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04/12/2019 10:08 PM 

How did I end up on the oldschool myspace knockoff? F*** if I know

Okay, So I'm part of a  ridiculous f***ton of groups on Facebook. One of them is this group called 'It's 2005 and this is cool as hell' . Someone mentioned this site there, and I decided to check it out. Not a huge issue, not a big story or anything weird. Then my brain hit this weird time warp and I went and checked my old myspace.So. Many. Pictures.  Pictures of my children as babies, except I was off myspace before my son was born. Pictures of my siblings, God I missed those pictures. Then there it was. Pictures of my abuser. I can't go back to my myspace, although I'm sure I could probably create another one. But the format is like 120% different then when I originally was super active there.I can't share things on Facebook, My family would be less than enthused to read what I have to say about... well...... anything. So... yeah. I'm fairly certain I will be keeping this mainly for the blogging aspect. Seems legit. Probably going to go delete actual photographs of myself though. Seems the safest way to keep myself half-assed anon. Yep. Toodles. 


04/11/2019 06:07 PM 

convention this weekend!!!
Current mood:  excited

yothis weekend is my yearly pilgrimage to my local anime convention aaa. Well it's a general nerd convention but over the years it's become very anime orientated. It's Armageddon expo in Wellington. I'm super excited. This year I'll be wearing a mahou kei outfit, as mahou kei is my favorite jfashion style. It literally just means "dressing like a magical girl" whichis what I strive to always do :'DI'm hoping to get some good merch but I'm also gonna be meeting up with some friends which is super cool. I'm just super excited. I'm gonna be packing my bag tomorrow so that on Saturday I'm all ready to leave.Maybe I should use this blog more often. It's nice to just blab on about stuff and I'm sure my twitter followers would much appreciate that I did it here and not in horribly unorganized, fragmented twitter threads :')oki well that's me for the momentRATTO-CHAN OUT*static*

excited, anime, anime convention


04/10/2019 04:44 PM 

Pain and Books and Writing and Other Things

Hello there buddies. I'm back with an actual blog post now and not just get-to-know-me questions. There's nothing going on at work. I'm just listening to the radio and reading one of Richard Ayoade's books. I'm feeling very odd, like I might cry. Which is weird because I woke up feeling pretty decent. I might just be PMSing. Or just having a mood swing. That's not out of the ordinary. I've got about an hour before I go home. I think it'll go quickly. Yesterday I felt like absolute crap physically. My punk ass pain condition decided to really let me have it (I'm in the process of weening off a medication that my body grew to rely on). I was not feeling confident that it would get any better, but when I woke up this morning I was pleased to discover that it had. Nothing too major, but slight improvements. However, just the diseases presence causes me anxiety. Knowing that at any moment it could spring up and attack me makes me never able to fully relax. Within the last hour or so I've started feeling a burning sensation on my face, particularly around my eyes. This has happened before. But it immediately started upsetting me. The more I panic the worse it gets, but I don't know how to just fully let go and chill. Guess I have to start practicing. Not having control of something is not something I generally like. This is just a problem I've always had. But I really need to start working on it. I need to convince myself that not knowing what's going to happen is not bad. Not everything unknown is dangerous. Ugh, I'm just getting more nervous as the time goes on. I think I'm gonna stop here. I'm sorry. I just don't wanna keep talking at the moment.


