The Bearded Drummer

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July 9th, 2020

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Gender: Male
Status: Married
Age: 36
Sign: Virgo
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 08, 2020


07/08/2020 09:17 PM 

Drummer Emergency Kit
Current mood:  inspired

Every Drummer needs an emergency drum kit. The purpose of the EDK (Emergency Drum Kit) is to be prepared for a variety of scenarios of what could go wrong and have the tools and replacement to fix the issue. So I am going to make a list of what I have in my EDK.​​ as well as explain why I have it in my EDK

  1. A flat/Phillip's Screw Driver: this is a helpful tool incase you have a screw go lose inside the drum or on the clutch/butt is the snares on your snare drum become lose.
  2. Extra Cymbal Felts and Cymbal Sleeves: when you play drums enough you'll find that cymbal sleeves go missing allot as well as cymbal felts. Having extra in you EDK is always a good idea.
  3. Extra drum key: I always lose my drum key and having an extra in my EDK always helps me stay at ease.
  4. Extra Tension Rods: sometimes a drum tension rod can come lose and fall off or break. So I like the have a few extra just incase.
  5. Snare straps: I have seen drummers snare straps break and their snares just hang off their snare drum at a show and they have no replacements. This is never a good thing. Having replacement drum straps takes up very little space and could save you from a show going wrong real fast. 
  6. Extra wingnuts: same reason for extra cymbal felts and sleeves the wingnuts can felt off and be lost without you even knowing. 
  7. Extra hihat clutch: this is just incase your hihat clutch breaks or becomes lost.
  8. Gaff of Duck Tape: to tape a set list. Or also can be used if you have a stripped cymbal stand, just wrap it with gaff or duck tape to stop the cymbal stand from sliding down on you.
  9. Back up ear buds: if you play out and use a in ear monitor if your able to having a back up pair is nice just incase your primary ones end up breaking.
  10. Dampening Gels: some venues or buildings will respond differently to your drums. Having drum gels in you EDK could come in handy if you need to dampen your drums a bit more for a show.
  11. Pocket knife: having a pocket knife can come in hand to cut gaff or duck tape.
  12. Extra Bass Drum Beater: just in the rare case that your drum beater bends or breaks.
  13. Extra small tension rods: having extra small rods are helpful incase you lose the one on your bass pedal or snare clutch/butt.
That is what I have in my EDK, is there anything you have that's different, or that I may have missed. Let me know.


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