Just a sad, sad unbelievably sad four from bfb kinnie...

MySpace Layouts
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Last Login:
November 7th, 2022

Gender: Female
Age: 20
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
May 12, 2020


11/22/2020 05:40 PM 

Current mood:  bored

I AM SO BOREDDDDDDD!!!!! I cannot even be alive rn thats how bored I am. My brain is mush and I am dying. I might play animal crossing but idk.... maybe batim............ maybe undertale.......... I'm tired but I don't wanna nap cuz that'll mess up my schedule for school. Grrrrrr my day is suckyyyyyyyyyy. Although I hope yours is going better than mine lmao!!! Bye!!!

11/16/2020 02:45 PM 

bored af
Current mood:  bored

Hi guys I'm bored so I'm blogging, might draw later but idk lol. Hope you guys are having a good day/night, love ya'll!!bunnie

11/15/2020 01:29 PM 

Current mood:  ashamed

So uh I kinda broke my school computersad  But its okay because my parents don't have to pat for it So yeah. Quarintening is so awful I hate it, it sucks major butt. Also idk how I'm gonna make it through 2020, and 2021 is just around the corner. So my moods kinda down, but I'm listening to Metalica and it's cool. So that's lifting my spirits a little.yes I also know this is random but I wanna dye my hair so bad it's not even funny. I kinda want it tolook like this (I'm trying to put a pic in here so if it's bad don't @ me cuz idk how to friendproject lmao) https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.bPp3B3ifpV98C9BJbU_krQHaHa?w=195&h=195&c=7&o=5&dpr=1.25&pid=1.7
But yeah, thats the hair I want, but I have brown weak hair so I know it won't work, so I am decideing on a fade from purple to brown, purple on the bottom and my hair color on top, but thats my dream hair lmao well, I said alot so uh bye uwu

11/12/2020 08:50 AM 

Current mood:  angry


11/09/2020 03:16 PM 

bored!!!! >_<
Current mood:  bored

Hi! I'm bored so I'm blogging rn! >v< I'm watching markiplier rn, it's really old XD He's playing Neverending Nightmares, I like horror games. I'll watch someone play Twisted Docter (Sleepykinq) game, Doll Eye. See ya later!!

11/06/2020 10:18 AM 

Current mood:  angry

M dear followers I present you with nothing, absolutely nothing. You know why? My goldfish brain can't think of anything to blog about. I'm in online school and it is so boring I could die and die again it is NOT fun, I thought it would be but it's NOT. I do my work better, sure but where the FLAVOR????? There is NONE. So I am ANGRY, I want my flavor and I want it NOW.

11/05/2020 09:07 AM 

Omg 0o0
Current mood:  accomplished

I can't believe I've been gone for so long!!! Sorry!!! I had a lot of F's and I needed to bring them back up. Although I got them up I still need to do class, so bye!!!

09/26/2020 02:07 PM 

Current mood:  happy

Hey guys!!!! I'm so happy about the weekend!!! It's the best!! I'm hanging out with my sister, she's playing Bendy and the ink machine right now and I'm blogging around, so it's been fun! Hope you guys have a good weekend!!

09/16/2020 08:01 AM 

Good morning!!! OuO
Current mood:  accomplished

Hey guys, good morning to you all!! Today's a catch-up day, so I'm just posting a blog about it :P Have a good day you guys!!heart

09/15/2020 09:59 AM 

Still waiting.... >_<
Current mood:  bored

Hey guys, I'm waiting for class to start, so I'm making a blog! (I deadass don't know what to do anymore lol) I'm waiting for my math class to start... It's taking so long, and I'm getting impatient! I just want to finish up class and start binge-watching anime again! I'll you guys if something funny happened in one of my classes, see ya!

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