04/09/2019 07:45 PM 

Another List of Questions
Current mood:  frustrated

63 Annoying Questions Survey 1. Song that always makes you sad? Pieces of You by Epik High. Also, When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne and Desert Island Questionnaire by Conor Oberst. 2. Last thing you bought? With my own money, gas haha3. Last person you argued with? My brother4. Do you put Butter before putting the peanut butter on? Ew no why 5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid? Panda-E!6. Did you ever own at one time a Barenaked Ladies Cd? Lol nope, never was my thing7. Favorite day of the week? I'm gonna be basic and say Friday8. Favorite Sundae topping? Peanut Butter!9. Did you take Piano lessons? Yup, as a young child10. Most frequent song played? Oh god I dunno lemme check Spotify, please hold. Okay so looks like it's either Choke by IDKHBTFM or Dig Up Her Bones by the Misfits11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy? House Hunters, hehe12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey? Hockey all the way13. Date someone older or younger? I always dated people who were older14. One place you could travel right now? I'd go to the mountains, I miss it up there. 15. Do you use umbrellas? Sometimes! If I remember one haha 16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem? Not at all haha 17. Favorite Cheese? Good ol' Vermont sharp cheddar 18. The Smith's or the Cure? Ooh that's rough, it really depends what mood I'm in. I like both bands, but I possibly like The Cure just a tad bit more19. Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes? No preference really20. Best job you ever had? I'd say it was my first job working at a grocery store when I was 16. I made so many friends there and had so many great times21. did you go to your high school prom? Yeah, and it was alright, but I liked going to the beach and getting drunk afterwards with my buddies much more haha22. perfect time to wake up? Like 9:30am23. perfect time to go to bed? 10:30-11:00pm24. do you use your queen right away in chess? Not usually25. Ever been in a car accident? Only once, we didn't get hurt but the car was totaled 26. closer to mom or dad...or neither? I'm close to both of them equally, but in very different ways.27. what age is this exciting life over for you? The excitement is never over, friend.28. what decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager? 80's probably29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned? Oh god this is hard... I had these bright red sandals for a while that I loved. My current favorite shoes are my red Chelsea boots.30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school? Oh yeah, many. I didn't grow much 31. Were you in track and field? Lol oh no way 32. Were you ever in a school talent show? Yes, in junior high and I played flute 33. Have you ever written in a library book? I'm sure I have at some point34. Allergic to? Just one thing in the entire world, and for some strange reason I'm allergic to guinea pigs35. Favorite fruit? Apples36. Have you watched sex and the city? Nope, never really had any interest37. Baseball hat or toque? Toques more often38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap? Shampoo first 39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste? You gotta wet it!40. Pen or pencil? Pen41. Have you ever gambled at a casino? Gambling ain't my thing but I've been to casinos 42. Have you thrown up on a plane? No, thank god43. Have you thrown up in a car? When I was very young 44. Have you thrown up at work? Nope45. Do you scream on roller coasters? Haha sometimes!46. Who was your first prom date? Junior prom with my boyfriend at the time47. Who was your first roommate? This girl who probably now hates my guts lmao48. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time? Oh god I can't remember49. What was your first job? At a grocery store!50. What was your first car? A Jeep 51. When did you go to your first funeral? Oh I dunno maybe I was like 852. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? 1853. Who was your first grade teacher? I won't say his name but he was a very nice guy54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? Jamaica 55. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? I never did56. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them? This girl Melissa, and we still keep in touch!57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house? In a dorm at my first college, a nine hour drive away from home58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? Probably my boyfriend59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen? Hasn't happened yet!60. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Pee probably haha61. What was the first concert you attended? Aaron Carter baybeeeeee62. First tattoo or piercing? First piercing were my ears when I was younger and first tattoo I got when I was 18 and it's on my ribs63. First celebrity crush? Aaron Carter lol

questions, about me,


04/08/2019 09:27 PM 

ugh // vent
Current mood:  angsty

(this is gonna be in normal txt bc I don't have the energy to type how I normally do)Okay so time to make the internet my diaryI turned down my friend's invitation, and I feel really sh*tty.Like really sh*tty.The thing is, they weren't upset and said it was fine. I know they asked as a friend, but it felt kinda weird, y'know? Like if my best friend of 6 years would ask me, I'd say sure. But the thing is, I have major trust issues. I'm only just now, after six years, close to fully trusting my best friend. Someone I've been with from 4th grade to (current) freshmen year. This friend and I have only known each other for around a year. Another reason I declined was because I used to have a major crush on them, but it died down because I realized it would be unhappy due to the age gap. (They're a senior, 18, I'm a freshman, 14.). It just didn't feel right, and I feel like they would enjoy themselves better with someone more so in their age range/maturity level.I feel so bad for declining though. Like sick to your stomach, almost wanna cry, wanting to sleep so I don't wallow in feeling miserable, kinda guilt. I care about this friend a lot and I'm so upset at the possibility that I may have hurt them. I'm just so upset, I don't know what to do. And it doesn't help that everyone is making me feel bad about my decision.. Hell, even my mom has. "This is their last year!" and "When I was a freshman I dated a senior.", "You should have thought about it!!". The way they asked was their friend came over and was like "Go to prom with [name]". Not in a blunt way, just saying what my friend couldn't. I feel so bad, like I've let them and everyone else down.And another thing is that I'm always sad because I don't have a partner. I know they asked me out just as a friend, but I've always had the suspicion they might've had a crush on me, due to their own issues. But here I am, declining because of age/maturity levels. I feel so bad for letting them all down, not just my friend. F***.This sucks.

