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06/27/2020 02:40 AM 

Why all lives dop niot matter
Category: Real Life
Current mood:  cookywacky

  Hello whoever is reading this. I wanna talk about All Lives Matter. DO NOT WORRY, all lives do not matter until black lives.
I'm getting pretty exhausted repeating myself on the matter to ignorant boomers/12 yr olds on the internet and in my day to day.

Black people are oppressed. Yes. F***. If white people were oppressed like them, I would be saying ALL LIVES MATTER, but they are not. WOW,WOW. Since they are not oppressed, there is no need to include white lives, because right now, white lives are reallt the only lives that matter to alot of people.

  It's like this. Keep it simple in your brain by not adding contributing factors. If there were two plants in your garden, one being your ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BECAUSE THE COLOR IS JUST SO GOOD TO YOU AND TREATS YOUR EYES LIKE A VERY BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, and the other one, you hate it. Idk why, they both are very good plants with their own beautiful, unique traits and backgrounds, but whatever you f***ing a**hole.

  You underwater the plant you don't like for OVER 400 years and step on it for walking down the street wrong. When you do water it, you use the spit directly from your pig mouth. You planted it in a foam cup to keep it seperated from the other plants and to overcrowd it's roots and branches. You dump a pail of slugs over top of it, you do the EXACT OPPOSITE OF EVERYTHING YOU DO TO YOUR OTHER PRECIOUS PLANT TO THE PLANT YOU HATE FOR SOME REASON.

 My god, the lovely, flourishing plant is the way it is for a REASON. It got a head start and better treatment for as long as forever, it has a huge advantage over that scummy little stupid plant.

But hey. Your white plant matter just as much as the black plant.



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