Same with me pretty much. I use it to find out about events & old friends but it's not a very fun site lmao
Haha omg that's crazy! I feel a lil disappointed bc I hardly ever get random friend requests or messages on FB. I probably wouldn't answer anyway but still.
Flyleaf is one those for me! ! I used to listen to them occasionally but once you find out they're a Christian band, you can see their music was pretty noticeably religious. Wayyy more so than Underoath.
Only if you send me one too!😁
I can respect that, they never reached 1d level, despite being around longer buuuut they had a TV sitcom!
The real question is how do you feel about The Jonas Brothers? Lmao.
Yeah, I used FB quite a bit but I don't like it lol. I wouldn't use it at all if everyone wasn't on it😩
Oh, I used to loooove AFI & Underoath, even though the latter could be a lil heavy handed with the religion sometimes lol. Talking about it made me start looking up playlists on YouTube & it's crazy how many songs I'd forgotten existed over the years!
Haha nice! I liked 1d well enough but I always preferred big time rush tbh😂
I think it's pretty new feature & not everyone has it? but yeah, I agree. I still prefer old myspace & omg the top 8 drama got crazy! Even when I hid mine, it still mattered to my friends. At least I don't know anyone here irl lmao
Omg The Poison was my sh*t! I used to listen to that all the time back in the day. That' s also the reason why I've been listening to slipknot & cradle actually lol.
I like that Facebook is starting to let you have profile songs but they'll never be as cool as MySpace profiles were.
Uhhh...the Thornography album by Cradle of Filth, White Rabbit / Jefferson Airplane, Bad Moon Rising by CCR, Slipknot...idk that's just what's come up lately.