vent , sad vent , ugh , I feel like shit ,


04/05/2019 10:04 PM 

Sparkl3d0g mak3rz??
Current mood:  animated

ha1 d00dz!! h3lp a br0th3r 0ut; d0 any 0f u kn0w 0f any sparkl3d0g mak3r typ3 gam3?? :3k1nda l1k3 th3 cat >^w^< mak3rz & d0g mak3rs 0nl1n3?? 1f dat mak3z s3ns3 XD XDthank13z 1n advanc3!!! rawr~ :3

sparkledogs , horrid grammar , scene kid


04/05/2019 11:06 PM 

I was held back......

i'm supposed to be in 7th grade... but i got held back in 5th grade so i had to repeat so that's how i'm in 6th grade. i love memes as you guys know. 


04/04/2019 11:38 PM 

The Four Life Lessons I've FINALLY Learned
Current mood:  enlightened

I have been thinking a lot lately about life and my trajectory throughout it. I have discovered that there are four life lessons I have (finally) learned. They are the most prolific discoveries I have ever made. And, I have begun to put them into practice. A. No response is a response. (Stop chasing/seeking attention/approval) B. Stop worrying about what other people think/say. (No more fretting about people who have no impact on my daily life) C. People are free to make their own choices. However, they are not free of the consequences of those choices. (Make one's own bed and one must lie in it) I am not responsible for their actions or the results of their actions. D. Don't look backwards. You're not going that way. (Stop living in the past. It cannot be changed. Live in the present and look to the future).

Trash Demon

04/04/2019 03:40 PM 

AIM is still alive! (AIM Phoenix) (UPDATED 12/19/19 FOR WINDOWS 10 ISSUES)

***Updated Dec 19 2019 to fix the dead TinyPic screenshots (RIP TinyPic ) and address issues when trying to run it on Windows 10.***Yo, if you don't know what AIM Phoenix is, it's a private AIM server. Works with the original AIM software, you just have to configure it to connect to the private server rather than AOL's dead ones.Check it out, make an account and drop your screen names! I wanna make a FriendProject chatroom! Mine's XxTrashDemonxX.Here's how to connect to the Phoenix server!1. Make an account on the AIM Phoenix website.2. Go to the AIM Phoenix Downloads page and download/install a version of AIM.I personally prefer 5.9 because I've had no issues with it across every OS I've tried (XP, 7 and 10 so far). However, the website says that 5.1 works best with the server. 5.1 seems to cause Windows 10 computers to lock up and crash, though, and 5.9 hasn't done that for me yet, even on Windows 10. So yeah try out different versions and see which one works out best for ya. But I prefer 5.9 for maximum 2000s nostalgia plus Windows 10 seems to like it.3. After install/download is finished, open AIM.  4. At the login screen, click "Setup."5. Go to the "Sign On/Off" category if it's not already selected and click "Connection"5. Change the Host to and the Port to 5190 (if it's not already that).5. Press "OK", and then "OK" again on the Setup screen.6. Log into your account and you're ready to go! :)**Windows 10 issues!**As you may see in the older comments on this post, running AIM on Windows 10 might cause it to freeze up, lock up, and/or crash. In my original version of this post, I told everyone to download version 5.1 of the AIM client, and that particular version seems to cause these things. The issue seems to come from trying to run old software on a new version of Windows. Running it in compatibility mode *might* fix the issue, but I can't say for certain. The Phoenix site also has an AIM Tamer program that may or may not help, but it didn't help for me.So instead, I'd just recommend getting 5.9. My screenshots were taken on a Windows 10 PC with 5.9 and everything worked smoothly. One of my friends said 5.0 works on Windows 10 too but you'll just have to take my word for it. You can mess around with various versions if you want  to see which work and which don't. But I can guarantee that any crashing/freezing/locking up is NOT caused by viruses or malware. These are official AIM clients that are exactly as AOL offered them back in the day.

