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Last Login:
December 24th, 2020

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Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 27
Sign: Cancer
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 30, 2020


07/02/2020 01:47 AM 

I'm so stressed it's not even funny//
Category: Real Life
Current mood:  stressed

God okay, so I just have to have somewhere to vent and this seems like the best place.

Today my husband called me while at work to give me the sh*ttiest possible news. Covid 19 finally caught up to his work as well and has now royally f***ed us. He's been working there almost a year to the day with full 40 hour weeks making 13 an hour being the one who makes the most between the two of us. Well, now they've abruptly cut everyone to 16 hours a week and just told them to go on unemployment to try and make up the missed pay. That's all good in theory until you remember that the extra 600 added into everyone's unemployment is ending at the end of July. And then they are also cutting off our dental and vision insurance which is a huge problem as my husband is blind in one eye with glaucoma and has rapidly declining vision in his other eye, so vision insurance is vital for him, like I literally do not let him drive anymore because it's just too dangerous with his vision. We literally got married 6 months ahead of our actual wedding because we both desperately needed health insurance with dental and vision and now we are losing 2 huge parts of that. 

I've literally had to give up the job I had at sally's doing what I loved with a crew that was like family because the hours just weren't enough to take on a job at a liquor store that had more hours. 

And I've not gotten to the sh*ttiest part yet.

We already were struggling to afford our apartment with the hours I had at sallys and now with his pay being drastically cut we are going to have to give up our apartment because we literally just cannot afford it and his work has said it's going to be like this for at least the next 4 months, possibly longer if it continues at this rate. 
Like we are going to lose the home we've built together.

We are going to have to live in the spare bedroom at his dads house. It's going to be the only way we can manage to keep afloat with the rest of our bills too with his pay being cut so much. 

It's not like he can even just go out and get another job, he's basically legally blind now. Our saving grace with his vision was that he works on a computer from home so he has his computer set to accommodate how hard it is for him to see. 

I'm just at such a loss here. I've been in some rough situations and always been able to bounce and make sh*t work. But it's not that easy when it's not just you anymore. Like I can usually manage to crap out enough extra money to help us scrape by when it get's real tight, but I can't make it happen with like 700 dollars of missing income. That's just far out of my abilities to be able to just pull that out of my ass even with all the things I can do to make money on the side. 

I've always only had basically what could fit in my car for the very reason of I'm used to my whole ass life going to sh*t. I've busted ass for the last 2 years with this man building our life up and furnishing our home and making it feel like a home just to have it all crumble in one 10 minute conference call from his work. 

I got furloughed back in march through April and missed a full month of pay because of covid 19 too and we've never caught back up from that either. I've been waiting on my back pay from unemployment for over 2 months now. And been told there's nothing I can do but wait for it. 

I know we will get through this but it's still absolutely heartbreaking to just have everything you've worked for ripped away in about 2 seconds by sh*t that's completely out of our control. 

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Krist Chaos


Aug 4th 2020 - 11:24 PM

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wow. Hopefully shit is chilled out for you guys now! also wtf your background is awesome. I just noticed

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