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Gender: Female
Age: 33
Sign: Taurus
Signup Date:
October 09, 2020


10/09/2020 02:21 PM 

Survey 1
Category: Blogging
Current mood:  amused

What do you predict your life will look like a year from now? 
Couldn't tell you. I'm not a psychic. 

What's the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given? 
I always appreciate the ones about my personality and writing 

What makes someone a best friend? 
The connection you have with them. Things you have experienced together. 

Are you young at heart or an old soul?
A mixture of both

What’s the most annoying thing about the person you like? 

You ordered pizza last night and you've been looking forward to eating the leftovers all day. You go home and the box is still in the fridge, but someone has eaten all of it and it’s empty. What do you do? 
Throw the box away. Cook something else to eat instead. 

What’s an inanimate object in your house that holds significance for you and why do you find it so significant? 
That would be plush dolls of the Shield guys  I just love them so much and have them cuddled together in a little blanket. lol. Weird to others, but it's whatever lol. 

How do you look right now?
I look like I'm ready to fall asleep. 

So. What's one of your bad habits? 

What were you doing at eleven last night? 
Laying in bed, watching videos on Youtube. 

Are you sure that you were born in the right era? 
I guess. *shrugs*

You know at least one person named Michael, so what can you tell me about him? 
Used to, but didn't know the person well. 

What’s an inside joke you share with your friends? 
Don't have one, really. 

What's a song that never fails to make you happy? 
One that pops into my head is Pretty Rave Girl. lol.Old song, but a good one. 

Would you like to reconnect with any friends that you’ve lost contact with?
I would like to, sure. 

What're at least three things that people find annoying about you? 
Ask them. 

What's "normal?" Are you normal? 
Nothing is normal anymore. 

Do you practice what you preach?
Most of the time, yes.

Would you prefer to live in a city, the suburbs, the countryside or the mountains? 

Can you give me the story of your life in six words?

Would you rather be alone doing something you enjoy or doing something you don’t like with someone you like?
Doing something I enjoy. 

What's something you think would surprise people? I
don't know.

Is your current hair color your natural hair color? 
Close to it. 

Why's your favorite band your favorite? 
They just are. 

What's something that you miss? 

What're five goals that you want completed in the next thirty days? 
Don't have any. 

If you were told you were going to have three daughters, what would you want to name them?
I don't want children. 

How do you feel when someone says something mean or disrespectful towards your favorite band or musician?
Ignore them. 

What’s the funniest film you’ve ever seen? 
Idle Hands. 

What's your purpose in life?
I just want to be able to live my life the way I want

What’s one thing you cannot live without? 
Ambreigns ♥ 

Have you ever been told you look like a famous person and, if so, whom? 

Can you cook and, if so, what're your favorite dishes to make?
I can. And I don't have one really. 

What was the last decision you regretted making? 

Whose opinion of yourself do you value the most? 
The people I'm close to. 

What's anything that makes you angry? 
Gossipers. Ignorance. People who don't know when to be quiet. 

What age do you get mistaken for? 
Sometimes younger than what I am. 

When was the last time you paid for music? 
I don't remember. 


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