aim, aol, aim phoenix


04/04/2019 09:25 PM 

Moto Moto Vs Big Chungus

who will win? moto moto or big chungus? send me your thoughts about who will win

Big Chungus Moto Moto

Trash Demon

04/03/2019 09:34 PM 

Current mood:  excited

There are easier methods that other people have pointed out. This method is for making it look and act as closely to the old MySpace music player but it's not the easiest. In fact, it's not really worthwhile anymore. You're better off using the methods in the comments.(edit 6/23/20: Pastebin link was dead, but I fixed it FOR SCIENCE!)I figured out a way to add music to your profile that kinda looks and acts like the music player on the old MySpace, but it's a bit of a pain to set up.    When you go to the edit profile page here and then to the "profile songs" section of that page, it appears blank. I'm pretty sure FriendProject never actually implemented profile songs.   SO, here's my method instead!   Edit your "about me" (or anywhere on your profile) and paste the HTML code from this Pastebin link into it. Yes, it works with layouts made with Pimp-My-Profile (check out mine if you want to see it in action - Requires Flash).   In the code appears this URL twice. Unless you want Everytime We Touch by Cascada playing on your profile (like it does on mine lol), you're gonna have to change both links.   The link must be a direct URL for an MP3 file, and the URL must end in ".mp3".   This is where things get really tedious. Or maybe it seems worse to me because I spent hours trying to find a way to make this work.   Google Drive, OneDrive Dropbox are out of the question. Direct links from them don't work.    So instead, I went to and created a free website on it, just so I could use the site's file manager to upload the MP3 and create a direct link that works. You can make a site yourself, or you can comment on this bulletin with whatever song you want and I can put an MP3 of it it on mine and give you the link.(EDIT 6/27/2020) - User Colton has found a site called that allows for storing MP3s much more easily. Kudos to them!   So yeah, that's it.   If you have a better solution, please share it with me lol

music, profile


04/03/2019 08:26 PM 

Current mood:  artistic

Hey, so I guess I'm back? Anyways here is a drawing I made. I may turn this into a weird art blog/ life thing :PAnyways have fun :P

#art #drawings #anime #manga #artstyle #uwu #yey?


