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06/22/2020 04:43 PM 

Current mood:  chill

uh wuts up 

shana (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥

06/22/2020 04:41 PM 

ayyyyy ive been on my rockstar shizzz

sooo uhhh who gon tell me the nex step after making my profile look snazzt


06/22/2020 04:40 PM 


i keep getting headaches and meds dont help at all eek

ill, hi, new, help lol,


06/22/2020 04:41 PM 

lil survey
Current mood:  froggy

DO THIS SURVEY! ITS AWESOME! by babe_grrl05 [--General Information - -] * Starting Time:: 22:22 * Name:: kate * Nicknames:: kayto, keito * Colour of Eyes:: blue * Hair Colour:: greenxblack * Shoe Size:: 41 * Brothers/ Sisters:: 3/4 (my dads a whore) * If yes, Names:: too many * Single or Taken?:: single :/ * Zodiac sign:: capricorn * colour:: green * Height:: 177cm * Braces?:: not anymore * Current residence:: switzerland [--Do You Prefer--] * Chocolate or vanilla?:: vanilla * Hugs or kisses?:: hugs * Scary movies or comedies:: scary movies [--Things That Come To Mind--] * School:: dread * House:: mess * Best friends:: scary * Fave Song?:: gec 2 u [--In The Past 24 Hours, Have You?--] * Watched a movie?:: yes :0 * Talked on the phone:: no we in 2020 * Cried:: no * Gone to the bathroom?:: yes B) * Watched TV:: yes * looked in the mirror:: yes * taken a shower:: no LOL * Listened to music?:: get get get get got got got got * Hugged / kissed some1?:: ... [--Do You Believe In--] * Heaven?:: no * Hell?:: yes * Aliens?:: yes * Love:: no * Magic:: only faes [--Some Random Stuff--] * Are you listening to music now?:: no * What colour pants r u wearing?(if any :P):: grey sweats * What's the best thing since sliced bread?:: my tfav tiktokker * Who Is your crush?:: ... [--Favourites--] * Flower:: honeysuckle [--More Random Questions--]:   * Mother's name?:: catherine * Tattoos?: stick n poke * Body piercing?: no * How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10?:: 4 * Birthplace:: annemasse * Favourite vacation spot?:: basement * Ever been to Africa?:: yes * Stolen any traffic signs?:: yes * Ever been in a car accident?:: no * Croutons or Bacon bits?:: croutons * 2 Door or 4 Door car?:: 2 door * Salad Dressing?: french * Favourite Pie?:: beef&guiness * Favourite Number?: 4 * Favourite Movie?: twilight * Favourite Colour?: green * Favourite Holiday?: christmas * Favourite day of the week?: saturday * Favourite brand of body soap? Dove: les marseillais * Favourite show?: avatar the last airbender * Toothpaste?: euthymol * Most recently read book?: Les 120 Journées De Sodome (yes i am edgy) * Favorite Smell?: my friends house * What do you do to relax?: sleep * Favourite Fast Food?: macked donald * When was your last hospital VISIT?: 2 weeks ago * Message to your friends reading this:: gec * How do you see yourself in 10 years?: dead * What do you do when you are bored?: eat * What presents do you enjoy receiving?: love and attention * Furthest place you will send this message?: :o [-- Have You Ever - -] * Faked being sick to miss school:: yes * Put a body part on fire for amusement:: no * Thrown someone in the bonfire:: no * Been hurt emotionally:: yes * Cried during a movie:: yes * Ever thought an animated character was hot:: yes * Been on stage:: yes * Been sarcastic?:: yes [--Favourites--] * summer/winter:: winter * cartoon characters:: roronoa zoro * drink:: lyons tea * food:: rosti * movie:: twilight saga * ice cream:: yogurt * subject:: art * animal:: hedgehog * Color:: green * Day or night?:: night * Number:: 2 * Letter:: h * TV or Computer?:: computer * Happy or Sad:: sad [-- In The Last 24 Hours --] * cried:: no * met someone new:: no * cleaned your room:: yes * Drove a car:: no * Been pissed off:: yes [--Friends and Life--] * Do you have a soul mate?:: yes * Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:: no * Who have u known the longest of your friends:: jasmine *When do u cry the most:: all the time * The worst feeling in the world?:: fat [--For everyone to fill inn --] * Silver or gold:: gold * Sunset or sunrise:: sunrise * Have you ever broken/sprained anything:: yes * Have any piercings?:: yes * If yes, what?:: septume industrial nostri * Rain, sun or snow?:: snow * How is the weather?:: bad *Do u like cookies?:: yes * Do you like pudding?:: yes Take this survey | Find surveysPimp My Profile


06/22/2020 04:30 PM 

evrything is a lie n fake rite
Current mood:  argumentative

ppl say that this site steals ur info n sh*t. why are they suddenly so invested in that now?  i mean, tiktok, most likely the very app that got you here in the first place, has constantly been accused of data mining and sending it to china yet nobody rlly cares. basically every social media app tracks u nyways. plus, the founders of this site are HOMOPHOBIC?? ugh our activity has awakened them from 2016...I SAY WE OVERTHROW THEM W OUR GAY N ALTERNATIVE SHIZZ!!! XD


06/22/2020 04:40 PM 

Current mood:  chill

this website is so cute ♥



06/22/2020 04:35 PM 

Do y’all take this website seriously?
Current mood:  crunk

This website is super funny to me and my whole account is a joke but i'll introduce myself frrrr.My name is Selah and i’m 15!! I like singing, music, art and photography.  I’m down to make new friends n meet people.  My instagram is @selah.pabon n y'all can dm me at anytime ;0 

funny, meme, girl, female, new, instagram, love, cute, pretty, hello


06/22/2020 09:39 PM 

Current mood:  froggy




06/22/2020 04:38 PM 

black cat
Current mood:  annoyed

my cat walks with so much sass like she owns the place, my worl may revolve around you but you dont have to show it



06/22/2020 01:25 PM 

my love
Current mood:  romantic

thinking of this image  ⊂((*σ⊥σ*))⊃ ♥


06/22/2020 04:37 PM 

Dis website

How tf do u work the ship


06/22/2020 04:33 PM 

Social Media
Current mood:  excited

Hi! I wanted to make a master post of all my social media in case anyone's interested in connecting with me INSTAGRAM: (@stephmattar.exe)TWITTER: (@stephmattar)APPLE MUSIC: @stephmattar

social media, Instagram, Twitter, Apple Music


06/22/2020 04:08 PM 

my first post!!!
Current mood:  bored

Idk if this is gonna turn out well, but i'm gonna start keeping a blog on here:• I personally love the aesthetic of this site I just wish I knew how to edit it myself without using a generator. If you're reading this then hi:) my name is maggie. Im pretty chill and if you look at my info i like lots of things lol.  Pls don't message me if you're old💀 i dont fw that. I don't know anyone on this app so i'm gonna pretty much just be honest and out loud with my opinions and secrets, so if you're into that then stay tuned :D I also enjoy writing and poetry so you're gonna see lots of that in the near future. If you see this then please subscribe to my blog! it means alot! I'll probably post later today bc im super bored in my house rn. I'll accept friend requests to talk so if you're as bored as I am then dont be shy! toodles ( ͡◕ ᴗ ͡◕ 


06/22/2020 01:35 PM 

i made a group for my people :))))
Current mood:  accomplished

GhostNadia invited you to join the group Gen Z ;)See link below to view this group: (Requires login) join



06/22/2020 04:31 PM 


hi im taylor im 20 and i am a fashion major atm. i just wanna post my random thoughts on here honestly and have it just be random so if thats cool to u thenn ya ♥3


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