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November 5th, 2023

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Gender: Other
Status: Single
Age: 17
Sign: Cancer
Country: United States

Signup Date:
September 17, 2022


10/28/2023 09:15 PM 

Category: Blogging
Current mood:  blah

Today was truly just another day, but I did get some enjoyment out of it. When I first woke up, it was around 5:00 AM, if I remember correctly. But honestly, I was so tired from the previous night's late showing of the FNaF movie that I couldn't stay up to save my life. I went back to bed and woke up again around 6:00 (5:53 to be exact, not sure why I can remember such an irrelvant detail), and at that point my cat had come to join me to sleep! The moment I rolled over, he took my spot, and I insulted him for doing so. I felt a little bad afterwards, but I also found it a little funny. I didn't stay in bed for long, though, and I decided to move to my dad's "mancave" to sleep there instead. I had music playing in my ear while I slept, which, yeah, was probably a bad idea, but I didn't really care then and don't really care now. When I woke up again, it was late 7 AM. I know this because it was a little past 8 when I put the last cup noodles in the microwave to eat for breakfast. My memory blurs when I try to remember what I did after eating my cup noodles. I know I let the dogs out prior to eating and let them in before I finished, but what I did after is just...gone. I can't remember it. Not that it really matters, but I just feel like a blog of the day should have every detail of the day. Tommorow I'll take notes on the day to try and make sure this doesn't happen again. My memory picks up at me going back upstairs to my dad's mancave and laying back down. I'm not sure for how long, but when my parents came back from the gym, I pretended to be asleep to try and get out of having to clean the house (it didn't work). To be honest, the cleaning didn't take too long, and I love being in a clean house; I just HATE cleaning. It's so boring and offers nothing besides being boring. I cleaned anyway, though; I'm not stupid. I just really hated every second of it. I did get to relax for a while after cleaning, and then my mom asked me what was for dinner. We had had takeout every day of the week so far, and I had really missed home-cooked meals, so I asked her if it was being cooked or if we were buying something. She thankfully said cooked, and I asked for steak. She said sure, she had to go to Walmart anyway. I was really happy to hear she was going to Walmart because I had wanted to get some long-sleeve shirts from the men's aisle, and Walmart was the perfect place to get them for cheap. She was a little irritated that I had asked her to come with because she wanted to get a nap before dropping me off at work, but she took me anyway! She wanted to stop at starbucks before going, and the Starbucks we went to didn't have an order ahead, so we were going to have to go in, but the moment we got to the place, we found out the registers were down. We had to go in a long drive thru and honestly, I was surprised at my mom's (and other people's) dedication for some coffee. Just make it yourself, man. My mom was shocked when I said I didn't want anything. She tried getting me a cheese danish, but the store was sold out. I told you I didn't want anything! So you can imagine I was glad when they didn't have any. Next was Walmart, and we ended up getting way more than steaks and some shirts. I got my shirts, obviously, but also some chapstick, pajama pants, boyshorts, and a tropical mango calypso (it was delicous, by the way). Finally, we went to McDonalds. I used to work there, and I hated it, so I refuse to eat any of their food. My sister wanted to claim some of her deals from her app, and I was forced to go in. I felt so icky, honestly, and I REALLY hated it. Moving on, I finally went to work. I worked from 2-6 today, and it went by at a pretty good pace. I was mostly on floor, so my back didn't hurt too much once I got off. Not too many annoying customers either. Well, except for one. This lady brought up a light-up pumpkin and asked if it was 70% off; it was 60% off. She then made a big deal about it. I had to call a manager TWICE and she would just not let up. It was obvious I was pissed by my face and tone of voice. I hate when customers make a big deal out of nothing, and she was giving me a crazy attitude as well. Just typing it out makes me irritable. Eventually she got her 70% off, but damn! It was never that serious!!! Not much happened after that. A few cowokers I liked came in, and we chatted until it was time for me to leave. When I was clocking out, two managers were in the break room and started asking where I had been for the past few weeks. I just told them I wanted a few weeks off to hang out with friends instead of working, and apparently they thought I had just up and quit! As much as I'd like to find a higher-paying job, I do like my job. Well, as much as you can like a retail job. When I got home, I just changed out my jeans and put on some shorts. I've been listening to music on my speaker for a while. The only time I went downstairs was to eat and clean up the kitchen. The day wasn't too eventful, but it wasn't super boring either. Maybe tomorrow will be a bit less blah. I'm opening and maybe getting a retwist, but that's all I got. Anyways, goodnight.


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