04/03/2019 04:20 PM 

Current mood:  chipper

bored thot i'd do thisidk where 2 put these!63 Annoying Questions Survey (blank posted by OP)1. Song that always makes you sad?korn- daddypat benatar- hell is for children2. Last thing you bought?apple juice. was thirsty n thot id pay tribute to the urine test i had to take yesterday3. Last person you argued with?not sure4. Do you put Butter before putting the peanut butter on?what do i put peanut butter on5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid?suzy6. Did you ever own at one time a Barenaked Ladies Cd?no7. Favorite day of the week?saturday, or whatever day i get off8. Favorite Sundae topping?hot fudge9. Did you take Piano lessons? no10. Most frequent song played?by me, or on the uhh radio CD player whatever? i'm not sure what song i listen to most often in general v_v i listen to megadeth a lot? song i perform most often is probably "i just want to have something to do" by the ramones. its the first song i actually learned how to play fully and its really simple so sometimes i just kinda subconsciously relay it11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?judge judy or any of those weird religious shows12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?not particularly fond of either but uhh hockey i suppose13. Date someone older or younger?as long as theyre in my general range ill date someone, i dont really like age gaps14. One place you could travel right now?i mean i could go to the convenience store15. Do you use umbrellas?yeah when it rains16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?not canadian, don't know the words to my own country's national anthem LMAO 17. Favorite Cheese?i dont like cheese except for when i cant really taste it. basically i dont like cheese so my favorite cheese is american18. The Smith's or the Cure?havent listened to either19. Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes?oh goddamn are these more bands or is this just a general question? i don't really mind either its just hair and i prefer to dye mine anyway20. Best job you ever had?bold of you21. did you go to your high school prom?im not eligible to go to prom also its like 70 bucks for entry so Unlikely22. perfect time to wake up?whenever you feel rested23. perfect time to go to bed?i like 2 stay up so i usually go to bed late when i have time off24. do you use your queen right away in chess?i dont really play chess25. Ever been in a car accident?no26. closer to mom or dad...or neither?its complicated27. what age is this exciting life over for you?i mean you never know, i could die right now, tomorrow, maybe a few weeks from now, maybe i'll live long enough to start a fight club in the old folks home, you never know28. what decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager?probably the 80s or 90s because i'm not huge on systematic oppression 29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned?i only really wear black sneakers and boots i dont exactly have a favorite pair because its hard to find anything really my style (on GOD i want platform boots)30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school?quite a few actually31. Were you in track and field?nah, considered but never did32. Were you ever in a school talent show?nothing 2 show33. Have you ever written in a library book?probably LOL cant remember34. Allergic to? might have a pollen allergy but thats it35. Favorite fruit?oranges / mango36. Have you watched sex and the city?no37. Baseball hat or toque?whats a toque... i wear caps usually yeah the first38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?depends on my mood39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?wet because im stupde40. Pen or pencil?pen41. Have you ever gambled at a casino?i'm 1542. Have you thrown up on a plane?ive never been on a plane43. Have you thrown up in a car?maybe once out of spite but like, no44. Have you thrown up at work?no45. Do you scream on roller coasters?probably did, i dont really think i just do it46. Who was your first prom date?you'll see47. Who was your first roommate?ghost roomate48. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time?bro...49. What was your first job?not employed50. What was your first car?not legal51. When did you go to your first funeral?was like 8 or something i think52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?never moved53. Who was your first grade teacher?sort of awkward tall lady with a lot of puppets54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?myself, i did it56. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them?its complicated57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house?did i do that already shiiit58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?,:/59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen?never happened60. What is the first thing you do in the morning?WAKE UP61. What was the first concert you attended?metallica back in like 2016? 2017? it was in wolfboro or some sh*t idk62. First tattoo or piercing?dont have any yet but GOD i want them63. First celebrity crush?never got one 


04/02/2019 11:11 PM 

Current mood:  validated

autism speaks it a hate group that has systematically silenced the voices of autistic people for decades. they fearmonger towards uneducated parents with autistic children.The "light it up blue" campaign was created by them. don't use it!while the puzzle piece was NOT created by autism speaks, it was popularized by them. it was MEANT to mean "i am unique and i fit into the greater puzzle of life" but a lot of autistic people see it to mean "i am afflicted by a puzzling condition and have no hope of fitting in"a lot of autistic adults also see it as very childish. autistic adults deal with a lot of infantilization due to the autism awareness movement mainly focusing on young autistic children.autism is a SPECTRUM. it has never been a rigidly defined disorder! although in certain circumstances i am fairly neurotypical-passing, I AM VERY MUCH AUTISTIC! autism appears very different in girls than boys! autism in girls is heavily overlooked & under-diagnosedif you want to show good allyship for autistic friends/family/etc, use the neurodivergency symbol! many people already use it as such because it's an ACTUAL symbol of hope. not a hatespeech symbol hiding behind a false pretense of hope! people do have their own problems with the neurodivergency symbol, but it's currently a lot better than the puzzle piece or "light it up blue"


04/01/2019 11:12 PM 

Friend Project Interview Callout

Hi! My name is David Adams, and I'm a news editor at PEDESTRIAN.TV. How's life? I'm looking to speak to Friend Project users about their experience with the site for an article we're working on. If you're keen to have a chat, feel free to message me here, or by email at [email protected]. Cheers!

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