssion yk? hope i take good pics/videos. peace.

current joys, nick rattigan, the troubador, concert lyfe, happy, high school moment, :')

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