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05/12/2020 04:25 PM 


i h8 my life 


05/12/2020 11:04 PM 

Current mood:  betrayed

im always angry and sad. gonna go rot in a ditch xoxo


05/11/2020 09:45 PM 

Current mood:  good

blingee is truly artalso my blog layout still looks like crud, please ignore it for now

blingee, art


05/11/2020 01:14 AM 

itz liek MySpace!!
Current mood:  ecstatic

dis website iz so kwl XP!!


05/11/2020 01:14 AM 

itz liek MySpace!!
Current mood:  ecstatic

dis website iz so kwl XP!!


05/11/2020 03:32 PM 

First Post
Current mood:  happy

I feel so happy i am on here! I can't wait to make new friends on this acount! also my pfp is not me that is one of the members of the kpop boyband BTSLYS (love yourself ♥)



05/11/2020 11:13 PM 

art? maybe?
Current mood:  chill

i've seen other people do it, dya think i should start putting some art in my blogs? i already have an album, but nobody checks those right? (unless you do, i'm sorry)the only problem is i have no idea what 2 draw for it  i have been changing the textures of some AC models (you can see what i based them off in my art album) so mayb i'll put those somewhere 

zally nightmare

05/09/2020 11:33 PM 

Current mood:  rockin

So I recently made a youtube if anyone wants to check it out =] Its zally nightmare Ill be posting randum stuff there like music, hair styling/dying, piercings and rambles. Go subscribe and like mah videos 


05/09/2020 11:24 PM 

πŸ’žπŸš¬πŸŒˆ?You guys remember monster high?πŸŒˆπŸš¬πŸ’ž
Current mood:  sleepy

I love draculaura so muchshe makes me so happy πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž I'll always n 4ever wanna be her πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

Art, drawing, y2k, monsterhigh


05/09/2020 06:13 PM 

πŸŒˆπŸŽ€πŸ’Žsom sh*tty art i madeπŸ’ŽπŸŽ€πŸŒˆ
Current mood:  crunk

Hilarious Loveday

05/09/2020 04:25 PM 

Current mood:  optimistic

You guise really gotta try out γ€ŒοΌ°γ€€ο½Œγ€€ο½•γ€€ο½’γ€€ο½‹γ€! It's a social network sorta similar to Myspace/Friendproject but working more like twitter. You can select moods for your statuses just like in here and it even allows you to easily make your own emoticons by simply uploading pictures or gifsThe only downside to it is, well, if you don't know Mandarin you won't find a lot of people to talk with, but there's still some english speakers here and there, and I.M.O. it's a lot better than the other new ghey crap SNS like Facebook and Twitter >#<


Vomit Boy

05/09/2020 03:37 PM 

Day 7: Favorite TV and Band

Hello hello hello! I don't know if anyone even reads these as;dkf but uhh update on me I guess, I finished all of my finals! Officially got through my Sophomore year of college alive (for the most part)! So now I can update my 30 day challenge and continue to talk into the void O-oDay 7: Favorite Movie, TV Show, and BandI know, I'm a basic bitch, but I love 80's movies. I love chick flick/coming of age 80's movies so so much     I don't watch a lot of TV, but I do binge a lot of Rick and Morty and It's Always Sunny. I think my favorite show of all time though has to be Daria. And of course my favorite band is My Chemical Romance. I've been a die-hard fan since 2013 and I think I will be until the day I die. 


05/09/2020 11:59 PM 

Trying to relax after busy week!
Current mood:  blessed

Day 1,234534565 (feels like it) of quarantine ...I have to say though, I can't really complain much. I'm an introverted hermit who was built for this.I'm also fortunate enough to still be employed, and working from home.Still, big adjustments, very stressful... especially with my anxiety.


05/09/2020 03:43 PM 

My interest in programming
Current mood:  bummed

I always wanted to program, ever since I was a kid. However, I was completely unaware there were many options for me to get my start, even back in the mid-late 2000's. For instance, scratch was a thing, that would've been a great start for me, and would've taught me the basics on how to program. I could've even installed visual studio express 2005, or 2010, and learned that way. However it probably would've been way too difficult for my little brain to understand...To this day, I still have an interest in programming, however I find myself having very little patience for it, and I give up extremely easily. I really want to program, but it's not that I don't know how (I could just use stack overflow like everyone else), it's that, as I said, I give up way too easily. I did make a successful console program one time in python, but I want to make a GUI program using winforms.


05/09/2020 03:34 PM 

About my stomach :/
Current mood:  miserable

Many years ago, while I was still going to the end of my street to board the bus for middle school. I had gotten sick, and threw up twice, once in the morning, once in the night. I felt very weak after that, and had to lay down for a couple of days. After I had seemingly recovered, my stomach was still hurting, it felt like I was going to throw up 24/7. I would carry around a bowl at home, and a plastic bag everywhere else, just incase I did vomit. It still feels like that to this day, but to a lesser degree. It seems my stomach has numbed over time.

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